View Full Version : free usenet provider FOR POSTING?

05-17-2007, 05:07 PM
hey guys,

I have powerusenet, so I cant post. I wanna post some small files and requests (txt msg). Any free providers that'll help me with this?

Thank You,


05-17-2007, 05:39 PM
hey guys,

I have powerusenet, so I cant post. I wanna post some small files and requests (txt msg). Any free providers that'll help me with this?

Thank You,


Unless it is an ISP provider, I don't think you can post on any of the free servers.

05-17-2007, 05:50 PM
have you tried using your isp's newsgroup access. they generally allow uploading of txt messages

05-18-2007, 04:16 AM
have you tried using your isp's newsgroup access. they generally allow uploading of txt messages

Text messages mabye....binaries, I doubt it. But you probably would not want to post binaries on a server run by an ISP anyway.

05-18-2007, 05:32 AM
I use to have PowerUsenet, I recently switched to UseNetServer because to the 101 day retention vs. the 55 of PowerUsenet, both being priced the same. What I didn't expect was the increase in overall speed. Depending on the time of day PowerUsenet's download speed would vary GREATLY. I mistakenly contributed this to congestion on my ISP's network... WRONG! It was all PowerUsenet.

In short, since the switch I am pulling in a steady 13mbs (my connection's advertised speed is only 10mbs) at all times of the day. And I now have SSL encryption, the ability to post, and 101 days of retention.

It maybe time to consider a new Usenet provider. PowerUsenet is really falling behind the times.

Just my two cents.

05-18-2007, 05:52 AM
ok man,

just cancelled my account at powerusenet.


05-18-2007, 08:39 AM
If you want you could support the site with the refferal links...
GigaNews (http://www.giganews.com/?a=fst) | NewsHosting (http://www.newshosting.com/?a=51500) | UseNetServer (http://www.usenetserver.com/?agent=filesharingtalk) | NewsDemon (http://www.newsdemon.com/?aflid=2273/)

05-18-2007, 10:19 AM
sure will do that when I sign up :)

05-18-2007, 07:44 PM
Define 'free'. As has been pointed out before, the 'best' way to post (essentially forever) is to utilize a cheap 'block' account that you never actually d/l from. The number of providers that offer such has dropped to just a handfull over the last few years, but there are some decent (good forwarding, i.e. good peering to major providers like Giganews, Newshosting, ect.), like Astraweb, Octanews, Newsdome, and Usenet-news. I have one Astraweb account that's been 'active' for over 7 years, was a few gigs, is still a few gigs, only d/l use has been text. U/l is a different matter.

05-19-2007, 02:28 PM
I think one of the major newsgroup servers should allow free unlimited posting with no speed limits, it would increase content available not to mention theres probably alot of people with fast connections that would upload to usenet, if they didnt have to pay.

05-20-2007, 03:33 AM
I think one of the major newsgroup servers should allow free unlimited posting with no speed limits, it would increase content available not to mention theres probably alot of people with fast connections that would upload to usenet, if they didnt have to pay.

A couple over the years have tried, but the problem (as always) is the folks that abuse it, i.e., spammers and such. So, away it went. That's the same reason most large providers (Giganews and the like) stopped block accounts, even most of those that still do won't take anything other than fully 'qualified' credit cards, no money orders, no 'gift cards', even those from Visa/MasterCard, so that mostly lets out younger types, or those not willing to put their entire credit history at risk. Sad but true.

05-28-2007, 08:29 AM
just signed up at usenetserver, thought of going for the 3 month plan, but let me check them out for a month first :)