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View Full Version : Help with Tzulo Seedbox

08-29-2007, 09:08 PM
Since this is pertaining to a seedbox, I figured it would belong in this section. If not, please let me know where it really should be at.

Anyways, Ive gotten myself a Tzulo VPS, (Cheap. I got what I paid for.)

Seems as if I have been having error after error.

It was working fine, until I had to leave out of time for the night. Came back, and thats when I have been getting this error:

login as: xxx
[email protected]'s password:
Last login: Tue Aug 28 03:58:29 2007 from x
VE config file does not exist

(Using PuTTY)

Then, I immediately get disconnected, and PuTTY closes. Ive tried using the "Console Access" in the Control Panel also, but it always tells me the password is incorrect. (Which I know for a fact, that the password is correct.)

So, I am unable to use the VPS at all.

Any ideas? How would I be able to get this config file? (Ive done numerous rebuilds and reboots, nothing worked thus far.)

08-29-2007, 09:23 PM
Any ideas? How would I be able to get this config file? (Ive done numerous rebuilds and reboots, nothing worked thus far.)

you need to contact the administrator. that's a problem with the software that's running the vps, and nothing you can fix yourself.