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View Full Version : BitTorrent How to setup multiple utorrents on linux server

07-05-2007, 11:45 PM

I have recently seen many posts of person wanting to know how to setup multiple utorrent instances on their seedbox to be able to share it with another user.

First, you must follow BuggyMe's tutorial to setup the server as usual :
http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-gui...through-169620 (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-guides-and-tutorials-65/t-filesharing-installing-utorrent-leeware-walkthrough-169620)

You then have one utorrent running under root

So now, to setup a second utorrent :

1 - Ask your server compagny to attribute you a new IP address (free for leaseweb and vectoral box, and some cost for leeware). This way, you will be able to bind different IP addresses to each instance of Utorrent running. You will avoid a lot of sh*t caused by using the same IP to connect to one tracker with two different usernames! If you plan to share your seedbox, this case will happen for sure.

2 - Login as root with putty on your server

3 - Type "adduser utorrent" or whatever name you want instead of utorrent

4 - Type "passwd utorrent" to change the user password

5 - Type "cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts"

6 - Type "cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0:1", this new file will have to contain your new IP address

7 - Type "vi ifcfg-eth0:1", the file should look like this :


8 - Edit the file to make it look like this :
(vi command guide : http://www.cs.colostate.edu/helpdocs/vi.html)

IPADDR=Your new IP address

9 - Type "/sbin/service network restart" , the new ip is now functionnal

10 - Type "su utorrent"

11 - Type "vncserver :2", you will have to set a password

12 - Open TightVNC viewer on your PC.

13 - On the TightVNC shell window, type wine notepad.exe, close the application once it's open.

14 - Type "cd /home/utorrent/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32"

15 - Type "wget http://download.utorrent.com/1.6.1/utorrent.exe" (http://download.utorrent.com/1.6.1/utorrent.exe) to install utorrent

16 - Type "wine utorrent.exe" to start utorrent

17 - Go the speed setup as usual, after all done, go into
Options->Preferences->Advanced and set the following variables :
to your new IP address

That's it! You now have two utorrent instances running with different IP address :thumbsup:

Enjoy and feel free to leave comments to improve this first draft of the tutorial!

07-07-2007, 02:00 AM
Do you have any ideas how to run uTorrent on the same server but using different IPs on Windows 2003 Server? I haven`t recieved my second IP yet, but I want to try two things:

First one: Just will open two remote server applications and run uTorrent separetely from each other.

And the second one: There`s an option in uTorrent (in Advanced) - "bind to IP address". I`ll try to bind different IPs to uTorrent.

07-09-2007, 09:21 PM
I believe you can only have two simultaneous connections (logins) for Windows Server 2003. So using the above method would only allow 2 instances.

You could try something like this:

Just create new user. (e.g. user1)
Get a new copy of utorrent in another folder.
Create a shortcut to the .exe and add /recover to the end of the target.

It'd look something like this: "c:\test\utorrent.exe" /recover
Of course, the path will be different.

Then, just right click the shortcut, select Run As, and select the new user you created.
Viola! You should have two instances running with their own AppData folder and settings.dat, etc. You can then set different settings for each (like binding one instance to a separate IP)

07-10-2007, 12:59 PM
thx for adding this, i had no clue on windows ;)

07-10-2007, 01:26 PM
Then, just right click the shortcut, select Run As, and select the new user you created.
Viola! You should have two instances running with their own AppData folder and settings.dat, etc. You can then set different settings for each (like binding one instance to a separate IP)

When I try to "Run as.." I get the following error message:

"Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."

Have I created the user incorrectly? I simply went to Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> right-click Users -> New User.

Can it not be only a member of the Users group? It works when the new user account is added to the Admin group, but obviously that's not ideal. Something I have to set in secpol.msc? :frusty:

07-10-2007, 03:18 PM
The easiest thing to do would be to just add the user to the 'Administrators' group. I wouldn't worry too much since you're just running utorrent under that user.

07-13-2007, 03:43 AM
Is it possible to use 2 IPs on one server simultaneously? I got 2 IPs, but in order to make windows 2003 server to use specific IP address, I need to change IP in Nework connections settings. I have no ideas how to make windows 2003 to use both IPs...or it is just impossible.

I believe you can only have two simultaneous connections (logins) for Windows Server 2003. So using the above method would only allow 2 instances.

You could try something like this:

Just create new user. (e.g. user1)
Get a new copy of utorrent in another folder.
Create a shortcut to the .exe and add /recover to the end of the target.

It'd look something like this: "c:\test\utorrent.exe" /recover
Of course, the path will be different.

Then, just right click the shortcut, select Run As, and select the new user you created.
Viola! You should have two instances running with their own AppData folder and settings.dat, etc. You can then set different settings for each (like binding one instance to a separate IP)I tried this method but I ended up using only one IP address at the same time.

07-13-2007, 03:48 AM
Yes, you can use as many as you have, and have the resources to run new instances of utorrent under new users for.

Just do as sp0ngeb0b (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../members/sp0ngeb0b-168017) said, repeating with as many new generic users as is needed to fufill your IP needs.

No need to fiddle with Network Connections settings. Do it all in the utorrent Advanced menu.

I tried this method but I ended up using only one IP address at the same time.

Did you follow step 17 from the very first post, and go to
Options-> Preferences-> Advanced and set net.bind_ip and net.outgoing_ip to the second IP?

I've got three utorrents running each with a different IP binded and they work like gangbusters. Verfied within each others' peer listings on a dummy torrent set up on TPB, also each checked on Oink and the like's "seeding" lists.

Never needed to touch the Network Connections settings in Win Server 2003; just left it at default and allow the first utorrent instance to use that IP.

07-13-2007, 04:23 AM
Did you follow step 17 from the very first post, and go to Options-> Preferences-> Advanced and set net.bind_ip and net.outgoing_ip to the second IP?Yes, I tried this. I`ll try to do it step by step one more time...

07-13-2007, 12:37 PM
Thanks for tutorial, I am thinking in buy a seedbox, so I am looking for information about that.


07-25-2007, 06:00 PM
It works perfect with my seedbox...

I installed one more user so i can share my box with anyone!

Thanks KFlint! Great tutorial!

PS You can also give some more details how to save the changes in the file etc because some of us are really morons with linux :)

08-07-2007, 06:17 PM
Great guide, got 2 instances of uTorrent going in no time

09-20-2007, 06:00 AM
Excellent Guide... I was actually looking for something like this... thank you :)

09-20-2007, 07:14 PM
glad it helps :)

05-24-2008, 06:48 PM
Yes, I tried this. I`ll try to do it step by step one more time and not working for me

04-08-2009, 08:26 PM
Anyone know if it possible to be able to browse with this 2nd ip address(in firefox)?

04-14-2012, 05:11 AM
whats the advantage of two or mulitiple instances of utorrents ?