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View Full Version : company offers to sabotage pirates ?!

05-25-2007, 06:34 PM

read this article .. is this stuff going to work .. ??:blink:

05-25-2007, 07:47 PM

05-25-2007, 07:48 PM
i'm almost sure they couldn't do such thing with a private tracker

first they would have to have access to the site
then connect to the tracker and do their stuff
then they are easily identified, banned and goodbye ;)

if they don't even have an access, the private tracker will just avoid all this from happening.

maybe on public tracker they could reach their goal, i don't know

that's my understanding

05-25-2007, 08:09 PM
This may only work on open trackers like thepiratebay.org.
No way they register, giving proof of scene axx, joining the uploader team at ScT and start uploading decoys.

05-25-2007, 08:15 PM
this will only work on kazaa and the likes. Bittorrent users select the file they want, and even if some one from their company was uploading bad data, most/all torrent clients will just discard the bad data, not store it corrupting the file... This method was outdated before its conception.
I bet producers and such will still pay for this even though it will do nothing to help.
Too bad, back to the drawing board.

05-25-2007, 08:43 PM
Well, this isn't a new idea, because the use of fake downloads in some file-sharing networks has apparently been tried from some music companies years ago. The point has already been made, that this might just work for all of those publicly accessible networks which is something nobody should be surprised about.

The more public some violation of copyright becomes, the more likely it will be stopped. Private Trackers with 10 or 20 thousand users are insignificant in that regard. Aside from that, they are maintained by admins, sysops and mods and more often than not don't allow the upload to just about anyone.

05-25-2007, 10:39 PM
this sorta poo does work on networks like kazaa ect...
However it probably wouldnt work efficiently on torrents.

Torrents use peice file Caches meaning if its garbage going it it will come out the same.
If its a complete file going in if you get to 100% on the dl you will have the same exact file the uploader had when he started.
The only work around for this would be if that company themselves uploaded their crappy files and they seeded them themselves. At which point if they tried doing it on most private sites they would be banned as soon as the first person reported the file as bad.

05-25-2007, 11:02 PM
this sorta poo does work on networks like kazaa ect...
However it probably wouldnt work efficiently on torrents.

Torrents use peice file Caches meaning if its garbage going it it will come out the same.
If its a complete file going in if you get to 100% on the dl you will have the same exact file the uploader had when he started.
The only work around for this would be if that company themselves uploaded their crappy files and they seeded them themselves. At which point if they tried doing it on most private sites they would be banned as soon as the first person reported the file as bad.

thats exactly what I was thinking, kazaa/limewires/edonkey etc. is probably the ultimate target of this...

05-25-2007, 11:37 PM
well torrent sites that are public could easily be invaded by these as well.
Sites where anyone can post whatever file they like.
Where the staff dont frequently check the files.

05-26-2007, 03:38 AM
Man, When will they learn.
Downloading is the future.
Come up with a way so they sill can make money of it, the more time they spend on finding ways to stop this the more money the lose. Because there simply is no way to stop this. They have a limited amount of people and hours to figure out ways to stop this, But the pirates are endless, so for every action they take to stop this the pirates comes up with 50 to counter it.
I know a lot of people would actually pay to download movies if there was a legal way to do it. But when they finally decide to do it, they are probably going to charge WAY to much for it. 2 bucks per xvid would be a "ok" price for it, considering all they actually are giving you is 700mb of BW.

05-26-2007, 03:48 AM
thats exactly what I was thinking, kazaa/limewires/edonkey etc. is probably the ultimate target of this...

good thing i don't use any of those networks than.

05-26-2007, 04:25 AM
Def. just blowing smoke... maybe some places will get hit, but who cares. Not anything private or even closely watched will be touched.

05-26-2007, 09:07 PM
Man, When will they learn.
Downloading is the future.
Come up with a way so they sill can make money of it, the more time they spend on finding ways to stop this the more money the lose. Because there simply is no way to stop this. They have a limited amount of people and hours to figure out ways to stop this, But the pirates are endless, so for every action they take to stop this the pirates comes up with 50 to counter it.
I know a lot of people would actually pay to download movies if there was a legal way to do it. But when they finally decide to do it, they are probably going to charge WAY to much for it. 2 bucks per xvid would be a "ok" price for it, considering all they actually are giving you is 700mb of BW.

Technically it should only cost them not even 25 cents for the bw if they are only sending you 700MB thus even if they charged you $2 they would still be making a little over $1.75 profit ;)

I personally dont see why they couldnt/shouldnt offer such cheap prices anyways. Think about it this way. Make $1.75 off a user by charging a way cheap/descent price. Or just have them download it off p2p for free and make $0 Hmmm which would you pick if you were the Movie companies? lol
I really think theres alot of mentally retarded people that work for those corperations.