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View Full Version : FinBytes invite?

06-22-2007, 06:05 PM
Hey I were wondering if anyone could invite me to finbytes. I'm a good user and will take care of the account as I allready do with my excisting ones. In other words I won't dissepoint anyone. I know that this is tracker is harder to get and maybe I'm pushing my luck trying to get this for free. Hopefully there's a good user who might be nice enough to take me in, otherwise I understand completely :).

I'm a member at other big sites and I can show that I'm taking care of them.

The main reason I'm trying to get to know someone with fb is that I don't want to trade for it. I want to feel at home there. I think I could manage to upload some files even though my uploadspeed isn't great.


06-22-2007, 07:07 PM
PM me if you are still interessted.. I'm sure we can work something out..