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View Full Version : Unrarring on a seebox

05-02-2007, 01:21 PM
Is it possible to unrar files on a seedbox. If so does anyone know the unix commands and how long it would take to rar say a 4gb dvdr.

05-02-2007, 01:30 PM
yes its possible.

you will need to install rar on your seed box. im assuming you have ssh access.

at a guess i would say you have to do

How do I install RAR on Linux?

After unpacking the archive using "tar xvfz rarlinux-3.2.0.tar.gz" on your Linux machine, copy all the RAR files to /usr/sbin/. (except the text files).

As a registered user, copy the rarreg.key to your home directory, for example /root/ or /home/user.

Then start RAR in the command line mode.

If you get the following error message:

rar: error in loading shared libraries: libstdc++
cannot open shared object file

...please use the static version of RAR -> "rar_static".

of course if you are using fedora or ubuntu then you could just use yum or apt-get to install it. there is a guide here (http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/open-rar-file-or-extract-rar-files-under-linux-or-unix/)

its speed will depend on your processor you may want to play around with its nice level so you dont use all the cpu if its a shared box.

05-02-2007, 02:10 PM
in putty

# wget http://rarlab.com/rar/rarlinux-3.6.0.tar.gz
# cd /root
# tar xvfz rarlinux-3.6.0.tar.gz
# cd rar
# make
# make install

now you can unrar files with it
here's a manual about its commands

the only two you need to know are

rar e filename
which extracts files without their directory structure

rar x filename
extracts the full directory structure

now if you want to rar files with it here's an example
rar a -v100000k -m0 -t archivename filename

if you do not type a filename it will add the entire content of the current directory to the archive
-v100000k means it will create split archive 100M size each
-m0 means store compression which is the fastest
-t it tests archives after creating them
if archive or file name includes spaces or weird characters you need to wrap them in " "
if you wanna say add multiple files to an archive you can use the following
rar a -v100000k -m0 -t archivename '*.doc' '*.txt'
this will add all files with .doc and .txt extension to the archive
i don't know how to add each file to separate archive though
if anyone can help me with it i would be very grateful

and here's a manual for linux commands for beginners (to move files around or delete files ... etc)

05-02-2007, 04:16 PM
If you have leeware and the 384MB package then forget it. You will probably crash your server trying to unrar a dvdr. It took forever whenever I tried to unrar a single 350MB or 700MB file.

05-02-2007, 06:45 PM
If you have leeware and the 384MB package then forget it. You will probably crash your server trying to unrar a dvdr. It took forever whenever I tried to unrar a single 350MB or 700MB file.

I unrar those quickly actually, but never tried to unrar a DVDR
You can free up 85MB of RAM by the method Jayway mentioned here

05-02-2007, 09:19 PM
leeware is ditched/gone. I decided to give it a second chance and it still sucked.

Good luck with the unraring.

05-02-2007, 09:41 PM
If you have leeware and the 384MB package then forget it. You will probably crash your server trying to unrar a dvdr. It took forever whenever I tried to unrar a single 350MB or 700MB file.

I unrar those quickly actually, but never tried to unrar a DVDR
You can free up 85MB of RAM by the method Jayway mentioned here

That 85mb of ram is just reserved it gives it back if other programs ask for it.

Just remeber to run yum update on a regular basis if you remove the auto updater.

oh yeah try using nice to make any unraring work in the background.

nice +15 rar x filename

that should work nicely.