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View Full Version : Bit Torrent

06-24-2003, 10:12 PM
Sometimes when i d/l stuff using bit torrent it turns out like many rar. files all of which are 15 mbs. I know with these files you just extract them to one folder and they automatically convert into bin, or avi ...etc

My problem is that on one particular file, (Hulk, 2GBs The Game) when i finished the files were not in rar. format. When i tried to extract them to a folder, not . <_<

Does anyone know how i can fix this? :blink: By the way i got the game off of Supernova, so if anyone got it from there and figured out how to use it, do tell. thx :blink:

06-24-2003, 10:22 PM
I have a feeling the Hulk isn&#39;t going to be worth the download, but hey you didn&#39;t even pay for it. Either way if you could tell us what the other file is. If you have a bunch of rars (r00 r01) I often see .nfo or .sfv files along with it. Maybe you have a corrupt file but if you could give us a little more information about the one file maybe I can help better.

EDIT: Quadruple post? Reply to this one thread please everybody and hopefully a moderator will delete the rest.

06-24-2003, 10:32 PM
Open WinRAR and find the strange files.Extract them from within WinRAR and they turn into bins andd cues or ISO&#39;s.
Remember,you cant right click on the files and select extract,you must search and extract from WITHIN WinRAR. ;)

06-24-2003, 10:56 PM
sry to the mods about the multiple posts, whenever i posted i was sent to a blank page. Then i couldnt log back into the forums. I wasnt sure if i had posted or not
i didnt mean to post multiple times, sry again :(

06-24-2003, 11:06 PM
i tried to extract from within winRAR. i found the files using winRAR but they were still in this type of format "flt-hula.001" this represents the first part from the Hulk, CD1. The numbers continue onto .049 and also includes an nfo. file which does not help at all and a sfv. file <_<

06-24-2003, 11:22 PM
Highlight the first one and extract.They should all then extract.

06-25-2003, 12:20 AM
ahh, i c :D :P thx for all the help. It seems to be working now