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View Full Version : New Website - Can I Get A Link On K-lite?

06-20-2003, 02:05 PM
Hey, guys. I am putting together a website that is based on downloading movies/making VideoCD. It is pretty blatant, though I don't think that will bother you so much.

How I plan to make our site stand out from the rest is that I will be posting step-by-step instructions (lessons) on how to make VCDs, from the software needed, though downloading, splitting, encoding, fixing, burning...the works, and all gone into in excrusiating detail!

I would like a 6 year old to be able to visit my site and be able to make a VideoCD that day. Here is the address:


It is a very well structured site, complete with a forum and all the standard website fare. I intend to run it through a redirect service shortly to make the URL less tedious.

If you could, have a look at it and let me know if you want to put a link on your site. I will send you the shortened URL right afterward.

Thanks for your time!


06-20-2003, 02:19 PM
well site looks pretty good...

for the rest i will move this to the movieworld (the about our website... is... for our website and forum). You can make a link in your signature...

Have fun and good luck with your site B)

06-20-2003, 02:24 PM
make a link to VCDgear this is a good program to extract a MPG out of an .Bin file.
I don't think you can get a link because the site is a little emty. doom9.org is still the best site for VCD

06-20-2003, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by {I}{K}{E}@20 June 2003 - 14:24
doom9.org is still the best site for VCD
We'll just see about that. ;)

06-20-2003, 03:28 PM
Hey Hangover, dude, doom9 is huge. I read the page once, just the updates to the site, and even I, who is an experienced computer user, didn't know what half the stuff they were talking about, and I know movies man. I know how to do a lot of stuff with movies, and they're like, way better IMHO. Again, you can try to beat them, but it's doubtful.. Doom9's been around for a very long time. Several years I do believe...

06-20-2003, 03:54 PM
Well, they may have more info (for the moment), but where is the love??


Also, my site will have Sig2Dat links in both a library and as headlines (for new ones) plus maybe a few exclusive ones ;) (for those who don't want to hassle with AVI files to make a VCD and don't want web addresses in the movie itself)

I just have a great love affair (hey, now!) with this whole "download and burn your own movies thing" and I want to make the best site I can for it. If another site is better, oh well. But NO SITE (not even mine) will have EVERYTHING.
