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View Full Version : PSP rev. 2

mr. nails
09-05-2007, 09:32 PM
so, i see the new revision is out and maybe it's time to get one of these. hopefully i can find some of the older umd's for sale @ frys or even on amazon or something. they had some really cool movies/anime i'd like to have. also, upcoming final fantasy games, castlevania and many more to cum out for this. not too much differences in this new rev. more responsive d-pad and (this is kinda cool) the new input to watch the psp on tv. that may be cool. idk. this is a good thing? or maybe overkill on sony? urs for $169.99 - $199.99

Source (http://www.shacknews.com/laryn.x?story=48793)

silent h3ro
09-05-2007, 10:15 PM
The only difference between this and the old PSP is a new mobo, gayer umd drive, different memory stick slot, and the tv out feature. They got rid of the IR on top of the PSP. Oh but it is a little slimmer than the old PSP. Basically my point is there is no real new reason to get a PSP. I'm still personally going to trade mine in at best buy for the slim tho.

09-05-2007, 10:21 PM
there is not much difference in the new psp compared to the old psp i dont think im gona waste my money tbh

mr. nails
09-05-2007, 10:27 PM
gayer umd drive...


09-05-2007, 11:18 PM
The only difference between this and the old PSP is a new mobo, gayer umd drive, different memory stick slot, and the tv out feature. They got rid of the IR on top of the PSP. Oh but it is a little slimmer than the old PSP. Basically my point is there is no real new reason to get a PSP. I'm still personally going to trade mine in at best buy for the slim tho.

....shorter battery loife.

09-06-2007, 12:31 AM
the TVout its a really cool function.

If I had to choose I'd rather buy the rev2 instead, even if its a little more expensive.

09-06-2007, 12:58 AM
The TV feature sounds cool but I'll stick with my regular PSP.

silent h3ro
09-06-2007, 09:36 PM
The only difference between this and the old PSP is a new mobo, gayer umd drive, different memory stick slot, and the tv out feature. They got rid of the IR on top of the PSP. Oh but it is a little slimmer than the old PSP. Basically my point is there is no real new reason to get a PSP. I'm still personally going to trade mine in at best buy for the slim tho.

....shorter battery loife.Apparantly they say the new PSP uses less power and is more efficient with a smaller battery.

gayer umd drive...

explain?It is no longer a slot loaded spring drive.

mr. nails
09-16-2007, 10:42 PM
gayer umd drive...

It is no longer a slot loaded spring drive.

how does it work now? like a 8bit cartridge?

i was cruisin' thru wally world last nite and they seem to have a lot of cool rpg's on the psp, but over 1 bill still sounds a bit to much. idk, we'll c.

silent h3ro
09-17-2007, 01:15 AM

What you do is open the drive manually with your finger and then just set the UMD and close it. I hear it is a little awkward to get used to and its cheap feeling.

mr. nails
09-27-2007, 09:11 PM
i'm really close, yet undecided on whether or not imma get a psp. i was @ wally world last nite looking @ them, but i need some help. do any of u guys know how to tell the different between revision 1 and revision 2 on the box? where does it say on the box that it's revision 2? kinda want that info. someone got a ss of the revision 2 box art or something showing the differences plz?

silent h3ro
09-30-2007, 11:48 PM
They are stopping the production of the fat PSP in favor for the slim one whcih is also called PSP 2000.


Slim PSP (aka PSP 2000):

mr. nails
09-30-2007, 11:55 PM
awesome. thx! yeah, talked to dude @ store and he pointed this out. thx 4 pics!