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View Full Version : Laptop Equivalent Of This Powerhorse?

08-27-2007, 04:38 PM
The creator of CtrlAltDel-Online uses this dream machine.

Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 processor
Asus Striker Extreme 680i motherboard
4GB Corsair Dominator RAM
2x GeForce 8800GTX video cards
Ageia PhysX card
320GB 3GB/s SATA Seagate HD

What would the laptop equivalent specs of that be, if possible? Every four years I invest in a good system to carry me through the next four. My current rig, from 2004, is a AMD 3400+ 64 bit, 1gb ram and Geforce6800 Ultra and I'm still comfortable with it, but I'd like to upgrade.

A computer plays the most important part in all the money making aspects of my life. I use it for film post-production and psytrance production, as well as for games. So this laptop needs to excel in all 3 areas...I'd also like a laptop seeing as because I spend so much time in front of a computer, I might as well make it mobile so I can get out of my bedroom.

Is there an equivalent to that system for laptops?

Can a mod move to Hardware?

08-27-2007, 07:23 PM
Dell precision M90

although money wise id go for something cheaper.
HP is offering cheap prices for good stuff, you can add on...

08-27-2007, 08:02 PM
Should I rather get a good desktop and a good laptop, rather than getting one of the extreme cutting edge formats? Also, can laptops be custom built like desktops or will they generally come pre-built and difficult to upgrade? I don't normally upgrade parts, just entire systems after 3 years. I take it I can't run two Geforce8800s in a laptop?

08-28-2007, 12:35 AM
if you can afford it, spend about 1500 for a good hp laptop and build a pc for the same

08-28-2007, 04:42 PM
I'm looking at the Dell M90, but graphically the customisation only allows for a QuadroFX based card. I know Quadro's are meant more for industrial work than gaming, would a GF8700m be a better bet for gaming the next few years? http://www.nvidia.com/object/geforce_8700m.html

Is there no way to run two cards in SLI?