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View Full Version : Im Going To But One :o

07-05-2003, 03:39 PM
I Have Always Been A Loyal PS2 Owner But Now I Want To Try Something Different so Im Going To Buy A Gamecube or X Box Wich Should I Buy? If You Tell Me Some Stuff(Pros/Cons Price ect.) Maybe That Will Help Me Decide :blink:

07-06-2003, 04:23 PM
Definetly an X box I am no fan boy but it is the most powerfull console and its gonna have half life 2 and doom III and deus ex: invinsible war besides it also has a harddrive I bought one and am very happy with it! :D

07-06-2003, 04:27 PM
i have a GC, its good, but there is still a lack of many good games, some more are coming out soon thankfully but now the rare is owned by MS, there is no perfect dark sequel coming out for cube... If you want more games now and better online support, go for the box. (Although I've never even played on an x box, just read about them)

07-06-2003, 04:44 PM
Read this (http://www.klboard.ath.cx/bb/index.php?showtopic=42439)

Penis Monkey
07-06-2003, 05:39 PM
I perspnally think you should go for the Cube. Although it does not have a fully established games library yet, most of the games are brilliant. The Cube has TWO features that make it better than the rest: Number one, the GameBoy Player, which allows you to play and GameBoy game on your telly, and number two, the GBA connectivity, which adds exclusive elements to games and makes them better than their other format counterparts.
Also, because the Cube gets multi-format games later than the rest, usually the Cube gets the best version.
The downside is the lack of games though, but that will soon change.

07-06-2003, 06:50 PM
Good lord Penis this guy is looking for a totally unbiased opinion and it's so clear that you are biased toward a GC.

1. You have to buy the Gameboy Player to play Gameboy games on the GC.
2. The connectivity with the Gameboy Advance is not great at all (yet) unless you are a child and that's pushing it. (except Splinter Cell)
3. You have to buy the Gameboy Advance for connectivity.
4. Some retailers and developers are dropping or slowing support for the GC.
5. GC gets multi-format games last.
6. Those games almost always play second fiddle to Xbox games.
There aren't any games that are better on GC that are also on Xbox except Need For Speed Hot Pursuit (Xbox version sucked) and maybe Splinter Cell (just because of the GBA, Xbox still has it beat graphicly). Some of your statements are of course your opinion but that last one is clearly wrong.

Get a PS2 for the biggest game library, best DVD and to play it's exclusives
Get a GC for it's exclusives
Get a Xbox for the best graphics, best online and it's exclusives