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View Full Version : Need Help With Mafia

06-17-2003, 11:29 AM
Sorry, this may have ben mentioned on an earlier post, but as I can't seem to be able to search them I was wondering if anyone else has experianced this problem with MAFIA:

I burned all three disks and installed the game with no problem, but everytime I try to run it, it exits to the desktop as the game is loading. I have tried various 'crack' files but none have made any difference

P.S. anyone know why/how long the search facility is offline for?

06-17-2003, 12:54 PM

06-18-2003, 05:57 AM
Get the patch , then get the NO CD crack for the patched version

06-19-2003, 02:42 AM
Originally posted by DICKWAD@17 June 2003 - 12:54
why waste money if u can get it on kazaa for free :P

06-19-2003, 02:50 AM
If you can afford it, then you need to buy it.....the developers are the ones who have given you these games you love so much....if you dont support the developers they will stop making games.

I do buy games, i have bought many....and i will continue you buy them when i have the extra money.

06-19-2003, 02:54 AM
I reccomend buying games because i dont think they are safe on Kazaa but you sould download music. Just not the games.

06-19-2003, 03:35 AM
Mafia is one of the top 3 games i have ever played...its worth the money

I bet you could get it used for $10-$20

06-19-2003, 04:59 AM
It may be a sound card issue... I was having a similar problem with mine, and when I got a new soundcard, it worked perfectly. If your tutorial works, and the campaign doesn't, then I would say that you are in the same boat as I was.

06-19-2003, 06:06 AM
By chance are you using a navidia MX 440 64mb ddr card. I have the same problem I have been through many forums and that is th ecommon between us all that have the problem. I have tried everything and it is a no go. I was gonna buy it too cuz I heard good things but the one I d'ld is legitite so if it don't work than I do not see the game working.

There is some troubleshooting on the official website, if you do no thave that card than good luck to ya, I f you do I think you are sh*t out of luck, sorry.

I was thinking of putting my old card back in and seeing if it works, If it does I will post back.

07-09-2003, 04:55 PM
I'm having a similar problem, after I complete the first mission and the loading sequence begins, the game exits to the desktop.