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View Full Version : Firefox 2.0 Bites the Dust! IE7 at Fault!

06-06-2007, 07:25 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v383/Hairbautt/News%20Images/Firefoxvs.pngMozilla debuts automatic updates of Firefox 2.0

Mozilla's run with Firefox is near its end, as the open source browser is out of breath. In contrast, Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7 has brought new life to the ubiquitous, but dormant and eroded IE browser. IE7 managed to beat Firefox 2.0 to the market by a few days, but this is a detail, which delivers little relevance on the long run. And Firefox 2.0 has held its own, constantly increasing its market share in the detriment of Internet Explorer as if Microsoft had never revealed version 7 of the browser.

After making IE7 available for download on October 18, 2006, Microsoft introduced the browser as an update on November 13, five days after Windows Vista was released to manufacturing. "Don’t be surprised if you see AU distribute new updates for Windows in November, but don’t see IE7. The rate of delivery and when IE7 reaches you will be based on several factors including the release of other higher priority updates and support call volume. You may have IE7 delivered by AU at any time over the next few months. Of course you can go to the Windows Update website and get it whenever you wish," stated Tony Chor, IE Group Program Manager at the time as Microsoft debuted IE7 worldwide distribution by Automatic Updates.

Well, Mozilla is a little late, but also ready to catch up with Microsoft. As the final update for Firefox 1.5 was released at the end of May 2007, signaling the end of support for version 1.5, Mozilla is also getting ready to push Firefox 2.0 as an update for 1.5 users. Firefox users will begin receiving major update notifications. Hitting yes will automatically upgrade Firefox 1.5 to Firefox 2.0.

Mozilla's decision comes as Firefox has lost its hold on the browser market dropping almost 1% from April to May. But while Firefox dropped from 15.42% to 14.54%, Internet Explorer increased its market share from 78.03% to 78.67%. In this context it seems that the increasing Windows Vista adoption is doing for IE7 what the Automatic Update process has failed to accomplish, converting IE7 users. The 40 million Vista licenses sold in the first month of availability have taken their toll on Firefox, as new users seem to prefer the default IE7 installation in Microsoft's latest operating system.

:source: Source: Softpedia (http://news.softpedia.com/news/Firefox-2-0-Bites-the-Dust-IE7-at-Fault-56642.shtml)
Well, FF fans...:shifty:

06-07-2007, 02:10 AM
Well, I guess I'm in the minority. I absolutely LOVE firefox and have been a loyal user for years. The only times I have used IE7 were when I wanted to validats vista/office 07 and checking MS's website. But I use FF for everything else.

Let me say that even if firefox started charging for their browser, I would pay for a license. This is really saying something because I haven't bought any software in over a year.

06-07-2007, 02:19 AM
I feel the same, IE has nothing to offer me. Except that it is a mess of a copy of Firefox. Even if I needed to use microsoft.com, all i have to do is add http://www.microsoft.com/* to IE tab. :)

06-07-2007, 02:48 AM
Why do people say M$ copied Firefox when Firefox was hardly the first tabbed browser? Feature-wise it is a better browser but Mozilla did not invent tabbed browsing.

06-07-2007, 02:56 AM
love Firefox, really dislike IE

06-07-2007, 03:14 AM
Firefox is my browser of choice with the exception of IE for certain things like watching MLB.TV. Other than that I use Firefox exclusively.

06-07-2007, 03:21 AM
I just want one ULTIMATE browser, ffs. If M$ didn't give the shyt about "IE only" I'd use FF, too.

06-07-2007, 06:49 AM
Why do people say M$ copied Firefox when Firefox was hardly the first tabbed browser? Feature-wise it is a better browser but Mozilla did not invent tabbed browsing.

Doesn't matter who invented tabbed browsing. Fact is that IE was last to implement it. On top of that, they did a horrible job at it.

I am optimistic, I have given IE a chance in the past. I find the browser to have a horrible looking interface. I find it slow and sluggish. Not customizable enough. One big factor, is no AdBlock Plus (IE has a good pop-up blocker, but ads can be just as annoying). I can't live without that :-p

Firefox is my browser of choice with the exception of IE for certain things like watching MLB.TV. Other than that I use Firefox exclusively.

This is one problem that Firefox has that I dislike. Unlike IE where if you don't like something you can't fix it. Firefox has extensions that you can use to make Firefox a better browser for you.

The extension that that i think will help you out is called MediaWrap

06-07-2007, 12:14 PM
firefox is the bomb! I love it, wont go back to IE...ever.

06-07-2007, 03:00 PM
Yeah, I use FF over IE. I just LOVE its interface and some extensions and plug-ins that has. Like video Downloader and No Script!

06-07-2007, 03:29 PM
I prefer to used Opera cos it's faster than firefox and IE. Sometime I used IE cos certain website doesn't support Opera.

06-07-2007, 04:43 PM
Doesn't matter who invented tabbed browsing. Fact is that IE was last to implement it. On top of that, they did a horrible job at it.

I am optimistic, I have given IE a chance in the past. I find the browser to have a horrible looking interface. I find it slow and sluggish. Not customizable enough. One big factor, is no AdBlock Plus (IE has a good pop-up blocker, but ads can be just as annoying). I can't live without that :-p

Firefox is my browser of choice with the exception of IE for certain things like watching MLB.TV. Other than that I use Firefox exclusively.

This is one problem that Firefox has that I dislike. Unlike IE where if you don't like something you can't fix it. Firefox has extensions that you can use to make Firefox a better browser for you.

The extension that that i think will help you out is called MediaWrap

I completely agree with you.

I prefer to used Opera cos it's faster than firefox and IE. Sometime I used IE cos certain website doesn't support Opera.I tried opera. I REALLY tried to use it as my default browser, but I just couldn't. I wanted so badly to like it because it has better rendering capabilities and is more secure, but I couldn't.

06-08-2007, 02:00 AM
I prefer to used Opera cos it's faster than firefox and IE. Sometime I used IE cos certain website doesn't support Opera.
I tried opera. I REALLY tried to use it as my default browser, but I just couldn't. I wanted so badly to like it because it has better rendering capabilities and is more secure, but I couldn't.Same here, it's cause of the interface. Opera has to be the best in speed. But doesn't do so well in looks. I would have to say I am someone who prefers the looks over speed. :whistling

06-08-2007, 02:05 AM
I tried opera. I REALLY tried to use it as my default browser, but I just couldn't. I wanted so badly to like it because it has better rendering capabilities and is more secure, but I couldn't.Same here, it's cause of the interface. Opera has to be the best in speed. But doesn't do so well in looks. I would have to say I am someone who prefers the looks over speed. :whistling
Well, it's not really that for me. I the interface is just too different from ff. They are both tabbed browsers, but that seems to be as far as their similarities go.


06-08-2007, 04:17 AM

Haha i hate that, takes up to much space. I love firefox with the Smart Bookmark Bar Extension. It's perfect.

06-08-2007, 05:34 AM
i think the reason most users have ie7 on their pc's is because they all have the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality... ie7 is more than capable for normal internet browsing, and most people just don't want to "waste" time installing and customizing firefox... plus the ie7 icon kinda fits with the windows vista theme.

i still didn't think the gap between the number of ff users and the number of ie7 users was that huge... 14% to 77%, wow. almost everyone i know uses firefox.

06-13-2007, 02:47 AM
I heard that FF3 will come out soon!

06-13-2007, 03:58 AM
FireFox all my life :D

06-13-2007, 04:43 AM
Firefox reaches 25% (includes 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0)

1 Internet Explorer 6.0 49.54%
2 Internet Explorer 7.0 16.82%
3 Firefox 2.0 14.47%
4 Firefox 1.5 9.10%
5 Safari 2.0 1.94%
6 Firefox 1.0 1.25%
7 Opera 9.0 0.77%
8 Mozilla 1.8 0.66%
9 AOL 6.0 0.58%
10 Opera 9.1 0.51%

You really have to look at this way. IE is already on your system. You install Windows, it is already there. #3 and below, with the exception of Safari (for mac users), you have to go out of your way to find them. You have know about the browser war. You would need to know there are other options for a browser. You look at Firefox and it is at 25% (1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 combined), then you look at Opera. Opera is what most would consider one of the best browsers also, and it is only at 1.28%. (9.0 and 9.1 combined)

You can say IE is winning, but it's already there. Firefox you have to find. At 25% and growing I feel that it isnt loosing interest, it's gaining. 84.47% use windows XP. IE is already there, and yet 25% of those people go out of their way and install Firefox.

Just a thought, we all can prefer what we want to prefer. It always good news when one browser is beating the other. That means that the other browsers have to take it to the next level to rise again.

06-13-2007, 06:47 AM
I am optimistic, I have given IE a chance in the past. I find the browser to have a horrible looking interface. I find it slow and sluggish. Not customizable enough. One big factor, is no AdBlock Plus (IE has a good pop-up blocker, but ads can be just as annoying). I can't live without that :-p

Oy asmithz, google Admuncher, I think you will absolutely love it.

06-13-2007, 06:52 AM
I am optimistic, I have given IE a chance in the past. I find the browser to have a horrible looking interface. I find it slow and sluggish. Not customizable enough. One big factor, is no AdBlock Plus (IE has a good pop-up blocker, but ads can be just as annoying). I can't live without that :-p

Oy asmithz, google Admuncher, I think you will absolutely love it.

Admuncher isnt free, and as far as I know there isnt a working cracked version out there. If there is direct me in that direction and I will love you long time. I love admuncher, when I had it before and it was crackable.

EDIT Eh... scratch that never mind. It doesn't matter. My roommate lives here and Firefox's User Profiles is perfect for us. To do that in IE I have to make User Accounts for windows, and that takes to much resources.

06-13-2007, 12:49 PM
I use firefox and I love the add ons especially the web dev and CSS tools. Haven't found an equivalent with the IE tools.


06-13-2007, 10:37 PM
does ie have the same extensions that firefox?

no. so ie doesn't work for me

06-14-2007, 02:55 AM
To asmithz - Sounds good to me!

06-14-2007, 03:13 AM
The title of this thread is WAAAYYY misleading. Down a small percent in one month? Sheesh. How can those be accurate to that percent anyhow? (I'm sure theres a nerdy answer for that! which i'll enjoy :P)

And wasn't the fact that "ah yes ie7 is already on my system/free soo I dont really feel like learning a new browser" got MS sued for antitrust business?