View Full Version : What's the deal with RTS?

07-04-2007, 08:29 PM
I just managed to get an account through this supposedly secret open registration, and I'm really surprised by what I've found. There are ridiculously few torrents and not very many seeds (mind you, my speed doesn't seem to be suffering, but still...). At the same time, there are all sorts of freeleeches and extra upload credits and things like this. Now, mind you, I'm not complaining, but somehow this seems too good to be true. Is this sort of thing normal for new trackers, or what?

Also, does anyone know whether this open signup was intentional, or is my account going to be deleted suddenly?

07-04-2007, 08:42 PM
Well, the reason why the amount of torrents is so low is because they got hacked recently and some guy deleted the torrent-database.

As for the amount of seeds there are only 19xx users so far :) maybe thats why they opened for sign-up.

The stuff about freeleech and ekstra upload credit seems to be a new "trend" among the new trackers. Just look at scn they had something similar. Originally the freeleech was planned to end at the end of june I think, but they extended the period - maybe because they got hacked.

07-04-2007, 08:49 PM
Everything freeleech is starting to concern me too...

07-04-2007, 08:50 PM
At the same time, there are all sorts of freeleeches and extra upload credits and things like this. Now, mind you, I'm not complaining, but somehow this seems too good to be true. Is this sort of thing normal for new trackers, or what?

some trackers have freebies which are essentially selected freeleech torrents, but not extra upload credit. it's commonly seen with infant trackers, but some senior trackers still do it occasionally

07-04-2007, 09:22 PM
At the same time, there are all sorts of freeleeches and extra upload credits and things like this. Now, mind you, I'm not complaining, but somehow this seems too good to be true. Is this sort of thing normal for new trackers, or what?

some trackers have freebies which are essentially selected freeleech torrents, but not extra upload credit. it's commonly seen with infant trackers, but some senior trackers still do it occasionally

Well, RTS is offering a 1gb upload credit for being active on IRC, plus 3x upload credit for the next few days. I'm pretty sure that qualifies as extra upload credit.

Nonetheless, thanks for the responses. I just wanted to make sure this was normal behavior for new trackers.

07-04-2007, 09:28 PM
when i said some trackers have freebies but not extra upload credit, i wasn't referring to rts

07-06-2007, 05:31 AM
well they also said that because of the site being down so much lately, thats why there doing the 3X freeleech. Now as to why its all been freeleech up till now, I hav no idea.... But I say take advantage of it while u still can. Cos when they go to normal rules, then down goes ur ratio! :)

07-06-2007, 09:44 AM
well freeleech and 3x upload credit has done me the world of good, especially with those moviepacks.

07-06-2007, 01:35 PM
rts sucks