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06-18-2007, 03:37 AM
he seems to be playing like a God at the mo. Considering he's minted already....would you, if contract allowed, put off moving to LA Galaxy to have another season at Real Madrid?

To me, the US league seems like a graveard (no dig at America intended) and would be wasting his talent, and opportunities for prolonged England career.

06-18-2007, 08:25 AM
I'd do what he's doing. They treated him like shite, so fuck them, their loss.

06-18-2007, 08:26 AM
Oh and the reception he got off the fans last night was superb. When they did the walk onto the park after the game.

06-18-2007, 08:41 AM
yeah, i agree. But the management have publicly said they've made a huge mistake and apologised. I just worry, although he hasnt got much time left, moving to LA is the end of his England career.

06-18-2007, 08:54 AM
I thought LA were going to let him go to play for England because the England matches are during the US season, which might be a good thing because at least then he will be fit and on form rather than taking a summer break.

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 09:03 AM
LA don't have the option to "let him play" country comes first.

He will play for England so long as he is fit, where he is playing is largely irrelevant at this stage in his career. Indeed the chances are he'll be fitter and fresher playing in the USA (no disrespect intended).

The apology was at best a cosmetic exercise, to appease the fans who know that they fucked up by ignoring then publicly embarrassing one of the Worlds top players. He found out he would "never play for Real again" on the TV ffs.

Nah, he'll get about $250,000,000 and enough more caps to get his 100. Maybe even play in 2008. That'll do nicely.

06-18-2007, 09:05 AM
Country only comes first if they don't get a ankle/foot/groin/hamstring injury from opening a can of dog food two days before the game.

06-18-2007, 09:07 AM
but is the American league really going to give him the proper match practice that he'd get into the major leagues around the world. Not saying the US laege is crap...

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 09:08 AM
Yeah but Beckham won't do that if he is called up for England. He played with a fucked ankle in the last game, with the possibility of not playing in his last Real game, where he might help secure the title.

When the laddie got dropped as Captain he even said "if you ever need me just call". When they did he was there.

True Story.

06-18-2007, 09:09 AM
I though they just called to say I love you.

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 09:10 AM
but is the American league really going to give him the proper match practice that he'd get into the major leagues around the world. Not saying the US laege is crap...

Well you are actually.

He doesn't need it, he needs fitness. Look at the position with Madrid and England. He hadn't played for ages, got fit and came back playing brilliantly.

At his age and with the game he plays he doesn't need match practice as much as he needs decent fitness levels and not being jaded by over-playing.

06-18-2007, 09:13 AM
He has also realised that he can't sprint up and down the wing like he used to, and now he knows how to play to his strengths because he can send a pass from anywhere.

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 09:16 AM
Exactly. He has changed his game to maximise his strengths and minimise his weaknesses.

He will never lose his ability to make a long pass, "whip" in a cross, or hit a free kick. So that's what he does now.

Obviously he will one day, but you get my point.

06-18-2007, 09:34 AM
so what position would you have him in....centre midfield? Who with, Lampard/Gerrard/Cole?

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 09:40 AM
I wouldn't play Lampard at all. I think he's pish without Makalele.

I would always play Gerrard, quality committed footballer.

You can play Beckham on the right of mid-field, with a good fast full back to do the running down the wing thing.

06-18-2007, 09:43 AM
I think the same of Cole, tries to do tricks and misses te basics.

Gerards got the English bulldog in him, and i'd be scaed playing him as he always looks angry. Quality player.

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 09:47 AM
Gerrard's got the lot really. He is ubber skilful, gets other people playing via the gift of shouting at them, tons of bottle and would run thro' a brick wall for his team.

The only question is his temperament sometimes, rash tackles and so forth, but he's growing up now. Bit of a Beckham situation actually.

06-18-2007, 09:48 AM
how old is he now?

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 09:50 AM
how old is he now?

As opposed to "how old was he last Tuesday?"

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 09:51 AM
He's 27.

In his prime.

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 09:52 AM
You could click this link


It's a matter for you.

06-18-2007, 09:54 AM
After watching Beckham's last game with England, I was reminded what annoyed me so much about him.

He's always so desperate to get involved he tends to wander out of position. He drops back, all the way back, beyond his centre-backs, and he moves infield, so far infield he ends up on the left wing.

It's frustrating to watch, but he has got fantastic vision, borderline ESP, which is fantastic to watch.

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 09:55 AM
So, in essence, frustratingly fantastic to watch.

06-18-2007, 09:56 AM
you could say the same about ronaldinhio, but i guess the benefits of both outway this.

I like Beckham, it's worying that there doesnt seem to be another in the pipeline yet.

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 10:00 AM
If you think about it Beckham and Gerrard are similar in that they both came thro' the youth system for the club they went on to play with and make their name with. I know Beckham moved on to Spain, but his big club was manutd. Shame it went sour with him and Sir Lex.

I think that makes sense.

06-18-2007, 10:11 AM
Gerrard nearly went didnt he? I think it was the year they won the European Cup.

Tough choice i guess, loyalty vs. putting your skills with an entire different set of players.

06-18-2007, 10:16 AM
I wouldn't play Lampard at all. I think he's pish without Makalele.

I would always play Gerrard, quality committed footballer.

You can play Beckham on the right of mid-field, with a good fast full back to do the running down the wing thing.

I am so glad I've finally met someone who agrees with me about Lampard :happy:

Not that we've actually met like, but I know what I mean. I'd like to think that we could chat about it on the phone sometime :smilie4:

06-18-2007, 10:18 AM
I wouldn't play Lampard at all. I think he's pish without Makalele.

I would always play Gerrard, quality committed footballer.

You can play Beckham on the right of mid-field, with a good fast full back to do the running down the wing thing.

I am so glad I've finally met someone who agrees with me about Lampard :happy:

Not that we've actually met like, but I know what I mean. I'd like to think that we could chat about it on the phone sometime :smilie4:


Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 10:51 AM
Gerrard nearly went didnt he? I think it was the year they won the European Cup.

Tough choice i guess, loyalty vs. putting your skills with an entire different set of players.

There's constant talk of him going, Barca seems to be amongst the faves. I think he would have gone but for the cups they won that time. Mostly the champs league.

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 10:53 AM
I wouldn't play Lampard at all. I think he's pish without Makalele.

I would always play Gerrard, quality committed footballer.

You can play Beckham on the right of mid-field, with a good fast full back to do the running down the wing thing.

I am so glad I've finally met someone who agrees with me about Lampard :happy:

Not that we've actually met like, but I know what I mean. I'd like to think that we could chat about it on the phone sometime :smilie4:

You know me, :earl: chatting to chaps I meet on the interwebs. It's what I live for.

06-18-2007, 10:58 AM
what is :earl?

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 10:59 AM
She's a singer.

06-18-2007, 11:29 AM
he seems to be playing like a God at the mo. Considering he's minted already....would you, if contract allowed, put off moving to LA Galaxy to have another season at Real Madrid?

To me, the US league seems like a graveard (no dig at America intended) and would be wasting his talent, and opportunities for prolonged England career.

The US league is a graveyard. Average soccer attendence at Home Depot Center is about 22,000.

However, Beckham will get a lot of exposure and the possibility of making $250 mil.

It is funny how everyone says that he will make $250 mil. That figure is based too many factors that most likely won't add up. That announcement was a marketing strategy that many bought into.

If Beckham comes here and starts lighting it up, I might even start watching. MLS soccer happens to run partly during a dead spot for American sports.

Half of June then July and August are pretty much dead besides NFL preseason.

NBA preseason starts in Oct., regular season - Nov.
NFL preseason starts in Aug., regular season - Sept.

Beckham will have aprox 2-months to singlehandedly lift soccer.:lol:

06-18-2007, 11:38 AM
I don't think Beckham gives a flying fuck either way. He's at the twilight of his career, his legacy as a top-class player is secure, he's gone there for some easy-living, easy money, and to keep the missus happy. :smilie4:

He'll be glad to play for England if asked, but won't really care if he isn't. He know's they're shit without him. He's done his England duty, scored some memorable goals, won some memorable matches. It'd be nice to get the 100 caps, but meh. :dabs:

David Beckham is great. Considering all the pressure he's been under during his career, and all the stick he's taken over the years, he's come through it all pretty well. Good on him.

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 11:39 AM
I think he wants the 100 caps. Only 3 or 4 to go.

06-18-2007, 11:39 AM
David should have stayed at Manchester United where he was at his best. LA Galaxy are back page stuff in the US. No offense but the vast majority is not intrested in soccer (football to you and me). I have nothing but resepct for the lad but i dont think he is there for the football :)

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 01:58 PM
I think he had done all he could at manutd and it became a sort of "him of fergie" situation. He could only really go to someone like Real. In addition to their stature as a club it could be argued that he was going there as a positive step, rather than him leaving united being a negative one.

Something along the same lines has happened at Real, with the way he was treated, so where does he go. Any other move to a serious club would be seen as a step down so America was actually a good choice. That and the hundreds of money made it very attractive.

Oh and no-one actually knows how much he will earn, but that's just the way football people talk. Gravesen doesn't actually get £40,000 a week from Celtic, that just makes it easy for people to understand the scale of the thing. That's fucking obvious to even the most hard of thinking.

Oh and as an aside manutd got £1,000,000 last night. It was part of the deal when van Nistleroy went to Real

06-18-2007, 05:54 PM
I don't think Beckham gives a flying fuck either way. He's at the twilight of his career, his legacy as a top-class player is secure, he's gone there for some easy-living, easy money, and to keep the missus happy. :smilie4:

He'll be glad to play for England if asked, but won't really care if he isn't. He know's they're shit without him. He's done his England duty, scored some memorable goals, won some memorable matches. It'd be nice to get the 100 caps, but meh. :dabs:

David Beckham is great. Considering all the pressure he's been under during his career, and all the stick he's taken over the years, he's come through it all pretty well. Good on him.

I truely thing he does give a fuck, as i dont think he thinks hes in the twighlight of his career.

His wife has Hollywood ambitions, i believe she's been pitching the fisrt ball at baseball games? DO people even know who she is there?

Again, fair play to the guy. After that sending off against Argentina, he was given unbelievable abuse. But, he got his head down and played his football, and regained his respect.

I used to hate him, but, well, i take my hat off to him. May Romeo, Brooklyn and Paris (?) all turn out like him.

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 06:01 PM
The one thing you can't call him is a diver, petulant when he was younger and sometimes a bit of a breenger in the tackle. However even going to Spain hasn't turned him into a diver.

Unlike his ex team-mate, that diving cunt Giggs.

06-18-2007, 06:04 PM
The one thing you can't call him is a diver, petulant when he was younger and sometimes a bit of a breenger in the tackle. However even going to Spain hasn't turned him into a diver.

Unlike his ex team-mate, that diving cunt Giggs.

And don't get me strted and that cunt Ronaldo. God, i genuinely get angry when i see his face. Cunt cunt cunt.:angry:

06-18-2007, 06:04 PM
I don't think he runs with the ball often enough to dive, Beckham like.

06-18-2007, 06:05 PM
The one thing you can't call him is a diver, petulant when he was younger and sometimes a bit of a breenger in the tackle. However even going to Spain hasn't turned him into a diver.

Unlike his ex team-mate, that diving cunt Giggs.

And don't get me strted and that cunt Ronaldo. God, i genuinely get angry when i see his face. Cunt cunt cunt.:angry:

But he's so chunky and cute.


Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 06:05 PM
Good point.

However people still try to kick him when he's standing still.

Mr JP Fugley
06-18-2007, 06:06 PM
Yeah but Ronaldo was also a good player, so you could accept the divery.

06-19-2007, 02:00 AM
I don't think he runs with the ball often enough to dive, Beckham like.

No, i meant Christian Ronaldo. the Brazilian was quality, but Ronaldo, although world player of year blah blah, is someone i really do not like.

Mr JP Fugley
06-19-2007, 09:21 PM
So fuck.

Scott Brown is patently an idiot, However I'm glad we bought him

06-20-2007, 07:48 AM
yeah, well i was a Leeds United and Huddersfield Town fan, such talk of quality playersonly upsets me.

And now they'll be in the same 'king league so i'm gonna have to decide who gets my support from now on.

Mr JP Fugley
06-20-2007, 09:14 AM
"Leeds United and Huddersfield Town" probably should have stayed together. Splitting up obviously weakened them as a team. Look at Hull Kingston Rovers, went from strength to strength.

06-20-2007, 03:37 PM
"Leeds United and Huddersfield Town" probably should have stayed together. Splitting up obviously weakened them as a team. Look at Hull Kingston Rovers, went from strength to strength.

I don't think such an idea would be met with much cheer from either fans. But, i'm in it for the game, not the glory.

Whats your team Fugley?