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07-16-2007, 12:12 AM
Got banned from TL...not sure why, my ratio was +100 gigs....

Was letting my grandpa use the account though...maybe thats it....and yes my grandpa bittorrents, i taught him how....

anyways whats the irc channel?

07-16-2007, 12:14 AM
your grandpa shouldn't cheat :)

and it was #tlhelp on irc.torrentleech.org, i'm not sure if it still is.

07-16-2007, 12:24 AM
damn man i know...

that doesn't seem to work

07-16-2007, 12:32 AM
your grandpa shouldn't cheat :)


that doesn't seem to work

try on the web irc, that is, if your ip isnt banned...

07-16-2007, 12:38 AM
that doesn't seem to work

you have to register your nick before joining tlhelp.

07-16-2007, 12:42 AM
that doesn't seem to work

you have to register your nick before joining tlhelp.

can't connect to the server

Banned from the irc as well it looks like


07-16-2007, 12:45 AM
try port 7011

07-16-2007, 12:50 AM
If you'd rather connect with your own IRC client, head to #torrentleech at irc.torrentleech.org:7011 or :+7021(ssl).

As shown on the site itself.

07-16-2007, 12:58 AM
If you'd rather connect with your own IRC client, head to #torrentleech at irc.torrentleech.org:7011 or :+7021(ssl).
As shown on the site itself.

And as shown in my first post itself, I cannot get onto the site

On it now..thanks

07-16-2007, 02:41 AM
haha mmm I think it's the same history in every banned... "I gave the account to my grandpa", "I gave the account to my friend"...

This is the question if your grandpa don't have idea of bittorrent how he cheated? or if you had 100gb buffer how your grandpa downloaded 100gb in.. one day?

07-16-2007, 04:25 AM
haha mmm I think it's the same history in every banned... "I gave the account to my grandpa", "I gave the account to my friend"...

This is the question if your grandpa don't have idea of bittorrent how he cheated? or if you had 100gb buffer how your grandpa downloaded 100gb in.. one day?

yah but dude didn't you know all granddads cheat :naughty:

seriously though it could have been a hit and run issue or anything really shouldn't jump to conclusions

07-16-2007, 05:18 AM
id get rid of this grandpa. find another... there is one on the other side of the family.

07-16-2007, 08:32 AM
I best stop my dog from using my account


Would it of not been easier to set your fake granpa his own account?

07-16-2007, 09:26 AM
maybe his grandpa got into a heated argument with another grandpa in the forums over who has less teeth. :bleh:

07-16-2007, 09:29 AM
Got banned from TL...not sure why, my ratio was +100 gigs....

Was letting my grandpa use the account though...maybe thats it....and yes my grandpa bittorrents, i taught him how....

anyways whats the irc channel?

you invited 3 cheaters/account traders to the site so your account was disabled and all people you invited were also banned

07-16-2007, 10:33 AM
Got banned from TL...not sure why, my ratio was +100 gigs....

Was letting my grandpa use the account though...maybe thats it....and yes my grandpa bittorrents, i taught him how....

anyways whats the irc channel?

you invited 3 cheaters/account traders to the site so your account was disabled and all people you invited were also banned

That would explain things lol

07-16-2007, 10:36 AM
mm.. i heard TL bans their users only for cheating.. and all trackers recommend that don't give your acc for anything else.. if you break rules you can be banned..

07-16-2007, 12:00 PM
grandpa is a naughty little f***er isn't he?

07-16-2007, 12:15 PM
this may be because of sum1 u had invited

07-16-2007, 12:22 PM
this may be because of sum1 u had invited
:blink: ya think?

07-16-2007, 03:05 PM
what happened was i invited to many cheaters...it had nothing to do with my grandpa...

i didn't know that tl banned up the invite tree for inviting cheaters...i didn't even get a warning

07-16-2007, 03:19 PM
As far as i remember kingrob banned users for trading TL invites as well . FYI.
And yes, they ban inviters with their invite trees for inviting cheaters, it was mentioned on thepeergroup.net half a year ago or so .

07-16-2007, 04:09 PM
yeah, just the fact that tl doesn't constantly nag around about enforcing this or that and the sheer number of invitations they give out makes people treat it like a second-rate tracker instead of premium one that it is.

07-16-2007, 04:13 PM
hard luck

Patriot foreve
07-16-2007, 04:23 PM
That's too cruel in my opinion to ban someone for inviting awrong person ,at least he should have got awarning first the he would makesure that the next time he invites agood member

07-16-2007, 04:49 PM
I think they should take away invite privileges for inviting bad users. Banning is a little harsh, imo. But what were you thinking, inviting so many cheaters. You should be careful next time. Also try to avoid inviting people you dont know at all, or who dont have any credibility, torrents-wise. If you're giving away invites look at the posts those people have made previously to get a better understanding of the kind of person s/he is.

07-16-2007, 05:01 PM
i will be carefull next time i give out invites.. i dont wanna get banned from my favorite tracker...

07-16-2007, 08:59 PM
Apparently i was making and cheating accounts, and then I sold them...I did nothing of the sort....

I just got really pissed and told one of the mods there to fuck off...oh well

07-16-2007, 09:12 PM
they have soo many users, it was probably a mix up. But good luck telling them they are wrong.

Just wait for an ip change and get another invite. At least its not a hard place to seed/buffer :|

07-16-2007, 09:22 PM
Or this-found on torrentfreak. Guy should be banned everywhere!probably was him? I heard tl is great.

chripopper:Well i'm just missing $3 on my paypal account to buy a thing, so i would like to sell a torrentleech invite for $3 on my paypal acc.
email me: [email protected] (this insn't my paypal mail)
Got black cats games account too, I can give it away i don't care just have to buy that thing because it takes 3-4 workingdays to transfer money to my paypal acc from my bank account.

07-17-2007, 09:03 AM
what happened was i invited to many cheaters...it had nothing to do with my grandpa...

i didn't know that tl banned up the invite tree for inviting cheaters...i didn't even get a warning

user notes you have to love them

2007-07-15 - Warned for 4 weeks by {removed}.
Reason: Invite another user who cheats, you will be banned also

after that warning yet another user you invited cheated

this is why you never give invites to people you do not know

i also know alot of people trade sell invites to tl or cheat accounts for trade imo i have better things to do then spend my life hunting for people doing this when we do come across them there account is banned so are all people they invited to our site due they should not of had invites to start with so we take them back

07-17-2007, 11:15 AM
send me your email for another invite
and start again no prblem
but DO NOT invite cheaters

07-17-2007, 12:36 PM

07-17-2007, 04:19 PM
Tl Is A Great Tracker Dont Abuse It

07-17-2007, 04:58 PM
i have lots of tl and td invites to give away, i can help u too ;)

07-17-2007, 06:30 PM
No use, they banned my subnet...lol I'm done there for a while :P

fuck'em....i have more trackers then i know what to do with.....

peat moss
07-18-2007, 01:35 AM
Must be related to my grand pa ,tell him to get new glasses as you get a permanent ban for 6 failed logins in a row . I'm not kidding as the old fart forgot his login name and password . :pinch:

07-18-2007, 05:33 PM
user notes you have to love them

2007-07-15 - Warned for 4 weeks by {removed}.
Reason: Invite another user who cheats, you will be banned also

after that warning yet another user you invited cheated

Seems a bit harsh to me. He made his post here at 1am on the 16th, which means he was banned a matter of hours after his warning. The warning was to be more careful with his invites in future, but it looks like he was banned because a person he had already invited was then caught cheating, so its not like he had chance to change his ways. Given the short time between the warning and his ban it's possible he didn't even see the warning before his account was disabled.

I dont feel much sympathy for people who get banned for inviting cheats, but its a little unfair to say he was given proper warning and opportunity to change. Not that my opinion really matters, but I dont see why a warning + removal of his invites wouldn't have been an adequate punishment.

07-19-2007, 12:26 AM
user notes you have to love them

2007-07-15 - Warned for 4 weeks by {removed}.
Reason: Invite another user who cheats, you will be banned also

after that warning yet another user you invited cheated

Seems a bit harsh to me. He made his post here at 1am on the 16th, which means he was banned a matter of hours after his warning. The warning was to be more careful with his invites in future, but it looks like he was banned because a person he had already invited was then caught cheating, so its not like he had chance to change his ways. Given the short time between the warning and his ban it's possible he didn't even see the warning before his account was disabled.

I dont feel much sympathy for people who get banned for inviting cheats, but its a little unfair to say he was given proper warning and opportunity to change. Not that my opinion really matters, but I dont see why a warning + removal of his invites wouldn't have been an adequate punishment.

I guess I should say that I never got a warning, I just tried to log in one day and I couldn't....I was not SELLING ACCOUNTS, I wasn't even trading accounts...my ratio was 200gigs download and 300gigs uploaded, I was a frequent user of the site. I gave away a few invites to the wrong people and I got banned...I tried to talk to the mods but they wouldn't listen...oh well....

07-19-2007, 01:24 AM
yes i agree it was to harsh and it the user had come to me i would of removed invites and given his acount back
but once he wrote

Apparently i was making and cheating accounts, and then I sold them...I did nothing of the sort....

I just got really pissed and told one of the mods there to fuck off...oh well

there is nothing i can do.

being abusive to any member of my staff means a prem ban if people are not happy with a mod ect they should take it to an admin to be dealt with

07-19-2007, 03:01 AM
yes i agree it was to harsh and it the user had come to me i would of removed invites and given his acount back
but once he wrote

Apparently i was making and cheating accounts, and then I sold them...I did nothing of the sort....

I just got really pissed and told one of the mods there to fuck off...oh well

there is nothing i can do.

being abusive to any member of my staff means a prem ban if people are not happy with a mod ect they should take it to an admin to be dealt with

it's too bad that i didn't talk to you first....oh well, for what its worth i would say to monitor the kind of people that you let be mods........

07-21-2007, 01:53 AM
They are anal retentive a-holes, I got banned today too,:angry:! I was working on my ratio and was doing fine, playing by the rules until I downloaded one freaking 22Gb file that screwed it up and of course some control freak moron banned me! This ratio business is not exactly fair either! Yes it is important to keep your upload bytes high, but they could also have a look at the nuber of actual files downloaded and uploaded!!!! On top of it a regular user has absolutely no control over the ratio, unless you download once a month and have your computer available on 24/7 - not fair either! I read here that 20EU would get me reinstated - not gonna happen, I'd rather give 20EU to the first bum I see.
The worst thing is that they won't even give you an option to explain!!!!

07-21-2007, 02:41 AM
They are anal retentive a-holes, I got banned today too,:angry:! I was working on my ratio and was doing fine, playing by the rules until I downloaded one freaking 22Gb file that screwed it up and of course some control freak moron banned me! This ratio business is not exactly fair either! Yes it is important to keep your upload bytes high, but they could also have a look at the nuber of actual files downloaded and uploaded!!!! On top of it a regular user has absolutely no control over the ratio, unless you download once a month and have your computer available on 24/7 - not fair either! I read here that 20EU would get me reinstated - not gonna happen, I'd rather give 20EU to the first bum I see.
The worst thing is that they won't even give you an option to explain!!!!

Lol i feel you pain main...I went on IRC to talk with the people and their just as big of assholes as you think they are, I think I took more pleasure in telling them to fuck off then I would if I got my account back....

07-21-2007, 03:04 AM
Glad :w00t:I'm not the only one who feels that way.....I guess they organized it this way NOT to hear that constant fuck offs...now that I cooled down, I'm kinda glad I'm out of there, they made me feel like I had to kiss their ass to get some stuff....

07-21-2007, 03:38 AM
Why does TL ban people when you can change your IP in minutes, and get a new invite in minutes? Those P2L people crack me up.

07-21-2007, 04:11 AM
i am sharing one TL account with 3 people all of them from Hungary put 3 different ISPs, and the account hasn't been disabled ;)

07-21-2007, 04:17 AM
i am sharing one TL account with 3 people all of them from Hungary put 3 different ISPs, and the account hasn't been disabled ;)
According to threads made in this last week, TL doesn't care if you do shady stuff or cheat. I'm curious how they even managed to find just a few cheaters in order to ban the OP :P

07-21-2007, 05:41 AM
They are anal retentive a-holes, I got banned today too,:angry:! I was working on my ratio and was doing fine, playing by the rules until I downloaded one freaking 22Gb file that screwed it up and of course some control freak moron banned me! This ratio business is not exactly fair either! Yes it is important to keep your upload bytes high, but they could also have a look at the nuber of actual files downloaded and uploaded!!!! On top of it a regular user has absolutely no control over the ratio, unless you download once a month and have your computer available on 24/7 - not fair either! I read here that 20EU would get me reinstated - not gonna happen, I'd rather give 20EU to the first bum I see.
The worst thing is that they won't even give you an option to explain!!!!

Downloading a 22 gig file as your first torrent is just retarded.You deserved a ban,if you would have read the rules you would of know it was coming.

07-21-2007, 05:46 AM
Downloading a 22 gig file as your first torrent is just retarded.You deserved a ban,if you would have read the rules you would of know it was coming.
It's easy to seed back on TL.

07-21-2007, 10:13 AM
why does it matter if it's easy or not? i don't think people want to upload 22gb to some asshole and than pray that he gives it back and not turn out to be a leech. if he can't follow the rules, he's hurting the swarm so he deserves to be booted off.

it's needless to point out that he would be banned for life on oink and bitmetv long time before that.

07-21-2007, 01:13 PM
They are anal retentive a-holes, I got banned today too,:angry:! I was working on my ratio and was doing fine, playing by the rules until I downloaded one freaking 22Gb file that screwed it up and of course some control freak moron banned me! This ratio business is not exactly fair either! Yes it is important to keep your upload bytes high, but they could also have a look at the nuber of actual files downloaded and uploaded!!!! On top of it a regular user has absolutely no control over the ratio, unless you download once a month and have your computer available on 24/7 - not fair either! I read here that 20EU would get me reinstated - not gonna happen, I'd rather give 20EU to the first bum I see.
The worst thing is that they won't even give you an option to explain!!!!

Downloading a 22 gig file as your first torrent is just retarded.You deserved a ban,if you would have read the rules you would of know it was coming.

He didn't say he downloaded it as his first torrent

07-21-2007, 02:15 PM
They are anal retentive a-holes, I got banned today too,:angry:! I was working on my ratio and was doing fine, playing by the rules until I downloaded one freaking 22Gb file that screwed it up and of course some control freak moron banned me! This ratio business is not exactly fair either! Yes it is important to keep your upload bytes high, but they could also have a look at the nuber of actual files downloaded and uploaded!!!! On top of it a regular user has absolutely no control over the ratio, unless you download once a month and have your computer available on 24/7 - not fair either! I read here that 20EU would get me reinstated - not gonna happen, I'd rather give 20EU to the first bum I see.
The worst thing is that they won't even give you an option to explain!!!!

Downloading a 22 gigabyte file when your ratio cant handle it is just stupid. It's not their fault you can't keep a good ratio. Others - like me- can do it without any problems. Everyone has complete control over their ratio, you just have to use your brain. In fact TL is one of the easier sites to keep good stats on.

07-21-2007, 08:17 PM
lol, deuce, it wasn't my first download/upload at all. And, I WAS seeding it after download! Then received a message that I have 4 days to improve my ration, understand that. However some trigger happy retard nuked me teh very next day?! That means they're full of shit in my book!
Nice one optimus, words are not enough....maybe I deserve to be shot

07-21-2007, 08:52 PM
lol, deuce, it wasn't my first download/upload at all. And, I WAS seeding it after download! Then received a message that I have 4 days to improve my ration, understand that. However some trigger happy retard nuked me teh very next day?! That means they're full of shit in my book!
Nice one optimus, words are not enough....maybe I deserve to be shot

Join Date2007-04-07 05:59:22 (15 weeks ago)
Last Seen2007-07-21 01:15:56 (19 hours ago)
Uploaded4.82 GB
Downloaded25.61 GB
Share Ratio0.188 http://www.torrentleech.org/pic/smilies/cry.gif

Snatch List for user: Bosi (http://www.torrentleech.org/userdetails.php?id=547235)

Torrent Size Downloaded Uploaded Ratio
*removed* (http://www.torrentleech.org/details.php?id=56335) 710.81 MB 0 MB 0 MB inf
*removed* (http://www.torrentleech.org/details.php?id=56335) 252.57 MB 222.84 MB 119.78 MB 0.54220
*removed* (http://www.torrentleech.org/details.php?id=56335) 9038.29 MB 370.77 MB 6.25 MB 0.0226
*removed* (http://www.torrentleech.org/details.php?id=56335)712.21 MB 289.77 MB 363.5 MB 1.251
*removed* (http://www.torrentleech.org/details.php?id=56335) 1441.62 MB 1454.07 MB 210.77 MB 0.148
*removed* (http://www.torrentleech.org/details.php?id=56335) 570.33 MB 514.43 MB 485.81 MB 0.9425
*removed* (http://www.torrentleech.org/details.php?id=56335) 22322.95 MB 21037.38 MB 1282.25 MB 0.06184

and for your info no mod/person banned you the system did we don't waste are time on leechers like yourself

07-21-2007, 09:01 PM
thanks king, you're an ace. as u can see my ratio was better then 0.5 before the unfortunate download....all my comments go to the system then and sorry for being a leech, was trying not to be one......

07-21-2007, 09:05 PM
thanks king, you're an ace. as u can see my ratio was better then 0.5 before the unfortunate download....all my comments go to the system then and sorry for being a leech, was trying not to be one......

you are welcome i won't name the torrents downloaded as that is for mine and your eyes onlys

now you have not been to rude this is what i can do i will enable the account but remove your download rights

once you have seeded your ratio back to 0.6 i will enable download rights again

it is up to you just let me know

07-21-2007, 09:43 PM
thanx king, I do appreciate your effort, that could work. I'll just have to make sure there is stuff on my computer for sharing now, lol, had to do some major clean up to accommodate 2 x 22 Gb so I'll see if I can restore the files and let it rip....tahnk you again

07-22-2007, 03:22 AM
lucky break for you.

07-22-2007, 08:31 AM
inviting cheaters/? what do you mean by cheating how the fuck can you cheat a thats not even possible :huh:

well I got banned from TL because I didnt use it enough :lol:

07-22-2007, 05:49 PM
Yeah, lucky break for sure seppy, especially when I read the responses by those two militants who are sooooo ready to crucify people. Well, hope I can undo my so called stupidity.
With this cheating, I just don't understand what do they mean by that, Adster is right, how can you cheat here(and why I have no idea)? They probably mess with ratios, lol...

07-22-2007, 06:05 PM
Yeah, lucky break for sure seppy, especially when I read the responses by those two militants who are sooooo ready to crucify people. Well, hope I can undo my so called stupidity.
With this cheating, I just don't understand what do they mean by that, Adster is right, how can you cheat here(and why I have no idea)? They probably mess with ratios, lol...

By cheating i think they mean people who buffer up accounts and then trade/sell them........

07-22-2007, 06:54 PM
No it means using clients that report incorrect stats (intensionally) to the tracker about how much you have downloaded/uploaded.

07-22-2007, 07:15 PM
Yeah, lucky break for sure seppy, especially when I read the responses by those two militants who are sooooo ready to crucify people. Well, hope I can undo my so called stupidity.

starting 22GB download with 0.4 ratio isn't "so called stupidity" it's a greedy leeching behaviour, you should be grateful to rob for his kindness and continue in polite manner.

07-22-2007, 07:33 PM
Well, if someone smart would break up the file into 5 pieces we wouldn't have this discussion, would we? I know, I know, could have selected individual file at the time! Well, mea culpa. As for greedy, there are plenty people on line who are getting stuff from me as we speak and I have absolutely no problem with that - as long as machine is on, they all are welcomed!