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View Full Version : need DarkSide

08-20-2007, 07:18 PM
need darkside account

pm me :)

08-20-2007, 07:25 PM
what is ur offer ? i send u a pm ,, waiting for ur reply

08-20-2007, 07:39 PM
Oi - read the friggin rules, if he has a PM, he will be notified:


Thread Bumping

* Bumping is permitted after 12 hours have past since the last post.
* Those bumping before the 12 hours will receive a warning.
* Repeat offenders will be given infractions.

Spam Posting

* DO NOT post spam in threads with content-less posts.
* DO NOT post "good luck", "nice giveaway", "PM sent", or similar.
* Members posting spam will receive a warning.
* Repeat offenders will be given infractions.

The more posts I see ignoring the rules, the more I will report them, more work for MODs & Admin.

If you can't agree to abide by the simple rules here, what chance have you of adhering to tracker rules??