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View Full Version : Distortion Pedals

05-09-2007, 04:19 AM
So since a lot of you guys here play guitar, what distortion pedals do you like?

I've been looking at the Metal Muff but I still want to go into the guitar shop and try it out.

Now, if you wanted to jam on lead with a really warm sounding high gain (like in a killer blues song that you want to make sound like it has a lot of soul), which pedals would you choose?

05-09-2007, 05:42 AM
So since a lot of you guys here play guitar, what distortion pedals do you like?

I've been looking at the Metal Muff but I still want to go into the guitar shop and try it out.

Now, if you wanted to jam on lead with a really warm sounding high gain (like in a killer blues song that you want to make sound like it has a lot of soul), which pedals would you choose?

I would say it depends on what type of guitar you have.
Also the pickups you have.
A lot, if not most, will depend on what your ear is like.
It's all so personal you might just have to mix and match till your mad!!

I use Line 6 so I have so many pre-set amps and heads I can mix and match I don't even bother with pedals. I can control everything with my board. It's nice but like I said you can go nuts mixing and matching. The ideal thing to do is to bring your gear to a guitar shop and try each pedal out. If you cant do this the online shops have the option of hearing them online. But like I said it depends on your guitar and pick-ups as well as what amp you have. You might just have to join the club and deal with the headaches. Its what separates the geniuses from the mice. Not that I'm remotely close to the big dogs cus I'm not. Finding your own personal sound is the most important thing you can do as a guitarist. Clapton said it best when he said it was all about tone and feel for him.....words to live by!!

05-09-2007, 06:05 AM
Oh, now your going to make me get up and go into the friggin' closet...

What do I have around here??

Dunlop Cry Baby Wah
DOD Classic Fuzz (same one Joey Santiago from the Pixies uses)
Ibanez CS-9 original, :) never take it to gigs (worth about 200 I am sure)
DS-1 for crappy punkish Ramones tone, but very rarely

and used to have a Ratt, but I sold it because it wasnt economical
only good for recording really

otherwise I run my modified Strat straight into the Tremoverb combo I have and then switch between the four channels with the assigned tremolo. Easy as pie!!!

05-11-2007, 02:09 PM
Yeah I need to go play around with some more pedals. Though I do want a line 6, that thing would be a lot of fun.

05-12-2007, 01:53 AM
i had a boss mt-2 metal distortion pedal for awhile. i sold it after 6 months. i like my amp's distortion waaay too much. any new multi-fx pedal would have at least one (if not billions) good disto setting.

05-21-2007, 09:31 PM
No distortion pedals for me. I had some sorta Metal Zone from Ibanez in eighties,
it had to go when I found out about overdrive pedals.

Nowadays I got TS-808 which I use if needed.

I also have 5150 combo which has insane quantity of zizzly-lightning blue
distortion in the lead channel if I ever need some.


Some weeks back bought a Tonelab SE (http://www.voxamps.co.uk/tonelab/tonelab_se.asp) pedal and I think its an OK pedal if a little expensive thought, about 500€.
