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View Full Version : Need invite to Pisexy, offering TL buffered account or invites to TL, BCG etc :( help

08-13-2007, 05:33 AM
I know its not much, but I get most of my stuff from TorrentLeech. I'll even offer an account with 1.37 TB uploaded (yes TERRABYTES!) and 382.18 GB downloaded, that's a 3.677 ratio folks, poweruser stats the works. Or Torrent Leech invites, Blackcats invites or anything else you can ask me for and I'll check.

I need an invite to Pisexy or any site that offers tons of DVD-R downloads, I want the best one please as I watch a lot of movies but dont have time for netflix or something like that.

Also, I will take an Oink Account as well if I can give someone something in return? Possibly a quake 4 cdkey :\ thanks guys, monk3y out!

08-13-2007, 06:31 AM
What do you want for that TL acc?