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View Full Version : The thing that spoils all audition-type reality shows......

07-11-2007, 01:13 AM

this is kinda weird,

but the thing i hate the most about the shows where you audition and stuff like that (like american idol, americas got talent, etc) is when people screw up on purpose just to be on TV....like take the NBC show "The SInging Bee" which premiers in like 10 minutes where I live,
I mean how do they know if the people really dont know the words, maybe they are just messing up the lyrics to get on TV....it completely spoils the shows.
I mean like American idol when the people know they sing bad so they go on the show and sing horrible to get publicity....i mean its so FUNNY when the people honestly think they sing great and they dont and it wrecks their life forever, now thats funny, thats why i only watch the audition part.....
this might not seem clear.
anyway, do you feel the same?

whats your opinion?


07-11-2007, 01:20 AM
Seems your watching what im watching. Did you see the guy wipe out just now? It was the oddest wipe out ever..he did a handstand before he passed out lol.

07-11-2007, 01:29 AM
This show is weird, they put odd tranny dancer girl though, but not hot puppet girl.

07-11-2007, 01:44 AM
Yeah, boy shakira, oh god...i bet the real shakira is retiring now....and what was with the wipe out?
It seemed like he kinda did a head stand or something when he flipped over with his arms tightly by his side which doesnt seem typical when you are falling, i mean if it were me falling my arms would be flailing and everything......it seemed kinda fake, but i guess it wasnt....and did you notice jerry springer pronouncing it 'figer' instead of 'figure', was it supposed to be like that?

07-11-2007, 01:45 AM
oh and Orange, nice. my favorite color. lol.

07-11-2007, 09:17 AM
In case there's any doubt, you're Canaidian, then :dabs:

07-11-2007, 05:27 PM
How did the Shakira person and the weird Indian(?) singer/dancer guy get through? Freaks.

Also, I think America's Got Talent shouldn't have purely ordinary singing people on there. Yeah, they're talented (somewhat), but it's boring and nothing unique.

In the end, reality shows, in general, suck. No surprise there.

07-11-2007, 07:41 PM
I hate shite like that. Big brother type pish as well.

Bread and fucking circuses.

07-11-2007, 07:46 PM
In case there's any doubt, you're Canaidian, then :dabs:

If you are talking about me,
no, im not canadian. born about a mile from canada though,
Say hello to da U.P., eh?

07-11-2007, 07:50 PM
^ Close enough...


07-11-2007, 07:57 PM
^ Close enough...


Not really, i still have to go across the border to buy cigs haha.
Just teasin there.