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08-08-2007, 05:30 AM
I give it less than a decade before A-rod overtakes his eventual record.

At least then maybe there'll be no steroid controversy. Well, unless Canseco has something to say about it.

08-08-2007, 05:38 AM
Yes, but a hell of an accomplishment; and steroids or not, I applaud him!

I am a mild Giants fan, so it's cool seeing this HR in AT&T Park.

Henry Aaron will still be the Home Run KING.
Congrads on Bud Selig congradulating Bonds.

Bonds will probably go for 800, and will probably do it.

08-08-2007, 05:48 AM


08-08-2007, 06:15 AM
Maybe Billy Crystal can also direct the movie 756*

08-08-2007, 07:04 AM
I agree if A-rod stays healthy he will shatter many records

08-08-2007, 07:41 AM
This is all due to anabolics....

08-10-2007, 11:53 PM


On point, that.

Sad that we'll never know the truth about the allegations of steroid use, left as we are with Bonds' obfuscations and the denials thrown up by those
would excuse him as unendicted, and by default "innocent".

It must be granted, however, that he is the undisputed home run king of the steroid era, and holds that title on the strength of his natural talent and baseball sense.

If not for the latter, he would just be another Jose Canseco, yes?

08-13-2007, 04:54 PM


On point, that.

Sad that we'll never know the truth about the allegations of steroid use, left as we are with Bonds' obfuscations and the denials thrown up by those
would excuse him as unendicted, and by default "innocent".

It must be granted, however, that he is the undisputed home run king of the steroid era, and holds that title on the strength of his natural talent and baseball sense.

If not for the latter, he would just be another Jose Canseco, yes?


Canseco admitted using steroids for just about his whole career.

Bonds was a hall of famer well before the steroid era.

His HR has now solidified it....absent a positive test.

If they were to somehow get Bonds absent and admission or positive drug test, it will be one of biggest pieces of bullshit I have ever seen in sports.

Also I never heard of talk of asterisks for Canseco.

He, Bonds, Soriano, A-Rod, are the only ones part of the 40-40 Club.

I never heard calls for Canseco to be wiped from record and he admitted....so wtf?

08-13-2007, 07:36 PM
On point, that.

Sad that we'll never know the truth about the allegations of steroid use, left as we are with Bonds' obfuscations and the denials thrown up by those
would excuse him as unendicted, and by default "innocent".

It must be granted, however, that he is the undisputed home run king of the steroid era, and holds that title on the strength of his natural talent and baseball sense.

If not for the latter, he would just be another Jose Canseco, yes?


Canseco admitted using steroids for just about his whole career.

Bonds was a hall of famer well before the steroid era.

His HR has now solidified it....absent a positive test.

If they were to somehow get Bonds absent and admission or positive drug test, it will be one of biggest pieces of bullshit I have ever seen in sports.

Also I never heard of talk of asterisks for Canseco.

He, Bonds, Soriano, A-Rod, are the only ones part of the 40-40 Club.

I never heard calls for Canseco to be wiped from record and he admitted....so wtf?

Find for me a post in which I've advocated asterisks or erasures for anyone at all.

On the other hand, I have no trouble whatsoever with a scenario wherein Bonds resides at the top of the all-time home-run list, but is looked upon by the majority as a cheater.

We see instances ad nauseum in society today of this "It's never been proven" bullshit; it's about time people started to get the idea that telling the truth is not the same thing as making sure no one can prove you've lied.

Of course, you may think otherwise...


As to the issue of Canseco, a quick re-read of my post (along with a bit of actual thought on your part) should reveal my recognition of Bonds' superiority to Canseco as an athlete, steriods aside.

This phrase - "and holds that title on the strength of his natural talent and baseball sense." is the giveaway, I should think...;)

08-13-2007, 09:47 PM
I agree Barry Bonds is a great HITTER! I think in the 80s early 90s, MLB was not as strict with any steroid policy's as they are now.. Look 2 the 80s. If a player hit 30 home runs they were among the league leaders! every year the HR count kept rising, players you never heard of before were hitting 30-40 home runs a year in the by the late 90's.. The Bonds family is deep rooted in baseball and very respected..Mark Mcguire(dt know the right spelling?) and Barry bonds both started hitting 50 home runs a season or more @ the end of their career's, ( Bonds will going to retire soon, if not this year?)doeas that make sense? Why did Sammy Sosa hit 50 a year and simmer down so much we barely hear his name? The league got stict with substance abuse and technology grew so they could identify these substances( some i guess were legal but was Hank Aaron using these substances? i dont think they were even invented yet?..Logically i would think Bonds and other elite home run hitters of the 90's and early 2000 were experimenting with performance enhancement substances.. Why dont 10-15 players hit over 50 home runs a year anymore? nobody can take the home run title back and Barry Bonds is a great baseball player regardless but i think he reached Aaron's record with help, and not just his natural ability.. In Aaron era is was a greater accomplishment! Just my opinion.

08-13-2007, 10:58 PM

Canseco admitted using steroids for just about his whole career.

Bonds was a hall of famer well before the steroid era.

His HR has now solidified it....absent a positive test.

If they were to somehow get Bonds absent and admission or positive drug test, it will be one of biggest pieces of bullshit I have ever seen in sports.

Also I never heard of talk of asterisks for Canseco.

He, Bonds, Soriano, A-Rod, are the only ones part of the 40-40 Club.

I never heard calls for Canseco to be wiped from record and he admitted....so wtf?

Find for me a post in which I've advocated asterisks or erasures for anyone at all.

On the other hand, I have no trouble whatsoever with a scenario wherein Bonds resides at the top of the all-time home-run list, but is looked upon by the majority as a cheater.

We see instances ad nauseum in society today of this "It's never been proven" bullshit; it's about time people started to get the idea that telling the truth is not the same thing as making sure no one can prove you've lied.

Of course, you may think otherwise...


As to the issue of Canseco, a quick re-read of my post (along with a bit of actual thought on your part) should reveal my recognition of Bonds' superiority to Canseco as an athlete, steriods aside.

This phrase - "and holds that title on the strength of his natural talent and baseball sense." is the giveaway, I should think...;)

First off saying, "On point, that" kinda puts you in the spot of condoning the asterisk.

Second off, you need to read then. I said Canseco admitted to using his whole career. It is assumed that Bonds, if he ever did it, didn't do it his whole career. If Bonds even admits to doing steroids when he hit 73 that still doesn't put him in league with Canseco.

Think next time look back at your own posts then read mine and use a bit of actual thought next time.

I sincerely hope you don't talk like this IRL. It's fucking creepy.

On point, that.

08-14-2007, 05:15 AM
I wanna see someone pull down his pants in public and show off his tiny steroid shrunken cock.

08-14-2007, 05:30 AM
I wanna see someone pull down his pants in public and show off his tiny steroid shrunken cock.


Steroids make a person's balls shrink.

It's because they aren't utilized as much.

Just an FYI and whatnot.

08-18-2007, 01:56 AM
He'll get 800 in 2 season, and I bet he'll be doing it in a Giants uniform.

Bond = GOAT in the steroids era

09-05-2007, 12:17 AM
A-Rod will someday be the All-Time HR King. He's only 32 years old right now and he already hit 500 HRs. "IF" he stays healthy, A-Rod will break alot of records. I could careless about Bonds.

09-07-2007, 05:51 PM
A-Rod will someday be the All-Time HR King. He's only 32 years old right now and he already hit 500 HRs. "IF" he stays healthy, A-Rod will break alot of records. I could careless about Bonds.

Yup, Ken Griffey Jr. would have been the home run king had he been healthy.

Maybe he should have roided up for his recoveries.:ermm:

09-08-2007, 01:58 PM
A-Rod will someday be the All-Time HR King. He's only 32 years old right now and he already hit 500 HRs. "IF" he stays healthy, A-Rod will break alot of records. I could careless about Bonds.

Yup, Ken Griffey Jr. would have been the home run king had he been healthy.

Maybe he should have roided up for his recoveries.:ermm:

Oh, the cynicism. :dabs:

Bad Samaritan
09-19-2007, 04:56 AM
I think all the cynicism is well founded. Every time I hear Bond's denials about using steroids, I think about Rafael Palmeiro. Even the players admit that steroids have changed the game. What's the point of breaking records if the players are just going to cheat.

09-19-2007, 09:47 AM
I think all the cynicism is well founded. Every time I hear Bond's denials about using steroids, I think about Rafael Palmeiro. Even the players admit that steroids have changed the game. What's the point of breaking records if the players are just going to cheat.

Kinda makes quibbling about corked bats and excess pine tar sound a bit silly, eh? :whistling

09-20-2007, 09:41 AM
Shrunken Cocks!

Tiny Balls!

Corked Bats!

What the hell is going on in here?

PS...A-Rod will surpass Bonds if healthy. It is a shame Jr. didn't stay healthy.
Jr. was hurt again last night vs the Cubs. Groin,I think.

09-21-2007, 07:06 PM
I think all the cynicism is well founded. Every time I hear Bond's denials about using steroids, I think about Rafael Palmeiro. Even the players admit that steroids have changed the game. What's the point of breaking records if the players are just going to cheat.

There is something to note unrelated to steroids though.

The game has changed based on advances in sports medicine and workout regimens.

Now the use of steroids is a newer type of cheating in baseball but cheating in baseball is not new at all.

Juiced balls, greenies, etc have in the game since way back.

A player amped up of amphetamines is still cheating.

The only reason steroids is getting attention is because of the Home Run record, of course.

I always said that Bonds would be a fool to take steroids now. Some are pissed at him I always thought they put some shit in his food and then in some "inside info" for him to get tested.

Then we'd hear. "See I told you so".

Bad Samaritan
09-23-2007, 10:57 PM
Steroids in baseball started getting a lot more attention with Jose Canseco's book "Juiced".

As for cheating in baseball, I agree it's always been there in the game.
I just think that today's steroids take cheating to a whole different level. A level Hank Aaron could never of have reached in his era of baseball, even if he wanted to cheat.

09-24-2007, 12:10 AM
Steroids in baseball started getting a lot more attention with Jose Canseco's book "Juiced".

As for cheating in baseball, I agree it's always been there in the game.
I just think that today's steroids take cheating to a whole different level. A level Hank Aaron could never of have reached in his era of baseball, even if he wanted to cheat.

I'm sorry, I just don't...understand that.

Or something. :whistling