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View Full Version : Taboo on trading Invites/Accounts

07-11-2007, 01:07 AM
We have all seen the posts on trackers and on here by sysops or in the rules saying not to trade you account or invite,or give only to people you know.

I hardly ever use invites since most people I know dont torrent, so I accumulate invites, or there are trackers that I no longer use that I would like to trade for trackers I would

Can someone explain to me why the big deal about trading invites/accounts?

I mean,if it gets someone into the tracker community that will contribute and find a use for it, whats the bad side?

Thanks for the time.

07-11-2007, 01:10 AM
Well I have an idea, one thing would be that trading your account/invite with a stranger could lead to him/her cheating their ratio and making more work for the staff. Another reason could be that they are worried about getting caught by an organization that shuts down torrent sites for sharing pirated things. Thats just my 2 cents.

07-11-2007, 01:14 AM
Well I have an idea, one thing would be that trading your account/invite with a stranger could lead to him/her cheating their ratio and making more work for the staff. Another reason could be that they are worried about getting caught by an organization that shuts down torrent sites for sharing pirated things. Thats just my 2 cents.

good reasons, but isnt that why we have sites like FST? I try and only trade with persons with rep points who seem to be trusted members. Thats what this site is about, if I am correct.

07-11-2007, 01:22 AM
Most torrent sites hate this place, and rep points aren't used properly on the site to truly know a trusted member from an idiot who spams and gets rep points for the wrong reasons.

07-11-2007, 01:31 AM
cool thanks, Id love to hear from someone who hangs out here that is an Op at a tracker, Ive seen a few.

07-11-2007, 01:35 AM
Can someone explain to me why the big deal about trading invites/accounts?

Well, if you don't know anyone in real life that has that particular tracker's invite, then the way i worked my way up was coming to here, trading, getting everything i need then stopping, and becoming more of a community person at that particular tracker..

I mean,if it gets someone into the tracker community that will contribute and find a use for it, whats the bad side?

The bad side is, not knowing wether he/she will be a good user. Since this forum mainly breeds traders, i must honestly say the majority of your invitees will be bad users, who just accumulate the invite to add to their collection.

Most good users can be picked up on IRC ;)

07-11-2007, 02:59 AM
Well I have an idea, one thing would be that trading your account/invite with a stranger could lead to him/her cheating their ratio and making more work for the staff. Another reason could be that they are worried about getting caught by an organization that shuts down torrent sites for sharing pirated things. Thats just my 2 cents.
For the first of the reason I will say that it's not a problem for stuff to see who's cheating and who's not. When person trading for some invite/account simply means that he's interested in the site and it's content right? So I don't see the connection with cheaters amount increase. Why people who's interested in getting in will become cheaters. And about more work, use common sense. Right now we have a lot of spies on FST busy with scanning the the trade section and catching people who trading accounts. It's just the people who willingly accepting more work! If the trading rules were waved they only thing they have to take care about - ratio and cheating issues, which is much easier. Well if some folks want to feed they ego and show the world how good ninjas and investigators they are its their right, have nothing against it :) It's the same like some people want have 100+ reputation and 5000 post :) But obviously it creates a lot of spam&flame in threads about trading for NB, FSC and FTN to name a few, people keep saying delete it, your account will be disabled, and blah-blah-blah...
As for the second reason, I don't remember any case where someone was shut for this exact reason, I mean private sites, not PirateBay or smth. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Now I tried take a fresh look at the situation and make some analysis on what will happen if the trade won't be restricted anymore? How the situation will be developing? There's the idea I cannot prove it, but it have common sense innere. Lets take the situation with the high level sites. Lots of people set they goals to get on level 8, 9, 10. And they do trade after trade to collect the lower levels - then buffer it up and trade for higher ones. So, now look at what happening - sometimes/most of times you making a good trade, sometimes you get scammed, it's a shame that we have scammers in the world, but reality too and you live with it. So what you do when you lost some account being disabled because of the trade? May be you give up? Well, little part of people do, but most of 'em - say hell no! They start over and make more trades and finally get this tracker where they failed first and then move up the ladder. So, it looks like the "no trade" rule means even more work for admins because disabled users looking for way back and initiating new trades. So here we come to conclusion that trade restrictions simply make people trade more. For example the demand for trade is 100 000 And to reach it people will make 150 000 trades: 100 000 successfull and 50 000 unsuccessfull (20 000 because of scammers and 30 000 because of administration). And 30 000 disabled means - more trades, so the real number of total trades will be even more. Now switch to the ideal world where you won't be disabled for trading your account, there - your only problem is scammers and it can be 80-90 percent solved with middleman system and reputation.
So, if "trader friendly" system will be implemented the rarity thing will loose some of it's value, yes it still will be hard to get to the tracker because of lack of invites or limited number of spots, but at least people will be sure, that when they have a good offer - they will get in. And to get a good offer they will start to buffer up accounts what mean more activity and that what sysops actually want on the site. And when someone will actually get rid of account it will mean that he went to the place where he wants to be = good chance he'll be a good contributor to society there, same goes to the one who came in. From that point it's not so far to neverending dream of many FSTer I've seen in they signatures - to see the day when invites gonna be a free again :)
It will be interesting to see some thoughts from the people who actually runs the trackers here too :)
P.S. For those who lost in such a long post short conclusions:

- trading your account/invite with a stranger could lead to him/her cheating their ratio
- no straight connection, otherwise more possible

and making more work for the staff
- opposite, the strict rules of no trading allowed leads to number of trades increasing

Recommendations: allowing safe trades and creating/promoting a place with the secure trade system (FST) where people will trust each other will help to decrease total number of trades and increase number of successful ones. Trackers will be evaluated more on they content quality than rarity which is more fair, and trackers will increase the amount of people who actually interested in their content, also the members activity will increase as people will be willing to buffer accounts. Loosers: the sites with shitty content, which seem rare, but still number of people who will want to join they party will be there - look @ the hungarian trackers boom :lol: