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07-02-2003, 05:04 PM
i have a problem, when i capture a video from my camera and i want to edit it it plays just pictures it is that normal?

can someone tell me where can i find tutorials o tell me how to upload videos?

07-02-2003, 10:39 PM
not sure exactly what your problem is...

are you not getting any sound?

07-03-2003, 07:35 AM
you need to be more specific.

you could try looking under the help menu

07-03-2003, 03:55 PM
ok this is the problem, when i connect my camera to the computer it ask me if i

want to capture the video with adobre premier i click yes then i look at the video

and everything looks fine the video run at 30 or + but just with out capturing, then

i click capture movie and it began capturing when i stop it, and play what i have it

just show the video in pictures not video anymore for example a scene were me

dog is running away it the it does look the emotion the dog running it just show

like four pictures of all the scene. am i clear? is this difficult to understand? ;)

anything would help. thanks

jonathan b.

07-04-2003, 12:11 PM
hi there !
this is a bit of a hard one to work out. when you capture, what format do you capture to ? mpeg 1 or 2 ? also, you need lots of RAM for good capture
512 sd-ram is preferable . it sounds like you have more dropped frames
than actual capture, which normally means a hardware problem.
keep posting and we'll keep guessing or helping.
m8t :blink:

07-05-2003, 05:54 AM
I don't know if this is the same as what your talking about - but when I first capture a bit the captured piece shows up in premiere's bin file - if I play this piece while the camcorder is still plugged into the computer then I will get a movie that just jumps from frame to frame (shows the major or key frames in the series) without the sound.

As soon as I unplug my camcorder the movie clip will play at normal speed with sound. I'm not sure why it should make a difference that the camcorder is still hooked up but it does ( at least thats how it works on mine) - so try unplugging the camcorder when your previewing you clip and let us know if this was what was causing you grief.
