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View Full Version : asking for ScT invite

05-16-2007, 09:05 AM
Hello everyone.

I'm looking for a ScT invite. I don't have anything to trade it for.
All i can show is my client stats and my ratios for some trackers i registered.

I recently acquired a seedbox 100Mbps upload/download so my stats will increase exponentially from now on and i believe i will help if i am a member of ScT.

http://www.soccerboards.com/ratio/client.JPG (http://www.soccerboards.com/ratio/client.JPG)

http://www.soccerboards.com/ratio/scene.JPG (http://www.soccerboards.com/ratio/scene.JPG)

http://www.soccerboards.com/ratio/torrentleech.JPG (http://www.soccerboards.com/ratio/torrentleech.JPG)

http://www.soccerboards.com/ratio/wwtorrents.JPG (http://www.soccerboards.com/ratio/wwtorrents.JPG)

If anyone is kind enough and has any invite to spare i would gladly accept it.

Thanks in advance.

Lizard King
05-16-2007, 10:24 AM
You can share your seedbox for sct invite

05-16-2007, 11:26 AM
Maybe you can give me access to the seedbox for ScT?

05-16-2007, 12:03 PM
guys as much as i would like to take up on this offer the seedbox is not for sharing. It's just a leeware and i've never seen it uploading with more than 600k/s. Not really the best out there especially if i share it