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View Full Version : Amdahl's Law Calculator

06-21-2003, 02:15 AM
I've managed to copy the entire site and save it in an auto running CD format but I can't locate the java applets. I've tried source copy, select all copy, SuperBot, Frontpage 2000, nothing works. I need help!!!

This is the original site > http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~prabhu/Tutorial/title.html

And the specific page I wanted (for the handy calculator ) > http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~prabhu/Tutorial...CHE/amdahl.html (http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~prabhu/Tutorial/CACHE/amdahl.html)

And my page with problems > http://members.shaw.ca/telfaq/amdahl.htm

And the source > http://members.shaw.ca/telfaq/amdahl_source.htm

06-21-2003, 09:09 PM

Nobody pirates applets?

Are they cached somewhere localy or .......... ??

06-21-2003, 09:52 PM
I don&#39;t know much about adding applets to a webpage from copying but here is my speculation. You probably need to upload the applet onto the site and then use something like <APPLET code = "Amdahl&#39;s Law.class"></APPLET>. I don&#39;t know the correct syntax but I&#39;m thinking you need the code itself. I don&#39;t know how to obtain that off a page. However it doesn&#39;t seem like making those boxes would be tough. Couple Comboboxes, JLabels,JButtons and a Jtextarea. If i had a working program to use java in I might actually be able to make..but I don&#39;t have one right now =&#092;

EDIT: I didn&#39;t read the source first but...
<CENTER><APPLET code = "AmForm1.class"
alt = "This is the place for my applet&#33; Please, enable you
Java to see it&#33; :)"

You need that AmForm1.class so that it loads up onto your site when the users comes.

Also at the bottom of your site you should have a link to the site you got this from just so you can&#39;t get in trouble?

Another Edit: You might want to change the links on those buttons so it doesn&#39;t go back to the site you got it from.

06-21-2003, 10:39 PM
Also at the bottom of your site you should have a link to the site you got this from just so you can&#39;t get in trouble?

Another Edit: You might want to change the links on those buttons so it doesn&#39;t go back to the site you got it from

It will be saved in an autorun CD format for refference only, It won&#39;t be posted so it shouldn&#39;t be too much of a problem.
The program I have changes all refferences to the original html site to the new "virtual site" on the CD.
It&#39;s very cool for educational sites like this and I can make it work with flash and everything else. Just the applets are a problem. I&#39;ve checked when doing calcs and nothing is sent out so the java DB has to be cached on my end I would think. Nothing in any temp files that I can find. The page works fine offline but won&#39;t save complete with working applets.
I don&#39;t think it&#39;s a problem with the harvester either because I see it loading javascript from the pages and like I said, the original offlines won&#39;t save either.
Java stuff is still pretty new to me though so I&#39;m not sure if you&#39;re saying I need a program "AmForm1.class" installed on my end? or is this the working DB for the calculator? Is it generic or coded for specificaly for this page?

06-22-2003, 02:25 PM
Hmm ok i see what you mean having the java applet cached onto your computer.

I did a search for AmForm1.class and I found it as AmForm1.class-3d0223a3-7720a07f.class in C:&#092;Documents and Settings&#092;(username)&#092;.jpi_cache&#092;file&#092;1.0. I also see the other Am- classes in there too. I&#39;m not too sure what you can do from there, but I would think thats where the files are&#33;

And by "AmForm1.class", whenever you compile code it makes a .class file or atleast I think so. I&#39;m no java expert though:P.

06-22-2003, 02:35 PM
It looks like you&#39;ve nailed it&#33; thanks. I checked all the other java folders and thought I&#39;d checked that one too.....

Now I&#39;ll just have to experiment with the best way to re include them with frontpage I suppose. Under advanced / insert special/ java I&#39;m guessing. it could be a hyperlink also though but I have seen hints on that part so I should be OK.

Thanks again for your time.

06-22-2003, 04:23 PM
http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~prabhu/Tutorial...E/AmForm1.class (http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~prabhu/Tutorial/CACHE/AmForm1.class)

http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~prabhu/Tutorial...E/AmForm2.class (http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~prabhu/Tutorial/CACHE/AmForm2.class)

http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~prabhu/Tutorial...HE/AmPict.class (http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~prabhu/Tutorial/CACHE/AmPict.class)

right click save target as???

06-23-2003, 12:10 AM
Cool Thanks&#33; What did you right click on ?
My right click does nothing over the applet, it only works on the rest of the page.

06-23-2003, 12:12 AM
i veiwed the source of the page, looked for the java files, then added the file names to the working directory to give u the links. :)