View Full Version : If you're voting in the US primaries...

07-24-2007, 03:35 PM
This guy seems to be the only sensible option on the republican side:


I almost can't believe the propaganda machine that is Fox news, it's so surreal in its promotion of a quasi democratic society.

Take a look at this as well:


07-24-2007, 04:00 PM
A campaign video:

So, I hardly agree with all of his politics - but still, atleast you're not voting yourself and the world into chains.

07-24-2007, 04:21 PM
This guy seems to be the only sensible option on the republican side:


I almost can't believe the propaganda machine that is Fox news, it's so surreal in its promotion of a quasi democratic society.

Take a look at this as well:


Sir, I thank you immensely for that.:)

Based what I saw, I'd vote for him over Obama or Clinton.

Sadly, Repubs like a person who appears more the statesman with very little substance.

This guy reminds of the person who doesn't need prepared stuff to say but can just talk sense and that be enough.

I personally don't want a timetable for leaving Iraq. Something like that should be secretive. I wouldn't us leaving so Iraqis can give our soldiers parting shots.

Hannity is a bitch. We've let some of the worst genocides go in Rwanda and Darfur so he needs to STFU.

He tries to be loud, seemingly making something sound bad but disregards other instances. The same went for Guilianni. I don't totally agree with Paul about blowback but the GOP is on his nuts cuz he was loud and made a "powerful statement". I disagree with Paul somewhat wrong about blowback. If our military is taking action justly and someone wants to attack us for it, blowback cannot be helped. I have to think that Paul meant that but Guilliani seized on it.

What were the end results of the poll?

edit: Ok here's MSNBC's




(I'm surprised they didn't change the results:dry:)

He won the text message vote, btw.

Here's another link





Another link

07-24-2007, 09:36 PM
Ron Paul definitely has my vote.

Here are a couple sites for you.

Collection of videos (http://www.youtube.com/RonPaul2008dotcom)

His web page (http://www.ronpaul2008.com/issues/)

Recent article on him (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/22/magazine/22Paul-t.html?pagewanted=1&ei=5087%0A&em&en=5712899719e91506&ex=1185422400)

07-24-2007, 11:30 PM
Ron Paul is riding on a wave of popularity because instead of using feel good propaganda he spoke the truth about US foreign policy (and took a conservative stance instead of the stance taken by these self described conservatives that have mutated into authoritarian right wing big government, world invading ideologues)
He is however not such a Libertarian as he claims to be, often co sponsoring bills or voting for bills that give government more power over the individual.

A central tenet of libertarianism is that a citizen should have some recourse when his rights are violated by the state. However Paul supports "court stripping" (denying courts the right to hear entire classes of cases) which would remove the rights of recourse.

He claims government should stay out of the private lives of citizens yet he votes to impose religion onto state schools.