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View Full Version : received torrentdemons invite without asking, what's that??

04-28-2007, 02:42 PM
Anyone knows about torrentdemons, i received an invite on it this morning without asking, and it seems open for signup

wonder where they got my email address first, this site seems suspect

anyway, i won't register on that for sure!

04-28-2007, 02:46 PM
i received an invite as well :o

04-28-2007, 02:55 PM
maybe they saw your username and email in other sites

04-28-2007, 05:06 PM
got 2 of them

04-28-2007, 06:08 PM
they use progz to hunt your e-mail on forums and stuff...filezone spamed me also to join their site and not only me around 5000 users

that's why ppl use "your name" at "your mail" dot com

04-28-2007, 11:28 PM
They're just using another tracker's user DB for promoting their tracker. It's not nice but you can't do anything about it :/ Or you can use an alternate e-mail for lame-wannabe trackers.

07-18-2007, 01:36 AM
lol thats funny your all putting that site down.....I have been in the torrent world for a long time and i know of about 10 torrent sites and forums that did the same thing....and now you cant get a invite to them because they are full...

07-18-2007, 01:46 AM
they use progz to hunt your e-mail on forums and stuff...filezone spamed me also to join their site and not only me around 5000 users

that's why ppl use "your name" at "your mail" dot com

If they are hunting u down to use their site it means it's the MPAA and RIAA trying to catch you, or you can join the site and leech it for all it's good!;)

07-18-2007, 02:09 AM
they use progz to hunt your e-mail on forums and stuff...filezone spamed me also to join their site and not only me around 5000 users

that's why ppl use "your name" at "your mail" dot com

If they are hunting u down to use their site it means it's the MPAA and RIAA trying to catch you, or you can join the site and leech it for all it's good!;)

if they had your email they wouldn't need you to join a fake site...

07-18-2007, 02:17 AM
lol thats funny your all putting that site down.....I have been in the torrent world for a long time and i know of about 10 torrent sites and forums that did the same thing....and now you cant get a invite to them because they are full...

man, you just bumped a two months old post, congrats on finding it :P

07-18-2007, 02:24 AM
lol i have been away from the pc so im trying to get back in to it have been reading all over.. but that site has olny been open 5weeks lol im on it now.

10-21-2007, 01:10 PM
its a great site