View Full Version : c# recommendations

08-14-2007, 11:04 AM
From what im seeing at the minute it seems the market for programmers has moved from Java to c# programmers so i thought i would try my hand at it.

I have plenty of experience with c, c++, php and sql so it shouldn't be too much trouble to learn but was just wondering what peoples thoughts on it where. is it the right language to learn to get a job?

any recommendations for tutorials and books would be helpful as well.

08-14-2007, 01:08 PM
In general it feels less powerful than java (hard to pin down exactly why, though), but if you know Java, you pretty much already know C#. Didn't even write any C# before passing an exam on it once (just wrote what I'd be doing in Java).

Try playing around with threads a bit, and wrap everthing in trys, like.

Like Barbarossa said a while ago, .net is where it's at ATM (or at least it was then), and C# is .net, so.

Can't tell you for sure if it'll get a you job, but you can probably learn it very fast, and it never hurts to learn another language.

Edit: As for literature, they had us using C# Software Solutions: Foundations of software design by John Lewis.

VS express is free, if you need that. And I can try and find a site I used a lot to get examples I dismantled to learn how things worked, if you'd like.

EDit: Meh, site. (http://www.codeproject.com/)

08-14-2007, 03:54 PM
thanks for the advice.

I grabbed visual studio 2005 a while back so i just installed that. I cant find the book you recommended but i grabbed about 25 from alt.binaries.e-book.technical so hopefully one of them is decent.

just been applying for lots of graduate trainee positions and lots of them seem interested in c# so might as well learn a bit.

08-15-2007, 10:17 PM
I'm a full time software developer and recently learn C# (been doing java for years). It's a lot like Java but it does have some really nice new features, such as properties and the threading model. It does suck in some respects though, like no checked exceptions. It is very very similar to Java though, basically a Microsoft rip off with a few nice changes.

08-16-2007, 02:00 PM
I've got those exceptions under control, FTW.

private void katalogFixare(TreeNode enNode)
int position = 0;
DirectoryInfo katalog = new DirectoryInfo(enNode.FullPath + "/");

filstorlekarna = new double[katalog.GetFiles().Length];
filinfo1 = new string[katalog.GetFiles().Length];
filinfo2 = new string[katalog.GetFiles().Length];
filinfo3 = new string[katalog.GetFiles().Length];

foreach (DirectoryInfo kat in katalog.GetDirectories())
TreeNode nyNode = new TreeNode();
nyNode.Text = kat.Name;

DirectoryInfo underKatalog = new DirectoryInfo(nyNode.FullPath + "/");
foreach (DirectoryInfo underKat in underKatalog.GetDirectories())
TreeNode nyareNode = new TreeNode();
nyareNode.Text = underKat.Name;

foreach (FileInfo underFil in underKatalog.GetFiles())
TreeNode nyareNode = new TreeNode();
nyareNode.Text = underFil.Name;
catch (IOException)
{ }
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
{ }
catch (Exception exc)
mittKlassBibliotek.minAboutInfo.ohNoez(exc, "katalogFixare");
foreach (FileInfo fil in katalog.GetFiles())
TreeNode nyNode = new TreeNode();
nyNode.Text = fil.Name;



filstorlekarna[position] = fil.Length;
filinfo1[position] = fil.Name;
filinfo2[position] = fil.Extension;
filinfo3[position] = fil.CreationTime.ToString();
position = position + 1;
catch (IOException)
{ }
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
{ }
catch (Exception exc)
mittKlassBibliotek.minAboutInfo.ohNoez(exc, "katalogFixare");