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View Full Version : Kind of a Noob Question

08-14-2007, 05:06 AM
Alright this may seem like a noob question to be asking, but I'm just wondering what's the best way to go about this.

I have downloaded the episodes to a season of Smallville (Season 6 for anyone really curious), and I want to be able to play them on my DVD player. You all might be thinking is this guy dumb, just use your dvd burner; however, I do not have a dvd burner just a cd burner. I'm just wondering what's the best way to go about burning these.

Will a DVD player even play an episode off of a CD that is in AVI format. If so, instead of wasting about 20 cds and burning each episode to a cd, should I just get a re-writeable cd and then just copy over an episode after I've watched it. My question is, how many times can you copy over one cd, because there are 22 episodes in this season.

Any help to this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. :)

08-14-2007, 09:17 AM
Alright this may seem like a noob question to be asking, but I'm just wondering what's the best way to go about this.

Well, obviously getting a DVD burner is the "best way" to go.
They're pretty damn cheap these days...is that an option?

08-14-2007, 11:02 AM
some dvd players are capable of playing divx avi's but it would say on the box. you could also make a svcd or vcd but that would require transcoding the avi into mpeg 1 or 2.

you can visit http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers to check what yours support.

as far as how many times you can record over a cd-rw, i think it is around 1000 but I only have used dvd-rw and have record tv shows for my sister for a season or two. I ended up losing the discs before they stopped working

Getting a dvd burner would cut down on the amount of discs you need to burn and the prices of dvd-r and cd-r are about the same, but you still might have to take time to encode and author the dvd's

08-14-2007, 01:43 PM
If divx doesn't work, and you won't get a burner: Use Nero or something to make VCDs of each episode, 'cos lots of DVD-players can handle MPGs (like the man who posted above me says).

If it's like the one my parents are using, you can also make plain MPG 1s.

You can use this (http://www.tmpgenc.net/), start off with VCD/MPEG 1, and change the bitrate and sound settings according to this (http://www.weethet.nl/downloads/weethetbitratecalc.zip), for a size that fits your cd.

08-15-2007, 12:42 AM
Alright, thanks everyone for the advice/tips. I'm not gonna purchase a dvd burner. Call me cheap but I'm planning on getting a comp upgrade sometime soon so I'll leave it for now. I'm gonna try out the Mpeg 1 thing if my dvd player isn't divx.