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View Full Version : FilElist VS other 0-Day

08-02-2007, 07:43 PM
I wanted to know peoples opinion about filelist here.. against standard 0-day and other trackers...

discussions got nothing to do with rarity.. its just a matter of review.. so ..??

08-02-2007, 08:01 PM
I believe that FL keep torrents for a longer period of time then alot of other 0day trackers... I usualy swing by when im looking for something older or weird.
Decent tracker with lots of users.

08-02-2007, 09:54 PM
It's very solid. I used it exclusively for a long time, and never had any problems getting things I needed. Just as good about releases of major movies and TV shows as most other sites, but certainly not the content of say, TL. Overall good speeds, same content as most other sites (plus a bunch of older movies in x264 format recently, as well as imdb250 movies), and a very easy site to maintain a good ratio.

08-02-2007, 10:02 PM
I believe that FL keep torrents for a longer period of time then alot of other 0day trackers... I usualy swing by when im looking for something older or weird.
Decent tracker with lots of users.
They keep the files for less then a month!!! :sick:

08-02-2007, 10:25 PM
Its not a bad tracker, but a bit slow at getting torrents up than say TL or TB.

08-02-2007, 10:32 PM
yeah, FileList aint that great, they have a TTL (Time To Live) modification which only lets the torrent stay alive for 667 hours or something then it automatically deletes. Pre Times arent that great, not alot of content, advertisements everywhere, which is a sore on the eye. So FileList vs. Other 0-day? Other 0-day For The win, TorrentLeech and RevolutionTT have much better content, speed and dont have pornographic material surrounding the borders of the site.

08-02-2007, 11:22 PM
What I mean is they do up some stuff thats not really ... straight from the topsites. Don't know why but iv found old stuff there thats not on any other 0day.

08-02-2007, 11:32 PM
It's one of the best trackers around here with TL , they are very solid.

They have a great content and speeds.
Yeah I know they are criticized because they have a small ads and waht about TL? ..the same.... so why?;):dry:
They aren't pay to leech.

They need to be in the famous list at least (WIAW).

Great site and the also very underrated

08-02-2007, 11:39 PM
Well the "other" stuff they up is from other trackers, like x264 and hdbits. Filelist was never good, I built a huge buffer there when I was new on it, and this is about 2 and a half years ago. I use to get stuff from TB and TL and up it there, so it just goes to show that it hasnt been any good for atleast the past 2.5 years. But back in the days they were good for rare TV shows that werent upped on other trackers. But now its totally useless. Its pathetic, all they're interested in is making money. I know TL is doing the same but TL is way way better than FL. Take my advice stay away from FL, it isnt worth anybody's time.

08-02-2007, 11:42 PM
FL is middle of the range really it can't compare with TL or other 0-day trackers. However I like having it around in case I can't find somthing somewhere else. Plus the download speeds seem pretty quick. As far as the ads go I use adblocker I didn't even realise they had them :lol:

08-03-2007, 06:03 AM
FL used to be great, now is below average and cannot be compared with TL

08-03-2007, 06:40 AM
mhm.. FL is great tracker.. but i think TL or TB is better.. of course ScT is better more times.. but i think this tracker shouldn't be compared with these trackers.. FL is great tracker and i like it..

08-03-2007, 09:07 PM
FL is NOT great, is ok. Been a member for a year and there tracker is just average, nothing special. Its total crap if you compare it with TL.