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View Full Version : Beware New Nero

07-05-2003, 04:32 AM
Dear friends ... I had and d/l the newest verson and what happened after I d/l is that it deleted the whole version and gave me just a demo of Nero Express only.

That's why they are going to Version 6 ... they must know about all the keygen programs and they must visit K-lite often. Be careful before you d/l it. Go to the website and read about Nero 6 and see for yourself.

Just don't say I didn't warn you!!! ... I had to go back to ole reliable and will use that until ... the keygen for version 6 appears. ;)

07-05-2003, 04:36 AM
i upgraded and used a keygen and its fine, i got the new full registered version :huh:

07-05-2003, 04:49 AM
I used a keygen also but after I d/l it "stole" my Nero and gave me a demo of Nero Express. What exactly did you do to get it to work?


07-05-2003, 04:49 AM
No problem with mine at all. You must have had some pre existing problems.

07-05-2003, 06:12 AM
it happened to me too its was the order i installed it i fiugured out cant remember exactly what but i think i had to remove nefin i had on before instaling the new one.

07-05-2003, 06:34 AM
I had the same problem too. Nero Express just took over and wouldn't let me access Nero. Had to uninstall and then go back to the old version. Maybe I missed something.

07-05-2003, 06:40 AM
Are you installing over top of Nero like you're supposed to? It's an upgrade or new install automatically depending what version you start with. I've just gone with an upgrade each time and everything works.

07-05-2003, 07:12 AM
Are you installing over top of Nero like you're supposed to?

Yes, just installed over the top, but it didn't ask for a new serial. It was only after it installed, and I tried to use it that Express was the only thing that I could access.

07-05-2003, 07:25 AM

07-05-2003, 07:30 AM
express is just the shortcut method of opening Nero.
Your program list should have a way to expand all the files to show Nero burning rom.
If you can't find it there, take a look in the programs folder in My Computer/program files/Nero and there should be an exe there to open it.
You can create a shortcut and paste it on the desktop if you want.

Ahead/Nero/nero.exe is what you're looking for.

2nd gen noob
07-05-2003, 07:32 AM
i had no probs upgrading to the new version from

07-05-2003, 08:30 AM
i had no probs either, upgrading from the last version to the latest, .35 to .45 i think? but my burner came with nero though, :D

07-05-2003, 09:55 AM
Sometimes nero detects some serial as 'bad serial' (You bad bad serial :lol: ), in which case you'll get the nero express after an upgrade.

Uninstall, get a keygen, do a fresh install, and use a diferent serial, that should fix you up.

07-05-2003, 11:46 AM
If you can't find it there, take a look in the programs folder in My Computer/program files/Nero and there should be an exe there to open it.

Found the exe. and created shortcut ok. Clicking it gets me this:- "you may have an illegal copy of Nero" and then opens Nero Express Trial Version only.

Will reinstall, and get a new serial from the keygen.

Many Thanks to all for the help.

07-05-2003, 12:57 PM
Ah so now we know! I have a good keygen if needed. PM your email only, with alienz in the subject line. Make sure you can recieve 85k!
Says but has worked for all so far.

07-05-2003, 01:14 PM
I'm still using Nero works for me!
Why update if it works?

It does all i want, just stick to your working version i say!


07-05-2003, 01:34 PM

Bug fixes and new implementations... you can read the release notes, at least I like to be well actualized as far as software is concerned.

07-05-2003, 01:35 PM
Hey guys if you install it the same directory IT WILL TAKE OVER. Change the path. I haven't had the problem.

07-05-2003, 01:39 PM
I did as posted I did a full UNINSTALL ... then removed the directory and now it is working fine.

Apparently there is a problem when it is in the same directory. So sorry if I started a riot.

Nero Rom is still the best ... but I guess the world is not perfect ... unlike the board for K-lite!!! B)

07-05-2003, 02:23 PM
No, there is not necesarilly a problem when upgraded on the same directory, this just happens sometimes when the current serial is detected as a corrupt one.

07-05-2003, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by RobGee@5 July 2003 - 05:32
That's why they are going to Version 6 ... they must know about all the keygen programs and they must visit K-lite often. Be careful before you d/l it. Go to the website and read about Nero 6 and see for yourself.
so lemme get this straight.............. a company that has gotten that big due 2 a program that allows ppl 2 just copy cds WITH the protection along thinks its weird that there r keygens circulating?????


07-05-2003, 07:02 PM
most software companys release an update that locks and deletes the cracked.. illegal versions.

07-05-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by Storm@July 5 2003 - 13:27

so lemme get this straight.............. a company that has gotten that big due 2 a program that allows ppl 2 just copy cds WITH the protection along thinks its weird that there r keygens circulating?????

That is kinda funny ain't it ... they don't mind you making copies WITH their software ... but not OF their software.


What has this world come too!!! :o

07-06-2003, 12:21 AM
This might sound crazy, but I don't let any programs that don't NEED to talk to a server do so. When you run a program for the first time, usually there is a checkbox for "automatic updates" kill that mf. Why in God's green earth would a CD rom burning program need to talk to its server? Updates? Maybe in a year. To tell on you most probably. That you are using a cracked version.

Also if you have a firewall, it will override the program and deny access to the server if you configure it to do so.

07-07-2003, 12:37 AM
Email sent. Many thanks again.

07-07-2003, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by MediaSlayer@5 July 2003 - 18:21
This might sound crazy, but I don't let any programs that don't NEED to talk to a server do so. When you run a program for the first time, usually there is a checkbox for "automatic updates" kill that mf. Why in God's green earth would a CD rom burning program need to talk to its server? Updates? Maybe in a year. To tell on you most probably. That you are using a cracked version.

Also if you have a firewall, it will override the program and deny access to the server if you configure it to do so.
i agree.. Zone Alarm is like tha Bouncer for a comp when it comes to that hehe.
Toss em outz

07-21-2003, 05:22 PM
I am the one that started this ... and so I should tell you that the problem is that the older keygens ... give you a key which starts with a 1 ... when the newer keys begin with a 5.

The keygens for 5.5.8 and before will not work with the new Nero. There is a new keygen for 5.5.10.x.x out... that's the one you need. if you try it with a key that starts with a 1 ... it will know you are using a old (bad) key.

Nero is still the best ... and I wonder what they have up their sleeves with Nero 6 Ultra ... they keep putting off the "OFFICIAL" release ... which means they are working on piracy issues.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??????? :o

07-21-2003, 05:55 PM
I have a genuine copy of nero (came with my burner). The serial number starts with a '1'. I have no problems with so I don't think that is the problem.

btw there is no need to SHOUT

07-21-2003, 05:56 PM
Nero 6 Ultra is already out on retail. It seems that only the web release is held back to add Nero Recode (f*** knows what that's supposed to be :huh:)

And IMO the holdback for that reason is for Nero Recode, not for piracy issues - If it was due to piracy, it'd have to be for a new patch - Nero 6 Ultra's been spread all over the P2P networks at least a week before official release :D

There was a problem with the first-version CORE keygen that "shipped" with many of the Nero 6 ISOs. This has since been fixed by CORE (even more interesting is that ORION seemed to capitalise on that problem - Check the NFOs of the latest keygens of CORE & ORION and it seems they're in a kinda mini-battle about it :lol:). Only way I know to find them is to go on ShareLive (http://www.sharelive.com) with eMule and go to the Nero 6 Ultra Fix by Sons_of_Liberty.

One last thing - If it isn't that much trouble, is there any chance you can cool it with the large bold font? :blink: Considering that most of the forum uses the default text settings, it's kinda giving you the image of exaggerating everything :huh:
It's probably just me thinking that though. :unsure:

07-21-2003, 06:01 PM
I have a genuine copy of nero (came with my burner). The serial number starts with a '1'. I have no problems with so I don't think that is the problem

Same here

1502-****-****-****-****-**** - Came with my PC.

I was able to update it for every version of Nero 5. In fact, the only reason why I got the "pirate" copy of Nero 6 was because it no longer allows OEM software to upgrade :( Their loss IMO :P, but I digress

07-21-2003, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by RobGee@4 July 2003 - 22:32
[SIZE=4] they must know about all the keygen programs and they must visit K-lite oftenSIZE]


07-22-2003, 12:17 AM
Well, here's what happened to me. I have nero on my pc, it came with my pc. I have always been able to keep it updated at nero's webpage. So, I downloaded nero 6 off bit torrent, & burned the cue files to a cd. So I used my new cd that I burned & it seemed to work ok. It told me I could update to nero 6. Everything was installing great. It didn't ask me anything till towards the end. I used the serial # that came with my download. Start's with an A so on.
I finished installing., then I went to click on nero & it reboots my pc. Every time I click on it it reboots. I tried clicking on nero express & it asks for serial, so I use the one I got with it. No good. Everything else I click on, asks for serial #. I tried to uninstall, & I couldn't uninstall, something wasn't right with the uninstaller.
So I had to use system restore to go back a day or two before I installed nero 6. Now I am ok, I have my nero 5 back again. So, anyone know why my pc kept rebooting when I clicked on nero. Should I have uninstalled my nero 5 before putting on 6, or should I have put it in another directory or what. I need to find out, because I want to reinstall nero 6 again. Any help would be appreciated.
Also, would someone please send me a new kegen, that will work with 6. Sorry for the long post, & Thank's in advance. My email is [email protected]

07-22-2003, 12:23 AM
You might have the missed the .nfo which says to uninstall any previous versions of nero first. Old installs with bad numbers, if detected, will disable Nero 6. You can't upgrade using this new one.

You'll have to clean the registry and reinstall Nero 6 clean with the serial number that came with it.

07-22-2003, 12:40 AM
Yes I guess I missed reading that part. Next time, I'll uninstall my nero 5, & deleat the reg. keys & start with a fresh install. At least if it doesn't work, I can probally uninstall 6 & put 5 back on, since I have my cd for nero 5. I'm also downloading another file of nero 6 to see if it's a fake or what. Does anyone know the real size for the nero 6 full version download? Thank's for your help!

07-22-2003, 01:49 AM
yeah exactly

07-22-2003, 02:54 AM
It's not that unlikely that they browse warez sites. I know of a lot of companies that do that, Tweak XP's parent company being one that stands out quite nicely in my mind. Also, IntelliMail or whatever that is.

07-22-2003, 03:55 AM
Sorry for the past "shouting" ... I didn't know that is what I was doing.

I may be wrong but everytime I try to use a key with a #1 in the beginning it doesn't install normal. When I try the keygen that gives me a #5 at the beginning it works.

My harddrive just went bad and I had to go out and buy a new one. I just installed Windows XP and then d/l Nero and when I entered a #1 in the beggining it gave me the same error and it was a brand new install on a brand new harddrive. I just assumed that that was the problem.

If that is not it ... then I don't know why it acts up like it does. But it is working fine right now ... and I will stay with it ... for it does all that I need. B)

07-22-2003, 11:34 AM
Why not Download Nero v6 + KeyGen From me It works perfectly fine


The Size Is 50.3 mb and its a rar sfx file named " Nero v6 + KeyGen " You will find it on kazaa lite

If you already have nero v6 and your keyGen will not let you use nero start smart saying that you have the wrong language licience or something like that Then dl " Nero v6 Keygen.sfx " from me its the only one that really works thanks to 'Orion'

You may have to uninstall the old nero first i'm not sure as the first keygen i had never worked so i uninstalled then installed nero to see if thats why but when i used new keygen it worked straight away perfect !

07-22-2003, 07:19 PM
I had this same problem after upgrading from my kazaa- downloaded version of to the site's release of . I have found that not only did the site recognize my previous install as a bad serial, it too only allowed me to install to an express or demo version.

Luckily, the software will allow you to change serials at will. Just keep plugging in a new and different serial (I use the generator for until you see the full version unlocked.