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View Full Version : bitnation.com help please

09-05-2007, 08:25 PM
I need some help getting an admin to reset my pw. I lost my pass and the recover option is not working (it says it sends me the acct details after confirming it from email, but the second email with the reset pw never comes --- I have tried like 10-15 times)...

can someone with an acct send a pm to the mods there and ask them to reset my pass and send me the info (email is in the acct).

thanx for the help - or suggestions ....

09-05-2007, 10:23 PM
It worked for me 2 days ago.

what email are you using? Did you check the spam folder?

gmail did not spam mine.

09-06-2007, 12:28 AM
in hotmail there is a junk mail folder not a spam..

heres what I did, I clicked recover from the bitnation site. entered my email.. checked hotmail and saw the recover request email with a link. . which was the first of the 2 emails it would go through ok everytime.. so I know its not being blocked I would click the link in the first email and then it would launch a browse window to bitnations site and that would say the email password info is being sent to your email - wait a few minutes... but it never arrives... I tried this 10-15 times.. same result everytime... its weird.