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07-04-2003, 09:03 PM
I couldn't figure out what bothered me so much about XP.
That is until Now.
XP's GUI looks like it was designed for (by) Children.
I guess Microsoft thought we could all understand their product better if they put a bonzi buddy like GUI in it.
I don't need no stinking dog.
Longhorn is continuing this tradition, but taking it to a new level.

There's so many little things that one cannot do, like how do you customize a particular folder (put background pic)?
The pixel height of the title bar and standard button bars is also to big adding to the space that explorer takes up on the screen.
Please don't tell me to use full screen instead.
Is there a way to change that?
They should have stayed with a more straight forward computer work enviroment like 98 and ME.
Does anyone agree?

07-04-2003, 09:38 PM
XP's GUI looks like it was designed for (by) Children.

I don't need no stinking dog.

There's so many little things that one cannot do, like how do you customize a particular folder (put background pic)?

LOL. Contradictory...

For a more adult theme with a thin taskbar, click here (http://www.themexp.org/view_info.php?comments=1&id=17644). Also, you'll need this (http://www.lightstar1.com/install.htm).

07-04-2003, 11:01 PM
Thanks man I'll give it a try!

07-05-2003, 03:21 AM
I must say that I'm impressed with this theme. Most of the themes you see are just as "fat" as the default Luna theme.

However... I really don't like the fact that there's this nasty dark gray crap around and in HTML textareas and select boxes that don't have a specified background color (like this board).

07-05-2003, 04:59 AM
c'mon, that's a prettly lame complaint...
you can make XP look like 2k & 9x by simply selecting 'Windows Classic' from the Themes drop down menu (Themes tab) in the Display control panel applet.
Change the start menu back to normal by selecting the "Classic Start Menu" option in the
Taskbar & Start Menu control panel applet.

but certainly you knew this already..

and This (http://www.themexp.org/view_info.php?id=27249) is my current favorite Visual Style.

07-05-2003, 06:32 AM
Thanks Guys!
I knew that tone of this thread might get the i're of some of you XP lovers up!

but certainly you knew this already..

Yeah I knew that, but I like the XP start menu.
I just wanted to make explorer skinny'er.
Is that a word? :lol:

Hey people :D
What XP secrets or tricks is your favorite?
Btw Liquid Acid
I haven't installed the progs from those links you posted, but after reading about it, I'm impressed!
Thank you!

07-05-2003, 07:14 AM
Windows Explorer??
If that's what you mean, then go to Tools > Folder Options > 'General' tab
Change the button from "Show Common Tasks" to "Use Classic Folders"
If you meant Internet Explorer, then I don't know what you're talking about..

yes, it's a word, but it's spelled skinnier.

Not that I'm an XP lover really, but if your only complaint is about something that you can
easily change yourself, then it just sounds foolish.

07-05-2003, 07:45 AM
No it's not my only complaint.
Just a few that I vented.

Yup...I meant IE.

07-05-2003, 07:49 AM
what&#39;s unskinny (<not a word, unless you&#39;re in Poison) in IE ?

07-05-2003, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by ShockAndAwe^i^@4 July 2003 - 22:03
I couldn&#39;t figure out what bothered me so much about XP.
That is until Now.
XP&#39;s GUI looks like it was designed for (by) Children.

Same here man&#33;
That&#39;s the reason i didn&#39;t install it yet. (well one of them)

It&#39;s made for kids, you can&#39;t control your own pc anymore.
I hate that&#33;

ME still does it for me. :lol: :rolleyes:

07-05-2003, 08:08 AM
I think I know what he means, and If I do, then I have the same complaint. In IE I run the 3 standard toolbars plus the Google bar (I love the beta BTW), and it takes up way more space than I would like (even without the Google bar). I dont see why in the options there cant be a normal icon, small icon and an addion of tiny icons, they are WAY larger than necessairy&#33;. I also realize there is a full screen mode which I do use, but I have a tendancy to run 3+ browsers at the same time, and I only have two desktops. I WISH there were a way to skinn IE like with PhaseOut or NeoPlanet. Both are very nice in theory BTW but are still lacking key features that are in IE which is why I still have to use it *sigh*. Tabbed browsing has almost pulled me away quite a few times, but I always end up righ back with IE.

07-05-2003, 08:11 AM
/me wonders what resolution these people are using...

07-05-2003, 08:24 AM
I played with IE a little bit, and got it about as "thin" as I think I could...

thinnIEr.png (http://cl1mh4224rd.home.comcast.net/img/thinnIEr.png) (233 KB)

07-05-2003, 08:53 PM
It&#39;s made for kids, you can&#39;t control your own pc anymore.

I&#39;m not sure what you mean by that. XP, as an operating system, does not start calling the shots - telling you what to do. If you refer to the wizards, they can be disabled. All the bad features of XP, like privacy and the UI can be easily overcome.

Don&#39;t get me wrong, i&#39;m no M&#036; slave. But i have found XP to be the most reliable home user OS out. I previously used 2000, which is basically the same- if a little purer. Millenium Edition really is utter crap.

On the issue of UI&#39;s, i use the UXTheme patch mentioned and really like the Tetra and boseclass themes linked.

Edit. Regarding b0seclass

However... I really don&#39;t like the fact that there&#39;s this nasty dark gray crap around and in HTML textareas and select boxes that don&#39;t have a specified background color (like this board).
I don&#39;t have that problem with it.

07-05-2003, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by LTJBukem@5 July 2003 - 21:53
Edit. Regarding b0seclass

However... I really don&#39;t like the fact that there&#39;s this nasty dark gray crap around and in HTML textareas and select boxes that don&#39;t have a specified background color (like this board).
I don&#39;t have that problem with it.
Hmm... seems to be specific to Mozilla. I checked it out in IE and Opera, and they were both fine.

I wonder if this behaviour has been reported.

07-06-2003, 02:44 AM
A thought&#33;
I wish Win 98/ME had aplha blending.

07-06-2003, 06:48 AM
Get WebBlinds (skinning program for Internet Explorer) and just set it to a "skinny" theme. Personally, I like the buttons. However, I also like my 1600x1200 resolution :P

07-06-2003, 07:29 AM
Ahhh man
That&#39;s not fair.
Hell, with that screen res. you could afford to make it even bigger&#33;

07-07-2003, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by ShockAndAwe^i^@ 5 July 2003 - 07:32
Btw Liquid Acid
I haven&#39;t installed the progs from those links you posted, but after reading about it, I&#39;m impressed&#33;
Thank you&#33;

You&#39;re welcome. Did you ever try out b0seclass? I think it is exactly what you are looking for. Don&#39;t bother with windowsblinds, just use the uxtheme patch.