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View Full Version : Firewalls!

06-26-2003, 10:34 PM
People! I have read today in the news, that software companies and music recording companies (aol music, sony, etc.) are making deals with internet providers to hunt down those, who share music online. So PLEASE, inform everybody about it and share the firewall software. Set the Program (Norton InetSec or ZoneAlarm) so that the connection that you are using is unsecure and this way internet providers won't be able to scan through your connection that easy.

06-26-2003, 10:45 PM
TechTv Article (http://www.techtv.com/news/news/story/0,24195,3463091,00.html)

06-27-2003, 02:47 AM
Originally posted by skelley521@26 June 2003 - 16:45
TechTv Article (http://www.techtv.com/news/news/story/0,24195,3463091,00.html)
what if some fool payed for Kazaa Gold... then got arrested for usein it! @#$%* he would be like, but i payed for this dam service! this is legal for me!
I mean, why dont they jus sue bill gates for creating the host o/s for all this!
that guy is so rich he probably has 100s of lawyers that would fight in court like it was a bloody war! :angry: