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06-22-2003, 11:03 AM
Well, as some know, I got bad news from my best freind last week. (about his mom.) That is still up in the air as far as treatment.

I just received a call that another good freind, and fellow musician, just took his own life. His uncle and I were co-workers and I met him while recording some bassline for a smooth jazz project.(With his uncle.) We all recorded together and got my friend's project rolling. The kid was great on the guitar!

Lat night (friday night as it was still saturday when I got the call) he decided to silence his beauty and take a bullet.

Damn the human race can really suck sometimes...

Waiting for the 3rd one, as these things come in threes.

06-22-2003, 11:10 AM
Man, that is some heavy shit.
My sympathies to all involved.
My bewilderment and sadness at this world deepens.

06-22-2003, 11:12 AM
My heart goes out to you and all cocerned dude :(

One of the worst things is a person taking their own life, so sad :(

Peace to all

Jonno B)

06-22-2003, 11:14 AM
Im sorry to hear that bassman.......Thats really sad, dude.... :(

I am thinking of you all.

06-22-2003, 11:16 AM
I, and everyone I am certain, appreciate the thought. I will be up all night thinking on this. This will be yet another person in my life gone. When I count how many I have lost over the years I feel I should disappear too. Then, I realise how selfish that is and my other feelings of rage and nihilism. I have a beautiful, loving wife, a cute little girl who is still proud to call me daddy and a pretty good life at this point.

Thus the reason I debated posting this here. I hate sharing too much misery, as it is a selfish act. Yet, I am not an island and there are those here I respect as though I knew them IRL. I feel free to share my feelings here, how ever violent, silly, painful or luke warm they may be.

Thanks to everyone for being here and for allowing me to partially cauterize my wounds.

06-22-2003, 11:20 AM
If there's anyone at all you think might be able to lend you a helping hand or an understanding ear, do not hesitate to contact them.....whether they're in this forum or not. OK ?

06-22-2003, 11:27 AM
Appreciated Riddler, I am waiting on my wife to get home. Se spent the weekend with her two best girlfriends working on thier business together. She takes good care of me when I have mood swings. I beleive this will precipitate one but for now I am numb. My current therapy is playing my bass as I read through the forum. I may hit Mirc in a bit, or try to get a little sleep. Either way, talking to you guys and gals here has helped immeasurably. (And kept me of the sh*tl list of my freinds I would wake up by phone were you not here! :D )

I am manic Depressive to top things off, so my lady knows how to handle me. I just hope I stay numb a little longer.

Thanks again!

06-22-2003, 11:39 AM
I would have killed myself if it wasn't wrong in my religion. The punishment is eternity in HELL :flame:

06-22-2003, 11:39 AM
Insanebassman, your sensivity displays to everyone that you love and are loved.
Embrace this opportunity however bleak (and it is) to absorb the love of your wife and daughter. Just reading your post has given me pause to sigh some relief at seeing my family safe and well around me.

06-22-2003, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by insanebassman@22 June 2003 - 04:27
Appreciated Riddler, I am waiting on my wife to get home. Se spent the weekend with her two best girlfriends working on thier business together. She takes good care of me when I have mood swings. I beleive this will precipitate one but for now I am numb. My current therapy is playing my bass as I read through the forum. I may hit Mirc in a bit, or try to get a little sleep. Either way, talking to you guys and gals here has helped immeasurably. (And kept me of the sh*tl list of my freinds I would wake up by phone were you not here! :D )

I am manic Depressive to top things off, so my lady knows how to handle me. I just hope I stay numb a little longer.

Thanks again!
OK then........but if you even THINK of doing anything crazy, I'll drive over there and pull your ears over your head ! ....don't think I can't find you ! :D

06-22-2003, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Riddler@22 June 2003 - 04:39
OK then........but if you even THINK of doing anything crazy, I'll drive over there and pull your ears over your head ! ....don't think I can't find you ! :D
What, you in phoenix?


I will keep that in mind.!

Do not worry that I am so selfish, I have my lover's smile and my daughter's mischeif to keep me from stupidity on that level for many years to come. (My wife is my lover when she get's boared with being a wife... she also is my girlfreind when wife and lover do not seem to be what works out. I am the same for her, in the male counterpart....)

so, as you can see, life is good but for the recent bumps. You are a great person too, so I can not prematurely cut short learning more about you either!

And cooolway, you have just proved that religion does have some sort of place, limited in scope and relevance as it may be.... (or any other strong motivation to keep you going is good as well!)

I am going to attempt sleep. Thanks again for the support, I was very angry when I begin writing and as I wrote, I thought of what I have good. Here is my list:

My wife/Girl Friend/Lover/Best freind all in one person
Better, I have her love and respect and she mine.
I have a beautiful daughter who loves me and whom I love.
I have a home in which to live
I have a band that makes good music and has good times
I can make music
I have some good friends in life, when it is often a surplus to have just one!
I have good freinds here.
I have been blessed with several talents and a bit of a brain.
All of my limbs work
I am not hungry.
I am mostly healthy
no one has tried to kill me in several years that I know of. ;)

The list can go on, but these are some of my reminders as to how good life can be if I stop bitching and whining. Nothing like loss to remind you of what is left.

Thanks again and good "night"

06-22-2003, 11:56 AM
again, my heart goes out to you.

like i said in "sickest things" my mate hung himself 2 years ago, and i will never ever forget the pain and heart ache we all had to go through twice in the space of 6 weeks. losing a friend or family member can really make you stop and think about the point of life, but as long as you stay close to the ones you love, and ask for support whenever you need it!
and like riddler said, if ever you need to talk to someone unrelated to your situation, dont be scared to pm one of us.

/me reaches out and gives you a big hug, my thought are with you right now! ;)

06-22-2003, 12:01 PM
I'm sorry to hear all this J..........I don't know if there is much else I can do here, but if u want to talk or something, just mail me. :)


06-22-2003, 12:35 PM
If only we would let each other know how much we care for them.

I feel sad for your friend, but I feel even more sad for you, his friends and family. He obviously did not realise what a good friend you were / are. Please remember that you have no guilt through his action and Insanebassman, not every thing goes in three's. We are all with you on this.