View Full Version : Leeware FTP down?

06-18-2007, 07:11 PM
can't connect to my leeware ftp account, webui and vnc are working fine, but ftp just keeps prompting the message:

STATUS:> [18-06-2007 20:09:45] Getting listing ""...
STATUS:> [18-06-2007 20:09:45] Initializing SFTP21 module...
STATUS:> [18-06-2007 20:09:45] Resolving host name vps449.leeware.com...
STATUS:> [18-06-2007 20:09:45] Host name vpsxxx.leeware.com resolved: ip = xx.xxx.x.xxx.
STATUS:> [18-06-2007 20:09:45] Connecting to SFTP server... vps449.leeware.com:22 (ip = xx.xxx.x.xxx)...
ERROR:> [18-06-2007 20:10:15] The file being transferred in ASCII mode appears to be a Binary file. Proceed anyway?
ERROR:> [18-06-2007 20:10:15] Can't connect to vpsxxx.leeware.com:22. SFTP21 error = #0.
STATUS:> [18-06-2007 20:10:15] SFTP21 connection closed.

anyone with similar problem?

06-18-2007, 10:50 PM
if it matters you forgot to edit your server number a couple of times

06-19-2007, 04:25 PM
The same is happening to me.

06-19-2007, 04:30 PM
I can connect to the FTP without any problem.

06-19-2007, 04:30 PM