View Full Version : Can I fix an "Incomplete Grab"??

05-09-2007, 04:34 PM
Hi :)

I've downloaded some stuff using Grabit, in the Batch Download window 99% of the files show as being there in full [200/200] but every single one of them when downloaded and decoded has it's title amended to include "Incomplete Grab) and is about 10MB sort of what it should be.

Would anyone know what a likely cause would be for this and/or is there a way I can restart those files downloading using the data I've already downloaded.

I thought about renaming the files and getting rid of the "Incomplete Grab" bit but I would not have enough PAR files to fill in the gaps :(


05-09-2007, 04:42 PM
Have you tried repairing them with QuickPar?

05-09-2007, 05:19 PM
Just noticed that all but one of the PAR files are also Incomplete Garb :(

Guess this means that my usenet provide only has all the files on the server but they are full files?

05-09-2007, 05:21 PM
Was that a yes or no?

05-09-2007, 06:46 PM
I tried it with the files as the are and for all the one with "incomplete" in the title it says the file is missing and colours it red, says I'll need something like 1882 more blocks to repair it.

I've now tried it with that part of the name removed. the files were recognised now but still missing 450 blocks.
I've taken what files I have a loaded them up with the corresponding .torrent file I found on the net, Azureus is now filling in the missing bits.

Thanks for the help :) I have a feeling the files were incorrect on the server so nothing I can do about it.