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View Full Version : I really need bitmetv - can you do me a favor ??

08-03-2007, 01:23 AM
Hey every body :)

I've been chasing bitmetv long time ago :cry:.

I'm only neet it before my retiring .

I wont do like the others & seek for ScT & FTN & ........ect

My RevTT is so cute :D

but the prob Is I'm tv addict :(
& also I'm going to start my way to translate the series to my language "Arabic" .

So I'll neet it so much

& after that I will giveaway all my invites in accounts (LVL3&4)

any ratio proof I'm ready.


08-03-2007, 04:40 AM
If you are TV addict, i can give you a 30 GC invitation to TVTorrents.

It's a good start, and you don't have to beg for BitmeTV :)

If you want that, PM your email. If you don't want that, good luck ;)

08-03-2007, 10:05 AM
If you are TV addict, i can give you a 30 GC invitation to TVTorrents.

It's a good start, and you don't have to beg for BitmeTV :)

If you want that, PM your email. If you don't want that, good luck ;)

Thanks man
I already have this site

But In fact you are right , It have more than that I need :)

so bitmetv , no big neet to it

08-03-2007, 10:14 AM
If you are TV addict, i can give you a 30 GC invitation to TVTorrents.

It's a good start, and you don't have to beg for BitmeTV :)

If you want that, PM your email. If you don't want that, good luck ;)

To hema99 sorry for riding in your thread, really sorry:(

To Gtb, can you give me tvtorrents? since hema already have this... Can you invite me?

By the way, I am member of bitmetv, but tvtorrents will be useful, because some say it is easier to keep good ratio on tvtorrent..

Can you invite me? thanks

08-03-2007, 11:37 AM
To hema99 sorry for riding in your thread, really sorry:(

To Gtb, can you give me tvtorrents? since hema already have this... Can you invite me?

By the way, I am member of bitmetv, but tvtorrents will be useful, because some say it is easier to keep good ratio on tvtorrent..

Can you invite me? thanks

I can invite you to TVT. If you want send me your email.