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06-30-2003, 09:46 PM
LOS ANGELES (June 30) - Despite the threat of lawsuits from the recording industry, music fans across the country continued to swap songs illegally over the Internet, many taking precautions to remain below the radar.

Kazaa, the most popular software for file sharing, saw a significant decline in user traffic during the first 10 hours following Wednesday's announcement by the Recording Industry Association of America, which represents the major music companies. But traffic bounced back within 24 hours.

From Wednesday afternoon to Friday morning, the number of users signed on to the FastTrack network - the system that supports Kazaa and Grokster - fluctuated between 3.4 million and 4.4 million, according to figures reported by Kazaa.

''The numbers have been consistent-to-normal fluctuation,'' said Richard Chernela, a spokesman for Kazaa parent Sharman Networks.

Grokster saw downloads increase Thursday between 5 percent and 10 percent, said the company's president, Wayne Rosso.

Recording industry officials said Friday they don't expect their campaign to produce change overnight.

''This is a long-term effort,'' said RIAA spokeswoman Amy Weiss. ''We are committed to communicating the message that offering copyrighted music online is illegal. It hurts artists, songwriters and everyone else who brings music to the public, and we will hold those who engage in this activity accountable.''

The RIAA said it would file several hundred lawsuits against individuals within eight to 10 weeks seeking financial damages of up to $150,000 per copyright song.

The plan was met with skepticism in some quarters.

''The recording industry is not going to win if all they do is sue people,'' said Gigi Sohn, president of Public Knowledge, a Washington-based advocacy group on technology and copyright issues. ''They can sue all they want, but that's not going to make CD sales go up.''

In the past, the industry went after the file-sharing services themselves, succeeding in shuttering pioneer Napster. But newer services like Grokster and Morpheus have managed to dodge the courts so far by decentralizing their systems and arguing they had no control over usage.

The RIAA hopes that by going after users directly, it can end the rampant piracy it blames for a three-year slump in music sales.

While the recording industry's threat appeared to have little effect on the pace of downloading over the most popular file-sharing services, the move drew the ire of many fans, driving speculation that it could ultimately backfire and encourage a new crop of file-sharing services capable of keeping users anonymous.

Filetopia already promises to do just that, and another, called Blubster, is to launch Monday.

''If the recording industry succeeds in their goal of making large numbers of people feel unsafe in their file sharing, it's a safe bet that someone will come along to fill the sudden demand for an easy, safer way to use P2P,'' said Adrian Lamo, 22, a communications researcher from San Francisco.

For now, many users of file-sharing services say they take some precautions, but remain undeterred.

''I don't think that I trade in the volumes that they would be interested in,'' said Alec Cumming, 24, a Los Angeles film restorer who estimates he has 200 downloaded songs on his computer. ''If they really went after me, I would pretty likely stop. I'm not making any money off of it.''

Others hoped to skirt the RIAA's sweep, which is initially targeted at those who share ''substantial'' collections of MP3 files, by simply disabling the sharing feature on their software - something the RIAA hopes will mean fewer songs available on the networks.

''I turned (the feature) off because they're on their witch hunt, and I think the witch hunt will die off and prove to be just that,'' said Jeff Gregory, a Web editor in North Palm Beach, Fla., who uses Kazaa.

Well, it is just a poll and who knows how many are lying, but so far things look pretty good.

07-01-2003, 01:40 AM
I read dat...

07-01-2003, 02:14 AM
RIAA is so Gay OMG i also voted for that aol thing on my cuzes computer i dont got aol i got t3 so i couldnt vote form my comp Kazaa 4 life

i hope :(

07-01-2003, 04:34 AM
Piracy will never go away. This battle is far from over. Proxy servers and anonymous internet connections will reign supreme. ;)

07-01-2003, 02:24 PM
No matter WHAT they do, for every measure they take someone will come up with a COUNTER measure, they should just FACE it, Till the END of time, for every genius, there's one that is smarter, for every software, there will come a better one, ther will Always be crackers, etc, etc. Bottom line is NOTHING will stop people from doing what they want to do...because eventually they will find a way to do it and the p2p community is HUGE, there is NO way they can stop them. "Resistance is FUTILE"

07-01-2003, 02:28 PM
We might start seein a windows update called P2P block or SP1.5 lol. They will like block connection to the networks kazaa and such use. (Fastrack, etc)