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View Full Version : Leeware speeds

07-21-2007, 06:50 PM
What is the quickest way to transfer from leeware to your computer.

Plz help

07-21-2007, 06:57 PM
My guess would be FTP.

07-21-2007, 07:00 PM
I thought that but using ws ftp which is the only program that works i get 20kbps max

07-21-2007, 07:03 PM
use cuteFtp, set your max connection to as much as you can(like 50) and then start downloading, youll get max most of the times, in case of single file downloading you can use Webmin and download via browser.

07-21-2007, 07:07 PM
I'll give it a try thanks

07-21-2007, 08:22 PM
I've tried many different things and the best was to set up an FTP-server on your box and then use a download accelerator when downloading files to your comp.

07-21-2007, 08:28 PM
wow, this has been done to death. The ftp that comes already setup with leeware is sftp and is EXTREMELY slow. Either setup regular ftp or just use http

07-21-2007, 09:09 PM
wow, this has been done to death. The ftp that comes already setup with leeware is sftp and is EXTREMELY slow. Either setup regular ftp or just use http

I thought it was slow b/c it was A: hosted at FDC (eeeewwwww cogent...) and B: a VPS (chances of finding one that isn't oversold to death are rare.. very rare..).

Fastest i've seen a leeware go is 2MB/s and that was for 2 seconds. Best chance is to do like what's already been said, and thread the hell out of it to fight for crappy cogent bw being shared with however many people are using the same link on that particular VPS machine :P

07-21-2007, 09:35 PM
Create a new torrent with the files you want to move, use as tracker your leeware IP (vpsxxx.leeware.com:8080/announce) if you have 8080 port in your webui, and from the advanced options in utorrent make enable bt.enable tracker.

Then download the torrent you created with sftp, and download it with your home client @ full speed (for my home connection)

I got 210 kB/sec in my 2 mbit connection, but @ work i saw up to 1 MB/sec

07-21-2007, 09:57 PM
Create a new torrent with the files you want to move, use as tracker your leeware IP (vpsxxx.leeware.com:8080/announce) if you have 8080 port in your webui, and from the advanced options in utorrent make enable bt.enable tracker.

Then download the torrent you created with sftp, and download it with your home client @ full speed (for my home connection)

I got 210 kB/sec in my 2 mbit connection, but @ work i saw up to 1 MB/sec

nice solution, and you are sure the files won't be corrupted once on your pc this way :)

07-21-2007, 10:33 PM
connect to the ftp via flashget, it divides every file to a lot of little downloads and from my experience it's the fastest.

07-22-2007, 10:25 PM
the whole leeware is shared on a 100mbit port, that's why the speeds are so crap, about 500 vps's on 100mbit is 256kbit per one :lol:

07-22-2007, 11:32 PM
i got good speeds between 2/3 MB/S with my leeware all the time

07-22-2007, 11:38 PM
just use http, it'll be much faster.

07-23-2007, 02:52 AM
just use http, it'll be much faster.

except for large single files my speeds are okay, but how do you connect through http?

07-23-2007, 10:42 AM

And then you use your root password

It has a part where it says "File" and you can download the files from there with ?good? speed

07-23-2007, 06:50 PM

And then you use your root password

It has a part where it says "File" and you can download the files from there with ?good? speed

okay. thanks for the help. i got into webmin and i see something for backing up configuration files but i can't figure it out. :frusty:

nevermind i got it. thanks. but it's slow. :(

name in use
07-24-2007, 08:59 PM
i used ftprush didnt get too fast :\

too bad you cant fxp with leeware that would be ideal but sftp dont support that