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View Full Version : Inside the surge

07-26-2007, 05:45 PM
Video footage of life in Iraq with American troops, the video is in 2 parts. Both are interesting in their own ways
Part1 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/video/page/0,,2125978,00.html)
Part 2 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/video/page/0,,2135293,00.html)

Seems to me like being an infantry soldier in Iraq mostly consists of having to do fairly nasty things to the general populace on a daily basis, which must suck for all involved.
The difficulties that complete non-comprehension of local language throw up are also interesting, apart from just completely misunderstanding the guy at the end of the second video, it also makes the troops stand-offish and seemingly arrogant as they have no choice but to generally ignore what the local people are trying to tell them.

07-28-2007, 07:42 PM
Video footage of life in Iraq with American troops, the video is in 2 parts. Both are interesting in their own ways
Part1 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/video/page/0,,2125978,00.html)
Part 2 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/video/page/0,,2135293,00.html)

Seems to me like being an infantry soldier in Iraq mostly consists of having to do fairly nasty things to the general populace on a daily basis, which must suck for all involved.
The difficulties that complete non-comprehension of local language throw up are also interesting, apart from just completely misunderstanding the guy at the end of the second video, it also makes the troops stand-offish and seemingly arrogant as they have no choice but to generally ignore what the local people are trying to tell them.

They Coalition forces are fighting a war that they will not win. Offhand I can not think of any occupying force that has not been eventually defeated. It is just a process of turning young men into old men, or dead men, before their time. It is a sad situation. I can find no justification in the occupation of Iraq.:(