View Full Version : tv.torrents.ro promotion...

09-02-2007, 04:04 PM
on the FAQ it says that PU need to have 10Gb upload and ratio above 1.05, and menber at least 4 weeks.
i´m registered at more than 4 weeks, have more than 100Gb uploaded. in the faq says that the promotion is automatic but i am my stats still show me as "user".
there is something wrong with this site???

09-02-2007, 05:17 PM
pm the admin or fls

09-02-2007, 05:39 PM
The script for promotion run @ 48 hours i think ... so wait 1 or 2 days :)

09-02-2007, 06:45 PM
The script for promotion run @ 48 hours i think ... so wait 1 or 2 days :)

but the problem is that i sloud be PU at least 1.5 weeks... :/

09-02-2007, 09:53 PM
have you downloaded anything or is your ratio infinite?

ive had this problem before where i wasnt auto promoted at a site and it was because i had an inf ratio due to free leech but i just downloaded something small or something partial and it promoted me

09-02-2007, 10:24 PM
i have downloaded a couple Gb, i have racio=6.***