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View Full Version : Akira/vhd

07-04-2003, 04:40 PM
is there anything other than DivFix that i could use with this? i happens with both "Akira (DivX DVD).divx" (474,683KB) and "Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust.divx" (729,663KB). now, with Akira, i doubt its a bad file, because i got this out of a hash from one of the varified sections of this forum. akira dies at about 11 minutes in, and VHD dies at about 14 minutes in. ive tried running DivFix on these files, but it does nothing. also, i doubt this has anything to do with anything but with both, you cant fast forward at all.

(and yes, im aware that i ask waaaaaaay too many question on this forum)

07-04-2003, 10:39 PM
Just because you got it in the verifieds section doesn't mean you got the file down without any errors. Anyways, give avipreview a go (not the one included with k-lite, but the console version) http://www.biryani.demon.co.uk/software/av...avipreview.html (http://www.biryani.demon.co.uk/software/avipreview.html)

07-05-2003, 01:22 AM
ya i have avipreview, but it doesnt do anything. i tried that version, but i get an error and it crashes, so i dont know.

07-05-2003, 01:37 AM
and it pisses me off to, because everytime i run divfix on akira, i get the same error every time.

Error offset: 45706726
Corrupted data detected at frame 27908
NOTE: The error checking is not perfect!
Checking Errors...
Error offset: 45706726
Corrupted data detected at frame 27908
Rebuilding index...

07-05-2003, 03:13 AM
try using virtualdub_mp3freeze (allows use for XviD files...)...do a scan for freezes, and delete the bad frames...if the program crashes because of the video error, note the frame it crashed at, then reopen virtualdub and go past that point, and moving backwards find the end of the bad section (it will crash again....) then finally reopen virtualdub and now that you know the beginning and end points of the bad section, delete it!

07-05-2003, 04:27 AM
awesome dude, thanks alot, ill try it

07-05-2003, 04:43 AM
thats wierd. i have akira and it worked fine for me. except its more close to 550mb.

07-05-2003, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by opivykid@5 July 2003 - 03:22
ya i have avipreview, but it doesnt do anything. i tried that version, but i get an error and it crashes, so i dont know.
sounds more like you don't know how to use it if it doesn't 'do' anything. What it does is exactly what virtualdub does (and NO you don't need any special version to use xvid coded files, you just have to have to have the codec installed), but you don't need to do the manual labour (that is, you don't have to check out where the errors are).

And btw, I'd go with the ogm version of akira (check the anime link in my sig)

07-05-2003, 10:32 PM
akira = crap to begin with. i dl'ed another version, and it ran, but the audio is out of synch(sp?)......... DAMNIT. how might i go about fixing this? EDIT = i used divfix, but somehow it brought me back to how it was before, please someone give me the sig2dat for this movie, ive seen the first 11:37 minutes about 7 times haha.

VHD = needed the new version of divfix to get it to work

07-06-2003, 02:07 AM
i got both to work, akira seems odd though, like somethings missing in the movie.......