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View Full Version : Hello, I have returned

05-16-2007, 03:10 PM
Hello, all, I haven't been on this forum since April of 2005, stumbled upon the link in my bookmarks, and was like WOW, filesharingtalk, I used to love that place.:D

I'm actually surprised I remembered my username and password, but I got it after a couple trys, Anyway, I think I'll start the chats again, so just wanted to say Hello, and nice to see everyone again.


Mr. Mulder
05-16-2007, 03:12 PM

05-16-2007, 04:02 PM
welcome back bob, watch mulder he knows all about your type(aliens) from his tv show.

hope you stay a while.

05-16-2007, 05:10 PM
Sup. Any relation to Alien5?

05-16-2007, 05:51 PM
i recently did the same thing!

It was funny, I had a link to my old website in my sig that I had forgotten about.. and when I clicked it a bunch of porn sites popped up. I guess the free host site I had on it went out of business.

05-16-2007, 08:15 PM
Hello, all, I haven't been on this forum since April of 2005, stumbled upon the link in my bookmarks, and was like WOW, filesharingtalk, I used to love that place.:D

I'm actually surprised I remembered my username and password, but I got it after a couple trys, Anyway, I think I'll start the chats again, so just wanted to say Hello, and nice to see everyone again.


If you are wise bob_the_Alien, you will ask Scotty to beam you back up immediately, and re-discover some other part of the Universe, taking your alien human civilisation with you... as this is the Lounge ( imagine a really scary font here) , unless, of course you remembered the presents, also, a period of quarantine is statutory, without the presents and a small sum of money, for each member in the Lounge, with a post count over 1000.

If you think you meet all these requirements,..then welcome home. Erm... can you feed the lounge wolves this evening; we all dig in here. :yup:

Be back in a bit, have fun...