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View Full Version : Linux wireless network card help

08-24-2007, 12:02 AM
I have a wireless network card made by microsoft that i cannot seem to install. it does not get automatically detected (i assume b/c since its from microsoft). I was referred to a file named ndiswrapper-1.47.tar.gz but i dont know how to use it. how do you install a .inf file on linux. also im using ubuntu.

08-24-2007, 09:30 AM
first install ndiswrapper through synaptic package manager (System>Adminitartion>Synaptic Package Manager), then look at the manual: man ndiswrapper. if i remember well, you can install an inf file with ndiswrapper -i blahblah.inf, and then you can check status with ndiswrapper -l.

08-27-2007, 08:37 AM
If you can identify the chipset used by the wireless card you should be able to use a generic Linux driver for that chipset type, although NDISwrapper works it is easier to use a standard driver.