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View Full Version : DDos attack...

05-29-2007, 08:40 AM
I read up about this a little on the internet and I just wanted to know isn't there anyway to stop this.

I personally think that there has to be away around this, but what do I know.

I mean is it only that RTS gets DDos'ed and others don't or is it that the others have some kind of block against these kinds of attacks. And if it is only RTS why them???

Either way something needs o be done about this, because this is getting out of hand, and RTS might no live to see next month with all the users it been loosing.

One more thing, this https thing, why do i have to agree to some kind of certificate? What kind of info can they send me or find out about me???

05-29-2007, 09:10 AM
https means all the traffic sent is encrypted. you need that certificate so that you can decrypt all the information that gets sent to you.

this (http://www.grc.com/dos/drdos.htm) is a very good read to understand the problems people face when trying to stop ddos attacks.

05-29-2007, 05:54 PM
nice Thanx

ill check the link out and see what they say.

i was getting a little worried about.

But they say all is resolved now. So i guess ill be fine for now.