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View Full Version : Having a billion sites...

08-03-2007, 02:18 PM
I'm on a bunch of sites, and its pretty stupid. I don't even use some, yet I keep them in case by some strange chance that I might need a file there because it isn't anywhere else. I'm having a hard time saying "No, I don't need you, let's get rid of you." Anyone else ever feel this way? I can't seem to resolve this logically... stupid fears of missing a file :(

08-03-2007, 02:33 PM
Yep is understandable, everyone likes to be in every place. However, i really am trying to reduce drastically my activity in some trackers, and keep only the best ones! Its the right decision to make :)

08-03-2007, 02:38 PM
I'm on a bunch of trackers too, but i use isohunt/tbp 90% of the time :rolleyes:
Beat that :p

08-03-2007, 03:11 PM
Yea, it's bad when you have a bunch but you still download from another form of filesharing. Bittorrent sites just organize the new releases nicely. :D

08-03-2007, 03:17 PM
I'm down to 6 sites that I stay active on and the rest I have parked as backups (about 5 more). I gave away everything else that I knew I wouldn't use. And one thing I've learned during my stay at FST is that level doesn't mean shit. My favorite sites are ranked 2 and 4, go figure :)

08-03-2007, 03:18 PM
me too, bookmark many site, i use a half of them every day.
another half once of week :)

08-03-2007, 03:23 PM
I had that problem. Was a member at a lot of foreign trackers and I gave them all away. Now I just park my accounts at a few sites, but mostly I'm only active in two. FTN and Oink ftw

08-03-2007, 04:30 PM
I use 3 trackers (tl, hdbits, demonoid) for most of the stuff I dl and like 4 (bitme, cinema-obscura, bcg etc) more for the stuff I dl occasionally. Just stopped visiting others and deleted them from favorites.
Probably you'll find just about everything you'll need at demonoid and public trackers. Speed will be slow though.

08-03-2007, 04:56 PM
I just make sure when I join I pump my ratio to safe levels then turn off the torrents and leave it, making sure I upload/download a little bit every month or so just from keeping it being lost from inactivity.

08-03-2007, 05:05 PM
why not just leave them lol, who said you had to delete anything

08-03-2007, 05:16 PM
I find usually I keep them all and only when I delete them do i end up needing them lol :yup:

08-03-2007, 05:19 PM
i to had this terrible habit of keeping sites was up to around 50 lost count after a while let a lot of them go or gave them away now down to 12 which 3 i use regular and the others keep active

08-03-2007, 05:21 PM
Yes i can't make desicion too... I am using about ten 15 tracker but only about 3-4 frequently

08-03-2007, 05:27 PM
The more you look for stuff, the more sites you think your gonna need.
To bad it's always the same things on almost every site.

you never know is a winged quote in my head..

08-03-2007, 06:48 PM
why not just leave them lol, who said you had to delete anything
Absolutely. I've had about twenty accounts and now only use about four of them; I just let the others get pruned.

08-03-2007, 07:27 PM
The problem is deciding which to kill off. You guys can help me out with my porn debate:
1) TTi - Not enough leechers for porn, but the newest releases = Hard to keep ratio if no leechers
2) Pussytorrents - Slow pres, fast speeds, easy to keep a ratio
3) Midnight Torrents - Weird I know, people use this place? :P But they do get nice porn
Then everyone automatically has to have puretna and empornium or you are just weird. I think I should find a girlfriend and get rid of all my porn trackers.

Then there's elearning... bitme doesn't have everything, then there are specialty sites like theplace, and well, it's speciality so you must have it o_O and then elbitz...demonoid... help me pick :P

Oh also, then some sites have great forums, but crappy stuff... and I'd miss the forums... are forums are good reason to stay on a tracker? Probably not lol Oh I'm on 2 sites for their IRC channel...

08-03-2007, 07:38 PM
mforcex why do you need to delete any accs...seriously whats going to happen to you for having an account pruned?

08-03-2007, 07:38 PM
I'm on a bunch of sites, and its pretty stupid. I don't even use some, yet I keep them in case by some strange chance that I might need a file there because it isn't anywhere else. I'm having a hard time saying "No, I don't need you, let's get rid of you." Anyone else ever feel this way? I can't seem to resolve this logically... stupid fears of missing a file :(

Same here dude :cry:
It's mania... I need shrink

08-03-2007, 10:04 PM
Did somebody say Giveaway?

08-03-2007, 10:09 PM
Did somebody say Giveaway?


I used to think about getting rid of all my extra accounts because i found all those bookmarks were cluttering up the place. Then I just figured why not organise my bookmarks better so I don't have to look at them. so as it's been said before just keep them.

08-03-2007, 10:39 PM

I used to think about getting rid of all my extra accounts because i found all those bookmarks were cluttering up the place. Then I just figured why not organise my bookmarks better so I don't have to look at them. so as it's been said before just keep them.

I don't know why but that made me laugh hard :lol:

08-03-2007, 10:46 PM
Once i get memberships to TL and OiNK, I plan on just using those for torrents.

As of right now though, I also have loads of torrent sites that are trash, except for SB, which is good.

08-03-2007, 11:36 PM
Once i get memberships to TL and OiNK, I plan on just using those for torrents.

As of right now though, I also have loads of torrent sites that are trash, except for SB, which is good.

I also thought of that before, but then I was wrong, but it depends on every person, me, I use all the time the trackers in my sig:happy:

08-03-2007, 11:55 PM
I'm down to 6 sites that I stay active on and the rest I have parked as backups (about 5 more). I gave away everything else that I knew I wouldn't use. And one thing I've learned during my stay at FST is that level doesn't mean shit. My favorite sites are ranked 2 and 4, go figure :)

exactly like me
most of my downloads are from TL and TD.
fast and good...