View Full Version : Anarchy on-line

08-23-2007, 07:42 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v383/Hairbautt/News%20Images/CNNLogo.gif"Late last year the avatar Anshe Chung, a property developer in the virtual world Second Life who is said to have made more than $1 million dollars on virtual real estate deals, was assaulted by flying phalluses in a 'griefer' attack during a live media interview. The attack brought to attention the increasing phenomenon of anti-social behavior on the web."

"We expected so much from the internet in the early days. It was to be a libertarian's paradise, where people could meet and form lasting relationships with other individuals from around the globe, free from the constraints of daily existence - all without having to leave their bedroom.

But it seems cyberspace may just be a magnification of the worst aspects of human nature. In the on-line world, users are bullied, assaulted, even raped. In the expanding world of online gaming and social networking, anti-social and malicious behavior has become universal enough to give birth to a whole new vocabulary of terms such as 'griefing' and 'trolling'. But can the worst aspects of cyberspace be regulated or is it a universe that is impossible to control?"

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:source: Source: CNN.Com (http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/08/23/virtual.bullying/index.html)

08-26-2007, 02:08 AM
I found the examples of "greifing" amusing. Except when the victim of one cried. That was just pathetic.

People need to stop comparing the 'virtual world' to the 'real world' and the media needs to stop regarding the 'virtual world' as a microcosm of the 'real world', lest the 'virtual world' becomes more appealing than the 'real world' to troubled souls and those already ingrained in the 'virtual world' find more justification and comfort in their unhealthy situation through social proof.

Can the worst aspects of cyberspace be regulated or is it a universe that is impossible to control?
Regulations will in fact help some people achieve the instant gratification guaranteed by online games and other virtual worlds some of the time, but regulating cyberspace to stop any kinds of misconduct will inhibit game play for most boys and girls who just want to have a good time.
In my opinion mature adults shouldn't even need to bother themselves with virtual worlds. However, those more mature who do partake in the luxuries of a virtual world should just accept the malicious actions of other immature players with a grain of salt and accept it.

After all, A truly mature person would recognize that cruel actions are only displayed by those of low self-esteem (i.e. well-being, confidence) in an attempt to temporarily - however destructively or masochistically - improve their self-image and feel good about their situation in life. So instead of feeling contempt, feel pity.