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View Full Version : DiRT: Colin McRae Off-Road

06-18-2007, 08:52 PM
So who has already played it and what do you think about it?

Me: Colin Mcrae 2.0 was always the best and I still think it is the best CM. But the graphics are wow, had to but everything to low / no to play it without lag. Handling and stuff are pretty crazy, but it's worth a shot. ;)

06-20-2007, 04:06 PM
I recently finished the game (career mode )and I thought it was great. Really loved the handling. I also had to turn everything to low in order to play it without lag but still, the game looked fantastic. :)

06-23-2007, 05:43 AM
is it right that it won't run without pixel shader 3?

06-23-2007, 09:58 AM
Colin McRae DiRT-RELOADED was just released. Gonna grab it tomorrow and see how it is :D

silent h3ro
06-24-2007, 02:38 AM
I wish my Xbox 360 would support my G25 so I can play this game, otherwise I probably won't be buying it. Fuck Microsoft and their proprietary bullshit MS wheel.

06-24-2007, 03:51 AM
I played it on the 360 and I was mildy impressed. I'd love to compare it to the PC version but my x800 isn't up to snuff, unfortunatly.

Anyway, I thought the way the vehicles moved and handled on the track was a bit unrealistic. The replays could have been a bit more smooth and the vehicles looked like they were jumping all over the place during replay as well. You would smash up against a rock face with the side of the vehicle and the rock face almost acted like a bumper in a pinball machine making the vehicle look like it was teleported an inch or two away from the rock face. It just looked a bit cheap as if they rushed the physics a bit.

Graphics are decent. I do love the layout of the menu and the way you can navigate around it. I didn't spend more than 2 days playing it though before I sent it back to Gamefly. Honestly, I'm getting tired of all these racing games. I want some good RPG's that I can sink my teeth into.

If you like off road racing games then I highly suggest this game, it's well worth the time and it's a blast to blaze through winding uphill courses to wide open deserts amongst a whole onslaught of other drivers with a taste for blood and the finish line!

06-24-2007, 06:50 AM
I've been debating whether to download this of that new driver game that came out "Driver Parallel Lines-ViTALiTY". Which is better?

06-24-2007, 01:27 PM
I've been debating whether to download this of that new driver game that came out "Driver Parallel Lines-ViTALiTY". Which is better?

ohh boy last driver was so crappy for a moment i felt like am playing PS1, it didn't take me 5 min to uninstall it, from new screen shots it looks it didn't change a bit since driver 3.
driver legend died soon when part 2 released altho graphic wise it was ok on DC.
now Dirt is whole different type of game but as many people said it has huge thrust, even biggest game cards cant handle it at high setting(not even ultra) but its worth playing it.

i really like the menu sound track, any idea where to get it?

silent h3ro
06-24-2007, 09:24 PM
I've been debating whether to download this of that new driver game that came out "Driver Parallel Lines-ViTALiTY". Which is better?Dirt and Parrallel Lines are two totally different games but like delimare said, if you like off road racing games then get Dirt, and in my opinion, if you want to play a game just like GTA for whatever reason, then get Parallel Lines and if you happen to like both then just download both games.

Also I like to point out that I have Parrallel Lines for Xbox, so I can say that it's wayyy better than Driv3r but doesn't compare to the original Driver because they are more focused on copying the GTA franchise gameplay than the original driving formula they originally had.

06-24-2007, 09:45 PM
Downloading DiRT, Should run good on a 320mb 8800GTS eh?

Edit: It runs good but is a very shitty game.... the handling is so unrealistic... I went off the road one time and rolled my car about six times into a bunch of trees. LOL

07-02-2007, 09:16 AM
the game is soooper:)

Colt Seevers
07-03-2007, 07:20 PM
Downloading DiRT, Should run good on a 320mb 8800GTS eh?

Edit: It runs good but is a very shitty game.... the handling is so unrealistic... I went off the road one time and rolled my car about six times into a bunch of trees. LOL

Hmm would have to agree with that, having just played DiRT for over an hour, I must say I absoloutley stink! :unsure: Can't go a far without losing control and spinning/flipping or rolling out of control, and this is using an R440 steering wheel, I can't help but think it would be easier to control with a joypad...maybe I need to mess about and get the control settings more refined to my taste, but first impressions are that this is another driving game I'm officially shit at. -

Therefore I will blame the game and say 'it's the handling' :lol:

07-03-2007, 09:39 PM
I find that if you're turning and you feel that your turn is too sharp then you should stop and accelerate again out of that turn.

07-03-2007, 11:40 PM
Hello people,
I played Dirt and I say that it is spectacular, fantastic ......
The graphs are in my opinion wonderful. ;)


Colt Seevers
07-04-2007, 09:07 PM
Just tried it with a PS2 joypad instead of the wheel, and the game was a wee bit better.

I have to say the 'graphs' are indeed uber elite, however still struggling a wee bit to get my head round the handling... especially on rally events... I seem to be good at the most spectacular crashes tho :)