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View Full Version : How you got started with invites

08-22-2007, 04:07 AM
I was just curious to know how you got started?

Here goes my story, i started of by getting Demonoid as i was hoping to find Seasons 1-6 of the TV show Oz, as it was not anywhere at a decent speed on any other tracker i searched (this was 3-4 years ago), i then heard of this site called BitMeTv which i was told had it but was a private torrent site. I then started researching these private torrent sites and got intrigued and wanted to know more.

After about 8 months of searching for BitMeTv i was ready to give up, so i went on one of the forums i was a regular at and asked for an invite (this was against the rules and i knew that), my plan was to hopefully have someone view it before it got deleted and then offer me an invite, unfortunately this was not the case.

Anyway my thread was deleted and i PM'd the mod to apologize and told him how i had been searching for months etc, etc, and he gave me some email and told me to tell the person that he said to give me an invite, and sure enough 5 mins later i had one sitting in my inbox.

Once i became a member of BitMeTv i went to the forums (invite section) where i obtained a Oink, TL, and BitMe, invite.

From there i heard about FST and have been a active member here for about 2 years giving away invites of my own. It took me 2 years to finally get onto scene torrent which i did 4 weeks ago, believe it or not my next hardest invite to obtain was PWT which i searched for for about 6 months.

How long have you waited? What is your torrent journey? What do you still want to obtain?

For me i only want FTN, and a SCT invite for a close friend.

08-22-2007, 05:04 AM
Well i started by getting an invite to TL by a close friend, i wasn't looking for a specific thing, i just joined and wanted to leech everything, the BT idea since that time was new to me, and i wasn't expect that time i could have a full movies or games using the internet, i was depending on the dirct links/FTP links, which always sucks and very rare to find, i was very grateful to my friend, and think i own the world by getting that great fast tracker, then from the TL forums i noticed these's more and more sites, also i gain more friends @ TL + my old kind friend, then i was able to join TD, then Demonoid, then FL, then RevTT, ... etc, the strange thig is that none on my invites i gain by asking for them or beg for them, i mostly been offered by others kind friends to join, then later on i get SCC, then i heard about FST, so i came and joned, then it was my first time to know about something called trackers rarety levels, and invites/accounts trading, but i just relized it's a pathetic thing to follow, so i decide to stay here, gain more information and friends which is the real thing to gain, finally after joining FST, i found my self having lvl 10 tracker, which was really excited and cool.

Now i am hanging around, sharing my knowledge, hoping to have more and more valuable friends, and if i get interest in any tracker no matter what lvl is it, sure i would ask for an invite to it, like what i did to TT and FSC +FTN.

08-22-2007, 05:22 AM
I had demonoid for years and never really used it. Then recently I was researching something which I cannot think of right now, and I came across the site FTN. I was intrigued and I began a few months ago to search for it. I joined TI, I guess a competitor to FST, and got invites to TL, Bitmetv, Oink, RevTT, TvT, Blackcats, TD, HDbits, bit-hdtv, VIPmusic, TDC, RSR and a few others there over the past couple months. I have been giving invites on that site for a while now, and working my way up towards that FTN invite. I just joined FST like a month ago, but chose not to give invites away here because there is simply way too much trading going on on this site.

08-22-2007, 05:42 AM
The first tracker I had was TB, about 2 and a half years ago, which was followed closely by FL and TL. But it was TB that I mostly used. While at TB I heard mention of an invite-only tracker called UK-T. I asked around on the forums and some kind soul handed me an invite. But due to some database crash around the summer of that year you were asked to recover your passwords, but for some reason it wasnt working. But I didnt bother because back then UK-T wasn't that great and from what I've read it still isn't. Anyways, that was the first time i dealt with invites.
However, from then until this spring I never really bothered much with invites. I have been giving away alot of invites on private trackers. But I've never really sought any invites yet. Except nowadays I'm thinking of getting into ScT and/or FTN but I'm not like a lot of the people here who think they cant live without it. Some of the requests I've read are just ridiculously funny:
"I reeally need ScT and FTN!!! GIVE ME!!" wtf?!! LOL!!
So anyway thats my story.

08-22-2007, 06:20 AM
my torrent history is so damn long, i could write an essay on it, but i will try to keep it short

i started with elitetorrents; after et died, i moved onto tb; i saw a thread on tb that said free revolt invites, so i thought i would give that little community a shot; through revolt, i was invited to ftwr; i settled down for a bit, but then i joined tpg; through tpg, i found out about e; later, i found out about another forum (but the name i cannot mention here), and through that forum i was invited to ftn

and here i am now

08-22-2007, 06:36 AM
my torrent history is so damn long, i could write an essay on it, but i will try to keep it short

i started with elitetorrents; after et died, i moved onto tb; i saw a thread on tb that said free revolt invites, so i thought i would give that little community a shot; through revolt, i was invited to ftwr; i settled down for a bit, but then i joined tpg; through tpg, i found out about e; later, i found out about another forum (but the name i cannot mention here), and through that forum i was invited to ftn

and here i am now

I am curious to know more about ur torrent history :P
Nice journey mate, u r famous for sure!

08-22-2007, 06:46 AM
i started off my being given a password to a porn site with that i worked myself up the food chain but still need to reach the top.

08-22-2007, 07:13 AM

08-22-2007, 07:54 AM
My first private tracker back then was Demonoid, I think. Or maybe it was the old TiT, it's been some time and I don't remember that anymore. A couple of months later I started with invites but never enough to be worth mentioning. I always had the content of a tracker already so there was little need to gain an invite to something so similar - in all my time of using the BitTorrent network I've only ever asked for invites/trackers I've really needed.

Sorry, no big invite success story from me ;)

08-22-2007, 08:30 AM
Started with TB two and half years ago. After that a lot other sites and now I have all I need :happy:

08-22-2007, 09:11 AM
Start around 2004, no idea why I signup with Demonoid, then I went to boxtorrents to find some anime, I register there because I need to signup if I want to use the search function I believe

On 2005 I don't know why I watch wrestling again, I forgot where did I find PWT (& FCZ?), I learned a bit about private tracker from there, got some problem with them, got banned on both site

I went to XWT & BTZ around 2006 (a busy year), I still have no idea about the other private tracker, then suddenly someone asking if I know FTN weeks later & offer me an invite, I don't really like the site before, but I forgot why I'm starting to like it though, then I saw some people talking about OiNK, ScT & stuff, I'm quite curious so I just ask an invitation to those place & got it, to make it shorter, let's fast forward to a year after that :)

2007.. I forgot why someone mention about this place, just curious what it looks like on WIAW? thread & it turns out to be meh, I think nothing really happen this year because no one really telling me where to go to :P

08-22-2007, 10:08 AM
same with me really started off with demonoid and never looked back :D

08-22-2007, 07:35 PM
Nice journey mate, u r famous for sure!

i do not know about famous, maybe just being at the right place at the right time

08-22-2007, 07:53 PM
I can't remember how I found out about private torrent sites but TL and Oink were my first. I got invited by a guy named Acid from the slyck forums. After that I was hooked on trading. I made a few good trades, got scammed a few times too. The funny thing is that all trades aside, I was invited to SCT and FTN for free from some nice guys at one of my fav trackers.

From my experiences karma is real, your good deeds will be rewarded. And if you fuck somebody you'll end up having hell to pay.

08-22-2007, 08:33 PM
One year ago I was still laming it out with Bearshare and a friend told me...stupid!!!....check out torrents.

I played on the open torrent sites for just a short while but got sick and tired of taking the time to download what later turned out to be hacked movie files. Really, you want to watch the last release and it's porno! No thanks.

Since google is my friend I heard about this site Demonoid. I kept checking in the site and finally hit an open invite day. I was thrilled. I was like a kid in a candy shop and downloaded literally hundreds of files. Shortly in, I was trading PM’s with another D user around my helping with an upload and to my pleasant surprise I received an invite to KG. This site rocked my socks so to speak. It’s not for everyone, but I really enjoyed the avant-garde feel of the place. They are very tight on proper torrents, so from this I learned to announce torrents that are a beauty to behold: rip specs, screenshots, review and plot summaries, imdb references, the whole bit.

I stayed blissfully content in my little Demonoid world until I was forced into Torrent cold-turkey when D had some downtime in late July. While painfully working though my withdrawal symptoms (smilie inserted here!!) it was obvious that I needed to find another site. Nothing lasts forever as they say, but I had no clue where to start!! D and KG worked for me so I had no need for something else. I thought it was just normal to have shitty upload speeds, and to take your chance that the seeder would bail on you 90% in to the download!!

Anyway, I reacquainted myself with my friend google and discovered that there were actually forums out there that devoted themselves to giving/receiving invites to private torrent trackers. I got into InvitesCentral right away, and could post from day one. I also signed up for FST, but had the one month wait till I could post in the invites section.

In my first few weeks in to Invites central I signed up to all kinds of sites during open signups and giveaways of sites like maze and so on. It was like Christmas over and over again. I really enjoyed discovering these different torrent sites that I had no clue were in existence. Around this time I became eligible to start posting on the invites board of FST. By nature I have always been respectful, detailed and thoughtful about what I want and why. This carries over naturally to my posts, and requests here on FST. On one post I asked for a movie tracker and as the discussion evolved I ended up receiving an unasked for gift of two very high level trackers. It didn’t really dawn on me what I had been given until I started to read up on these sites. This early success was great for a number of reasons; but the first and strongest impression I had was that invites are there for me and anyone, you just to give and receive, be respectful and helpful, and it all works out.

Pretty soon though I found that a lot of these torrent sites are the same in terms of content, so instead I turned my focus to what makes them different: exclusive packs, fast speeds, tight communities. With this shift in priority I did my homework in advance – I’d read up on different tracker reviews and posts of members. Once I was sure that a particular site would be interesting and useful for me I’d put out a request for a giveaway. For example I knew Bitme was all about e-learning which is a passion for me, so I asked (and rec’d) an invite. On and on this happened to the point where after one month being here I’m enjoying membership of some very cool sites that others on the forum are trying to sell their mothers and sisters to join. I don’t want to insert some judgement into this, but it’s not about try to grab as much as you can without caring how you get to where you’re going. The journey has to be given as much value and consideration as the destination.

Now, I’m very content with what I have and really do not want anything else, unless something really new comes out – and then, well, I’ll just have to see what is different about it, and whether it fits for me.

Sorry for the book!!! But it was fun to reflect on how I got to where I am so fast, and that I’m proud to say that I do so by being completely clean and honourable. No trades, account selling, lying. Just asking, and when the time comes I’ll give back.

08-22-2007, 09:05 PM
i've always been more interested in music than movie/tv/apps etc. i was chatting with a friend on soulseek (music p2p client) who invited me to oink. from there a guy i met invited me to ftn and fsc - i remember first being really disappointed because there was so little music! but have definitely taken advantage of what both trackers could offer.

was active on those 3 for awhile and then people started sending me invites for sct, ****, bitme, and finally one of my favourite trackers extremebits.

never been a trader so still waiting to find some invites (based on content) but happy to wait til a friend invites me. alot of it is just dumb luck anyways. its kinda scary how invites have turned into currency and how much some are worth. some of the buffered offers i've seen mean you could leech for life pretty much.

08-22-2007, 09:31 PM
google and invite threads in torrent sites

08-22-2007, 09:37 PM
Got an invite to TD, found an invite site, and through them found this one. :)

08-22-2007, 09:43 PM
My first invite was to oink lol, then My second was ftn. Im not kidding. Then from their lol, I could od anything. Let's just say I had some good friends.

08-22-2007, 09:58 PM
Yeah they must love you. lol

08-22-2007, 10:27 PM
I started with PT one and half years ago. Now i slowly collect other sites :)

08-23-2007, 02:21 AM
(Demonoid + BitSoup) 1 year and half ago

08-23-2007, 03:10 AM
i bet i have the weirdest start of all of u

i started with Tbytes(when it was so rare),Uk-t,SCT,Bitmetv,Dofr,FL,TL

then in april 2005/6 not sure..lost all of that..thro a hack..managed 2 get tbytes,FL,TL back..couldnt reach sct irc then becuz of pass and stuff..and didnt know that uk-t was that rare/important back then..same with bitmetv...so i was a regular active user in tbytes with a 600+ forum posts and a good ratio and a good history as being one of the very early users there...i didnt care much abt any other sites back then as i was very happy with my Tbytes(yes it was really awesome back in the day)..but it started 2 suck time by time..so i decided its time 2 look for some other tracker besides Tbytes..i began 2 look @ the invites topic in tbytes 2 findout that they removed it and there is no invites given there anymore..and when i was on TPG..i found a banner of FST on some user's sig..clicked on it..and TADAA..am on FST..i liked the forum itself..n decided that am gona wait the 30 days and check the invites section..cause i was really looking for bitmetv those days for some rare stuff..and day 1 i got into the BT invites section i got bitmetv..and that was by the help of a great user i still recall and talk often to named GreenGoblin..he didnt have bitmetv invite back then so he traded(he's unretired for life now and never trades)his vry own pisexy account 2 get me a bitmetv(back when they were equal)..i really appreciated that 2 him and decided that i would one day be a helpful member just like him..he gave me my first real tips here on the forums and i used it well..made some giveaways..made some gr8 friends over here!..n then everything began to work gr8..well i traded some @ the begining ..but i didnt really get anywhere by trading..i made lots of friends that they hooked me up with almost every *needed tracker*..i got back to the position i were before i got hacked but only missing uk-t ofcourse..and i got some other gr8 sites too which are high rated here in the WIAW.and they were all given 2 me by free..and am still tryin 2 work a bit harder n be a real helpful member around here in the forums..and there's no site am missing right now..except maybe uk-t if one of my friends decide 2 hook me up with one..

The End

lol my hands hurt rlly..but it was fun writtin all that..u'll have fun reading it too :D

p.s ..i havent made up that story..some ppl said i did..but i rlly didnt! :)

03-24-2008, 03:53 PM
I aswell started with Torrentbytes, then joined digitalhive when it was just starting out. Half a year later I got a torrentleech site through a rlslog giveaway haha. Now I'm a good member of quite alot of sites, Tranceroute, Torrentleech, RevTT, BitmeTV, TheDVDClub, Waffles & iTS. Obviously still hoping I can get in to some of the torrentleech competitors but on a higher level list ScT and the likes, for the rest I'm quite settled where I am atm.

03-24-2008, 04:00 PM
My mom told me about Bittorrent.

I was using public trackers for a while.
Someone mentioned OiNK somewhere, and I followed the URL and noticed it was a music tracker. At that time, it was the only thing I downloaded and I was having problems finding all the albums I wanted, so I set out for an invite.
I got one on Last.fm.

Most of my other invites came from the OiNK's power user invite thread.

03-24-2008, 04:08 PM
Most of my private trackers come from open sign-up.

03-24-2008, 04:51 PM

03-24-2008, 05:19 PM
i bet i have the weirdest start of all of u

i started with Tbytes(when it was so rare),Uk-t,SCT,Bitmetv,Dofr,FL,TL

then in april 2005/6 not sure..lost all of that..thro a hack..managed 2 get tbytes,FL,TL back..couldnt reach sct irc then becuz of pass and stuff..and didnt know that uk-t was that rare/important back then..same with bitmetv...so i was a regular active user in tbytes with a 600+ forum posts and a good ratio and a good history as being one of the very early users there...i didnt care much abt any other sites back then as i was very happy with my Tbytes(yes it was really awesome back in the day)..but it started 2 suck time by time..so i decided its time 2 look for some other tracker besides Tbytes..i began 2 look @ the invites topic in tbytes 2 findout that they removed it and there is no invites given there anymore..and when i was on TPG..i found a banner of FST on some user's sig..clicked on it..and TADAA..am on FST..i liked the forum itself..n decided that am gona wait the 30 days and check the invites section..cause i was really looking for bitmetv those days for some rare stuff..and day 1 i got into the BT invites section i got bitmetv..and that was by the help of a great user i still recall and talk often to named GreenGoblin..he didnt have bitmetv invite back then so he traded(he's unretired for life now and never trades)his vry own pisexy account 2 get me a bitmetv(back when they were equal)..i really appreciated that 2 him and decided that i would one day be a helpful member just like him..he gave me my first real tips here on the forums and i used it well..made some giveaways..made some gr8 friends over here!..n then everything began to work gr8..well i traded some @ the begining ..but i didnt really get anywhere by trading..i made lots of friends that they hooked me up with almost every *needed tracker*..i got back to the position i were before i got hacked but only missing uk-t ofcourse..and i got some other gr8 sites too which are high rated here in the WIAW.and they were all given 2 me by free..and am still tryin 2 work a bit harder n be a real helpful member around here in the forums..and there's no site am missing right now..except maybe uk-t if one of my friends decide 2 hook me up with one..

The End

lol my hands hurt rlly..but it was fun writtin all that..u'll have fun reading it too :D

p.s ..i havent made up that story..some ppl said i did..but i rlly didnt! :)

u gotta b very very Luck user around here ..

nyways i started with demonoid , now i have got almost everything which i need except FTN or FSC ( any 1 of these ). and i have previledge to get invites of 2 very rare trackers for free , and one those i got invited by sysOp of that tracker...

03-24-2008, 07:17 PM
used public trackers first. Then I got into Demonoid (I know it's public too) from a stranger I lurked the internet to find.

From demonoid's invite forum i got sites like TL, BM, and Oink (where I also got some invites from the PU+ invite thread.)

Since then Ive gotten most of my invites from people Ive met along the way. I'm very content with what I've got now and dont really sign up to many new trackers anymore.

03-24-2008, 11:00 PM
i started downloading thing last year...but i used eMule...until someone gave me some url and told me that i could find all Lost's third season in 720p FREE...te site was TvTorrents...i registered and i started using it...then i started learning about trackers and i looked for my country's tracker until i found it...it's level 3 BTarg...then someone gave me TheDVDClub,S**********,and i could register in a bunch else like LeechersLair,BitSoup Ip Torrents and more...then i get TL, but i dont have it anymore...now i have SceneTorrents,RevTT,TorrentDamage,TheDVDClub,TvTorrents.ro,LeechersLair,TorrentBytes and some more that i barely use.

and i'm still looking for BitMe TV,TT,FTN,Waffles,BCG,ScL and a few more

03-25-2008, 12:45 AM
I started out using torrentspy after I figured out what bittorrent was about eh about 3 1/2 years ago. Then I realized how terrible it was. I heard about demonoid and caught it in open signup right off the bat. Then that died and I cried for months. Kidding. I then got on IPT during open reg, then got invited to TD, then STM, then What, then got RevTT and TDC in open reg, then got invited to TT and TL. I don't really need anything else now. 'Cept ftn of course.

03-25-2008, 12:50 AM
I started with a invite from a friend for Supertorrents. Then just networked and became helpful and earned invites to TL, RevTT,bitme,and bitmeTv. Been a great ride and met many good friends and people.

03-25-2008, 01:25 AM
Well I discovered demonoid, Then I found out that there were many more of these private trackers.

So I then met a good friend named "Bblogs". This guy was a great person. He taught me everything about torrents(How to use them,How they work etc.). He was a great teacher and I probably wouldn't even be posting this if it wasn't for him.

That's pretty much it...

03-25-2008, 02:12 AM
My first private tracker was OiNK followed soon by DigitalHive. I got a number of invites from the OiNK PU Forum to some great sites like TL and goem. I got into what.cd where a nice user recognized me and gave me an invite to ScT based on my stats and history at what.cd and some other sites. I even got into some great trackers on open sign-up, notably TD and STMusic (both invite-only now). Overall I've been pretty lucky. It really helped getting to know people especially in the beginning when I was using DC++ in the college hub and some helpful people got me started with private trackers. Overall, just being nice to people and helping out when possible and hanging out in site IRC channels has led me to make friends and later invites to the sites I was interested in.

03-25-2008, 02:38 AM
I started with demonoid (as 90% of the people, I think) and then a friend gave me an TL invitation! Thus, I began my interest about bt!
I met good people in the forums of some Brazilian`s trackers who invited me to revtt and bitmetv!
Around one year later I was invited to be part of sct!!
Now i giveaway my invites on the foruns that i am member!!

03-25-2008, 02:47 AM
Wow, i cant believe this thread has been dragged out again, its been a while. I may as well add an update, i now no longer really share invites any more for a few reasons:

1)There have been people who have let me down on BitMeTv and LearnBits

2)Most people are not active when i invite them

3)When i do give aways nobody responds to my threads anyway

I have everything i want these days but really only use FSC, FTN, MMA Tracker (my favorite),TL, and one that cant be mentioned as it would be breaking the rules :P

The only one i long for now is Revolt, which i honestly think will never happen :(

03-25-2008, 04:09 AM
I started off with BCG. I got in there when it was open sign ups. Then I started watching threads there and got to talking with other members, and started seeing all these other sites people were in at, and seeing that people were almost dying to get into certain other sites.

So from there I went to Demonoid. Within the first month or so I got invited to OiNK. Then once I made PU there, things just started to take off. I started getting invited to a lot of sites.

I got addicted there for a while and started collecting sites. I've gotten into almost everywhere that I wanted. I had over thirty sites at one point. But then I realized there is absolutely no point for that. So I gave away a lot of site, and hold onto and use only a choice few now. There are only two sites that I really want right now. And I have no doubt that I will eventually get them.

03-25-2008, 04:20 AM
I was member in TL since 2005 and my acc. was deleted accidentally last December
When they opened inv.s on Feb, I signed up here to find I must w8 for a month
I managed to get TL inv. from their irc, (cuz I was an old there and it wasn't my fault my acc. deleted)
After I had access to inv. forum I managed to get revtt (1st time to hear about it) & bitme (on my bookmarks since 2005 or 2006)
Um now willing to get inv.s to ScT, ScL, BCG & FTN but public giveaways are forbidden in all of them & I haven't any rep (cuz um not a member of pp *.ro or any sites gives u 4 inv.s daily and won't be member of them) so I guess I have to w8 for a longer period

03-25-2008, 12:47 PM
It all started when I lost my account with cinema obscura. I had one before they went private but after travelling for a while and then waiting to be able to afford a new system after my MoBo shat itself, I got back online and found out that they were now a private tracker and my account had been removed due to a lack of use. I searched and searched and searched until I came across FST and discovered a whole new world of torrents. Up to that point it had all been public trackers with the exception of demonoid, which was more or less public. So, I told my tale of woe on here and someone who I will always be grateful to gave me an invite. After proving my self there, I managed to pick up a KG and a BTmusic invite as well. Music has always been my first passion so I soon begged and pleaded my way into a ?CD invite and abandoned the 320kbps files I was getting off soulseek and stepped up to FLAC heaven. Now I am just building a rep (mostly quota based) so that I can get into waffles, pedros and maybe the unmentionable one. I have recently set up to rip my old LP's to FLAC so I am hopping this will increase my chances.

03-25-2008, 01:17 PM
Don't know anymore how it all started out or with what tracker.

Only thing I know is that when i started with BT you could get into every tracker because BT was still young and most trackers were still looking to get members.

Now it's the other way around ... there are soo many good members using BT that the private trackers can be very picky on who they let in and who they don't.

In the past (years ago) I had quite a shitty connection and some stupid quota so that I couldn't really be active on all these trackers. I was member on many now closed trackers and many almost unreachable trackers but lost most of these accounts due to inactivity.

Got a much better connection now, and have been recently arriving here because a buddy of mine mentioned FST as a good community.
I came and saw he was right. Lot's of active members helping each-other out. I am slowly building my accounts so that in the near-future I can do something back for this community.

03-27-2008, 04:17 AM
Anyway my thread was deleted and i PM'd the mod to apologize and told him how i had been searching for months etc, etc, and he gave me some email and told me to tell the person that he said to give me an invite, and sure enough 5 mins later i had one sitting in my inbox.

So do you want to pay it forward... :lol:

03-27-2008, 04:31 AM
Anyway my thread was deleted and i PM'd the mod to apologize and told him how i had been searching for months etc, etc, and he gave me some email and told me to tell the person that he said to give me an invite, and sure enough 5 mins later i had one sitting in my inbox.

So do you want to pay it forward... :lol:

Unfortunately i have lost faith in FST as i have been burned way to many times now, i have now stopped give aways as i find that returning the favor gets you know where.

03-27-2008, 05:11 AM
Started with DH less than a year ago and quickly progressed...

03-27-2008, 05:31 AM
So do you want to pay it forward... :lol:

Unfortunately i have lost faith in FST as i have been burned way to many times now, i have now stopped give aways as i find that returning the favor gets you know where.

:Pthat's cold man..
I agree with you basically with a small exception when it comes to quality content trackers as you an really do someone a favor with those.

04-06-2008, 12:23 PM
good story mate.... and darn ur pretty lucky that way.... wish u the luck ;)

04-06-2008, 12:25 PM
was lookin around on mininova like 2 years ago saw a comment that said fuck this im goin back to revoultiontt.net went there signed up...now im in the scene for life lol

04-06-2008, 12:43 PM
lol it all started with torrentspy then a non scene community and then knew abt the scenes and now this...

04-06-2008, 02:19 PM
well i got started one a small forum called *************** while participating in a few giveaways, then i started being able to giveaway invites aswell, and the rest just all comes together :D zz short but sweet

04-06-2008, 02:33 PM
lol it all started with torrentspy then a non scene community and then knew abt the scenes and now this...

Not anymore! :lol:

04-06-2008, 03:05 PM
Guess I was always just in a good position to get invites...staffed 3 different p2p sites over the last 6 years or so. Sites that I had not been invited to, I joined when they where just starting and had open signups..FTN and TL...I have a good eye for a new trackers' potential. iTS all good... ;)

04-06-2008, 04:03 PM
demonoid was my first tracker... then i eventually got TL from a friend.